Test output for rope [ok]

Testing time: 0s

/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null

-- testing rope --------------------------------------------------------------
(rope 1) ............................................................. [ PASS]
(rope? (rope "yes")) ................................................. [ PASS]
(rope-length (rope "yes" "yes" "yes")) ............................... [ PASS]
3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing rope ---------------------------------------------------------

-- testing rope? -------------------------------------------------------------
(rope? "no") ......................................................... [ PASS]
(rope? (r "yes")) .................................................... [ PASS]
(rope? (r '("yes" "yes"))) ........................................... [ PASS]
3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing rope? --------------------------------------------------------

-- testing rope-depth --------------------------------------------------------
(rope-depth (r "abc")) ............................................... [ PASS]
(rope-depth (r '("a" "b"))) .......................................... [ PASS]
(rope-depth (r '(("a" "b") ("c" "d")))) .............................. [ PASS]
3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing rope-depth ---------------------------------------------------

-- testing rope-length -------------------------------------------------------
(rope-null? (r "")) .................................................. [ PASS]
(rope-length (r "")) ................................................. [ PASS]
(rope-length (r "abc")) .............................................. [ PASS]
(rope-length (r '("abc" "def"))) ..................................... [ PASS]
4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing rope-length --------------------------------------------------

-- testing read-rope ---------------------------------------------------------
(rope? (with-input-from-string "abc" read-rope)) ..................... [ PASS]
(rope-length (call-with-input-string "abc" read-rope)) ............... [ PASS]
(rope-length (call-with-input-string "abc" (lambda (p) (read-ro... ... [ PASS]
3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing read-rope ----------------------------------------------------

-- testing rope=? ------------------------------------------------------------
(rope=? empty-rope (r "")) ........................................... [ PASS]
(rope=? (r "abc") (r "abc")) ......................................... [ PASS]
(rope=? (r "abc") (r "def")) ......................................... [ PASS]
(rope=? (r "abc") (r '(("a" "b") "c"))) .............................. [ PASS]
(rope=? (r "abc") (r '(("c" "b") "a"))) .............................. [ PASS]
(rope=? (with-input-from-file "run.scm" read-rope) (with-input-... ... [ PASS]
6 tests completed in 0.069 seconds.
6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing rope=? -------------------------------------------------------

-- testing rope-append -------------------------------------------------------
(s (rope-append)) .................................................... [ PASS]
(s (rope-append (r "a"))) ............................................ [ PASS]
(s (rope-append (r "a") (r "b"))) .................................... [ PASS]
(s (rope-append (r "a") (r "b") (r "c"))) ............................ [ PASS]
(s (rope-append (r '("a" "b")) (r '("c" "d")))) ...................... [ PASS]
(t (rope-append (r "a") (r "b"))) .................................... [ PASS]
(t (rope-append (r '("a" "b")) (r "c"))) ............................. [ PASS]
7 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
7 out of 7 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing rope-append --------------------------------------------------

-- testing rope-concatenate --------------------------------------------------
(s (rope-concatenate '())) ........................................... [ PASS]
(s (rope-concatenate (list (r "a")))) ................................ [ PASS]
(s (rope-concatenate (list (r "a") (r "b")))) ........................ [ PASS]
(s (rope-concatenate (list (r "a") (r "b") (r "c")))) ................ [ PASS]
(s (rope-concatenate (list (r '("a" "b")) (r '("c" "d"))))) .......... [ PASS]
5 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing rope-concatenate ---------------------------------------------

-- testing rope-ref ----------------------------------------------------------
(rope-ref (r "abc") 0) ............................................... [ PASS]
(rope-ref (r '(("a" "b") ("c" ("d" "e")))) 4) ........................ [ PASS]
(rope-ref (r "abc") -1) .............................................. [ PASS]
(rope-ref (r "abc") 3) ............................................... [ PASS]
4 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing rope-ref -----------------------------------------------------

-- testing subrope -----------------------------------------------------------
(s (subrope (r "abc") 0 1)) .......................................... [ PASS]
(s (subrope (r "abc") 1 2)) .......................................... [ PASS]
(s (subrope (r "abc") 1 3)) .......................................... [ PASS]
(s (subrope (r '("a" ("b" "c"))) 1 3)) ............................... [ PASS]
(s (subrope (r '(("a" "b") ("c" "d"))) 1 3)) ......................... [ PASS]
(s (subrope (r "abc") -1)) ........................................... [ PASS]
(s (subrope (r "abc") 1 4)) .......................................... [ PASS]
(s (subrope (r '("a" ("b" "c"))) 1 4)) ............................... [ PASS]
8 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
8 out of 8 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing subrope ------------------------------------------------------

-- testing rope-reverse ------------------------------------------------------
(s (rope-reverse (r "abc"))) ......................................... [ PASS]
(s (rope-reverse (r '("a" ("b" "c"))))) .............................. [ PASS]
2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing rope-reverse -------------------------------------------------

-- testing rope-fold ---------------------------------------------------------
(rope-fold cons '() (r '("a" ("b" "c")))) ............................ [ PASS]
1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
-- done testing rope-fold ----------------------------------------------------

-- testing rope-for-each -----------------------------------------------------
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (rope-for-each display (r "ab... ... [ PASS]
1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
-- done testing rope-for-each ------------------------------------------------

-- testing rope-balanced? ----------------------------------------------------
(rope-balanced? (r "abc")) ........................................... [ PASS]
(rope-balanced? (r '("a" ("b" "c")))) ................................ [ PASS]
(rope-balanced? (r '("a" ("b" ("c" "d"))))) .......................... [ PASS]
(rope-balanced? (with-input-from-file "run.scm" read-rope)) .......... [ PASS]
4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing rope-balanced? -----------------------------------------------

-- testing rope-balance ------------------------------------------------------
(t (rope-balance (r ""))) ............................................ [ PASS]
(t (rope-balance (r "abc"))) ......................................... [ PASS]
(t (rope-balance (r '("ab" "c")))) ................................... [ PASS]
(t (rope-balance (r '(("abc" "d") "e")))) ............................ [ PASS]
(t (rope-balance (r '("a" ("bc" ("d" "ef")))))) ...................... [ PASS]
(t (rope-balance (r '((("a" ("b" "c")) "d") ("e" ("f" "g")))))) ...... [ PASS]
6 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing rope-balance -------------------------------------------------

-- testing make-rope-iterator ------------------------------------------------
(next) ............................................................... [ PASS]
(next) ............................................................... [ PASS]
(next) ............................................................... [ PASS]
(next) ............................................................... [ PASS]
4 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing make-rope-iterator -------------------------------------------

-- testing open-input-rope ---------------------------------------------------
(read-char) .......................................................... [ PASS]
(read-string) ........................................................ [ PASS]
(read-char) .......................................................... [ PASS]
3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing open-input-rope ----------------------------------------------

-- testing open-output-rope --------------------------------------------------
(rope? output-rope) .................................................. [ PASS]
(s output-rope) ...................................................... [ PASS]
2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing open-output-rope ---------------------------------------------