Test output for sqlite3 [fail]

Testing time: 0s

/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null

-- testing SQLite3 bindings --------------------------------------------------
library version ...................................................... [ PASS]

    -- testing SQL completeness checks ---------------------------------------
    complete SQL ..................................................... [ PASS]
    incomplete SQL ................................................... [ PASS]
    2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
    2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing SQL completeness checks ----------------------------------

    -- testing statement management ------------------------------------------
    basic lifecycle .................................................. [ERROR]
Error: (finalize!) unable to close due to unfinalised statements: #<sqlite3:database>
      (db ":memory:")
        (((stmt tail) (prepare db "SELECT 42; -- tail")))
          (lambda ()
            (let* ((s0 (step! stmt)) (s1 (step! stmt))) (list tail s0 s1)))
          (lambda () (and-let* ((s stmt)) (set! stmt #f) (finalize! s))))))
    unfinalized statement detection .................................. [ PASS]
    automatic statement finalization ................................. [ PASS]
    SQL error detection .............................................. [ PASS]
    repair ........................................................... [ PASS]
    column count ..................................................... [ PASS]
    column name ...................................................... [ PASS]
    column declared type ............................................. [ PASS]
    column type ...................................................... [ PASS]
    parameter count .................................................. [ PASS]
    parameter name ................................................... [ PASS]
    parameter index .................................................. [ PASS]
    12 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
    1 error (8.3%).
    11 out of 12 (91.7%) tests passed.
    -- done testing statement management -------------------------------------

    -- testing simple statement interface ------------------------------------
    data invariance .................................................. [ PASS]
    boolean invariance ............................................... [ PASS]
    null invariance .................................................. [ PASS]
    single value retrieval ........................................... [ PASS]
    single row retrieval ............................................. [ PASS]
    missing data detection ........................................... [ PASS]
    folding rows ..................................................... [ PASS]
    mapping rows ..................................................... [ PASS]
    iterating over rows .............................................. [ PASS]
    change counting .................................................. [ PASS]
    named parameters ................................................. [ PASS]
    bad named parameter detection .................................... [ PASS]
    bad parameter count detection .................................... [ PASS]
    13 tests completed in 0.004 seconds.
    13 out of 13 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing simple statement interface -------------------------------

    -- testing user defined functions ----------------------------------------
    collation sequences .............................................. [ PASS]
    simple functions ................................................. [ PASS]
    aggregate functions .............................................. [ PASS]
    3 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
    3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing user defined functions -----------------------------------

1 test and 4 subgroups completed in 0.01 seconds.
1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
3 out of 4 (75.0%) subgroups passed.
-- done testing SQLite3 bindings ---------------------------------------------

Database memory still used: 71040
Database memory high water mark: 165224