Test output for spiffy [ok]

Testing time: 2s

/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null

-- testing spiffy ------------------------------------------------------------
Checking port 8080 is available ...................................... [ PASS]
Spiffy responds in 3 seconds ......................................... [ PASS]

    -- testing vhost support -------------------------------------------------
    String match ..................................................... [ PASS]
    String case insensitivity ........................................ [ PASS]
    URI override works ............................................... [ PASS]
    Regexp match ..................................................... [ PASS]
    Regexp case sensitivity .......................................... [ PASS]
    Nonexistent host name ............................................ [ PASS]
    No host on HTTP/1.0 works ........................................ [ PASS]
    No host on HTTP/1.1 gives error .................................. [ PASS]
    8 tests completed in 0.033 seconds.
    8 out of 8 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing vhost support --------------------------------------------

    -- testing static file serving -------------------------------------------
    Nonexistant file ................................................. [ PASS]
    Nonexistant file mimetype ........................................ [ PASS]
    Nonexistant file with extension .................................. [ PASS]
    Nonexistant file with extension mimetype ......................... [ PASS]
    text/plain mimetype .............................................. [ PASS]
    image/gif mimetype ............................................... [ PASS]
    image/gif contents ............................................... [ PASS]
    image/png mimetype ............................................... [ PASS]
    image/png contents ............................................... [ PASS]
    unknown mimetype ................................................. [ PASS]
    'Moved Permanently' on directory ................................. [ PASS]
    location URI is absolute ......................................... [ PASS]
    directory listing denied ......................................... [ PASS]
    non-GET/HEAD method disallowed ................................... [ PASS]
    non-GET/HEAD method Allow header present ......................... [ PASS]
    15 tests completed in 0.054 seconds.
    15 out of 15 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing static file serving --------------------------------------

    -- testing path normalization --------------------------------------------
    index page redir ................................................. [ PASS]
    index page redir preserves GET args .............................. [ PASS]
    index page redir status .......................................... [ PASS]
    index page ....................................................... [ PASS]
    break out of webroot fails ....................................... [ PASS]
    index page in subdir vhost ....................................... [ PASS]
    index page redir for subdir vhost ................................ [ PASS]
    index page redir status for subdir vhost ......................... [ PASS]
    index page in subdir for subdir vhost ............................ [ PASS]
    break out of vhost webroot gives index of root ................... [ PASS]
    break out of vhost webroot fails ................................. [ PASS]
    Null-terminated filename fails ................................... [ PASS]
    encoded break out of vhost webroot fails ......................... [ PASS]
    13 tests completed in 0.063 seconds.
    13 out of 13 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing path normalization ---------------------------------------

    -- testing access files --------------------------------------------------
    Webroot .......................................................... [ PASS]
    After webroot, root-counter is 1 ................................. [ PASS]
    Two slashes ...................................................... [ PASS]
    After two slashes, counter is 1 .................................. [ PASS]
    After webroot and two slashes, root-counter is 2 ................. [ PASS]
    Dir request ...................................................... [ PASS]
    File request in dir .............................................. [ PASS]
    Subdir request ................................................... [ PASS]
    File request in subdir ........................................... [ PASS]
    9 tests completed in 0.024 seconds.
    9 out of 9 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing access files ---------------------------------------------

    -- testing miscellaneous -------------------------------------------------
    custom extension handlers ........................................ [ PASS]
    redirect ......................................................... [ PASS]
    redirect location ................................................ [ PASS]
    redirect for simulated proxy (other port) ........................ [ PASS]
    internal error ................................................... [ PASS]
    Variable length (no content-length header) ....................... [ PASS]
    Variable length didn't cause error after response was sent ....... [ PASS]
    Trusted proxies are stripped when determining IP address ......... [ PASS]
    Last proxy is used if all nodes are trusted ...................... [ PASS]
    9 tests completed in 0.035 seconds.
    9 out of 9 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing miscellaneous --------------------------------------------

    -- testing Caching and other efficiency support --------------------------

        -- testing If-Modified-Since/If-None-Match support -------------------
        If-Modified-Since when not modified .......................... [ PASS]
        If-None-Match when not modified .............................. [ PASS]
        If-Modified-Since when modified .............................. [ PASS]
        If-None-Match when modified .................................. [ PASS]
        Headers contain Date ......................................... [ PASS]
        Headers contain Last-Modified ................................ [ PASS]
        6 tests completed in 1.032 seconds.
        6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing If-Modified-Since/If-None-Match support --------------

        -- testing HEAD support ----------------------------------------------
        Regular response has no body ................................. [ PASS]
        Status code responses have no body ........................... [ PASS]
        2 tests completed in 0.008 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HEAD support -----------------------------------------

    2 subgroups completed in 1.041 seconds.
    2 out of 2 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing Caching and other efficiency support ---------------------

2 tests and 6 subgroups completed in 2.284 seconds.
2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
6 out of 6 (100%) subgroups passed.
-- done testing spiffy -------------------------------------------------------