Test output for postgresql [fail]

Testing time: 0s

/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null

-- testing postgresql --------------------------------------------------------

    -- testing connection management -----------------------------------------
    connect returns a connection ..................................... [ERROR]
Error: (connect) Connection to Postgres database failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
	Is the server running locally and accepting
	connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
: ((dbname . test))
    (let* ((conn (connect '((dbname . test)))) (isconn (connection? conn)))
      (disconnect conn)
    cannot connect with invalid credentials .......................... [ PASS]
    reset-connection returns a connection ............................ [ERROR]
Error: (connect) Connection to Postgres database failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
	Is the server running locally and accepting
	connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
: ((dbname . test))
    (let* ((conn (connect '((dbname . test)))) (isconn (connection? conn)))
      (reset-connection conn)
      (disconnect conn)
    disconnect invalidates the connection ............................ 
Error: (connect) Connection to Postgres database failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
	Is the server running locally and accepting
	connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
: ((dbname . test))

	Call history:

	<eval>	  (cons109 (quote110 name111) "reset-connection returns a connection")
	<eval>	  (connect (quote ((dbname . test))))
	<eval>	  (test-run119 (lambda120 () #f) (lambda120 () (let ((conn (connect (quote ((dbname . test)))))) (disc......
	<eval>	  (cons121 (cons121 (quote122 name123) "disconnect invalidates the connection") (quote122 ((source124 let...
	<eval>	  (cons121 (quote122 name123) "disconnect invalidates the connection")
	<eval>	  (connect (quote ((dbname . test))))
	<eval>	  (k69 (##core#lambda () (##sys#apply ##sys#values args70)))
	<eval>	  (##sys#apply ##sys#values args70)
	<eval>	  (test-end59 name41)
	<eval>	  (current-test-group43 old-group42)
	<syntax>	  (define conn (connect (quote ((dbname . test)))))
	<syntax>	  (##core#set! conn (connect (quote ((dbname . test)))))
	<syntax>	  (connect (quote ((dbname . test))))
	<syntax>	  (quote ((dbname . test)))
	<syntax>	  (##core#quote ((dbname . test)))
	<eval>	  (connect (quote ((dbname . test))))	<--
    4 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
    2 errors (50.0%).
    2 out of 4 (50.0%) tests passed.
    -- done testing connection management ------------------------------------