Test output for sqdb [ok]
Testing time: 5s
/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null (cwdb (lambda (db) (add db 'ctr 0) (add db 'ctr2 100) (incr db ... ... [ PASS] (cwdb (lambda (db) (add* db 'ctr 0) (incr db 'ctr) (fetch db 'c... ... [ PASS] (cwdb (lambda (db) (add db 'ctr 0) (incr db 'ctr) (fetch db 'ct... ... [ PASS] (cwdb (lambda (db) (store db 'ctr 7) (incr db 'ctr) (fetch db '... ... [ PASS] (cwdb (lambda (db) (incr db 'ctr 2) (incr db 'ctr2 5) (cons (fe... ... [ PASS] (cwdb (lambda (db) (store db 'foo "bar") (update db 'foo (lambd... ... [ PASS] (cwdb (lambda (db) (cons (exists? db 'foo) (exists? db 'foo2)))) ..... [ PASS] test update with non-existent and existing key ....................... [ PASS] inc non-existent returns #f .......................................... [ PASS] inc existing returns #t .............................................. [ PASS] inc result correct ................................................... [ PASS] dec existing returns #t .............................................. [ PASS] dec result correct ................................................... [ PASS] dec non-existing returns #f .......................................... [ PASS] -- testing types ------------------------------------------------------------- fetch exact integer .................................................. [ PASS] fetch inexact integer ................................................ [ PASS] fetch integer string ................................................. [ PASS] fetch non-numeric string ............................................. [ PASS] increment int -> int + 1 ............................................. [ PASS] increment fp -> fp + 1 ............................................... [ PASS] increment fp -> fp + 0.2 ............................................. [ PASS] increment integer string -> int + 1 .................................. [ PASS] increment non-numeric string -> 1 .................................... [ PASS] fetch u8vector encapsulated in blob .................................. [ PASS] 10 tests completed in 1.152 seconds. 10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing types -------------------------------------------------------- -- testing traversal --------------------------------------------------------- list keys ............................................................ [ PASS] list keys subset ..................................................... [ PASS] fetch alist .......................................................... [ PASS] fetch alist subset ................................................... [ PASS] fetch hash table ..................................................... [ PASS] fetch hash table subset .............................................. [ PASS] fold hash table subset ............................................... [ PASS] 7 tests completed in 0.875 seconds. 7 out of 7 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing traversal ----------------------------------------------------