Test output for numbers [fail]

Testing time: 2m45s

/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null

-- testing interpreted -------------------------------------------------------

    -- testing numbers -------------------------------------------------------

        -- testing Basic numbers tests ---------------------------------------

            -- testing numbers -----------------------------------------------

                -- testing basic constructors --------------------------------
                some bignum (twice maxint) ........................... 9223372036854775806
                some other bignum (2147483668 or 9223372036854775828)  9223372036854775828
                negative bignum ...................................... -4611686018427387926
                exact complex ........................................ 33+44i
                inexact complex ...................................... -1.2+44.0i
                rational ............................................. 3/4
                6 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing basic constructors ---------------------------

                -- testing addition ------------------------------------------
                +: no arguments ...................................... [ PASS]
                +: single argument ................................... [ PASS]
                +: adding fixnums .................................... [ PASS]
                +: adding fixnums (2nd negative) ..................... [ PASS]
                +: adding fix/flo .................................... [ PASS]
                +: adding fix/big .................................... 9223372036854775828
                +: adding fix/rat .................................... 91/4
                +: adding fix/complex ................................ [ PASS]
                +: adding complex/fix (inexact) ...................... [ PASS]
                +: flo/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                +: flo/big ........................................... [ PASS]
                +: flo/rat ........................................... 34.15
                +: flo/comp .......................................... [ PASS]
                +: big/rat ........................................... 36893488147419103315/4
                +: comp+comp ......................................... [ PASS]
                +: comp+comp (inexact) ............................... [ PASS]
                +: multiarg .......................................... [ PASS]
                17 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                17 out of 17 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing addition -------------------------------------

                -- testing subtraction ---------------------------------------
                -: negate fix ........................................ [ PASS]
                -: negate most negative fix .......................... [ PASS]
                -: negate flo ........................................ [ PASS]
                -: negate rat ........................................ -3/4
                -: negate big (should be -2147483668) ................ -9223372036854775828
                -: negate comp ....................................... [ PASS]
                -: fixnums ........................................... [ PASS]
                -: fixnums (2nd negative) ............................ [ PASS]
                -: fixnums (overflow) ................................ 0
                -: fix/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                -: flo/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                -: fix/big ........................................... 4611686018427387948
                -: big/fix ........................................... -4611686018427387948
                -: big/fix (normalizing to fix) ...................... [ PASS]
                -: fix/rat ........................................... 85/4
                -: rat/fix ........................................... -85/4
                -: fix/complex ....................................... [ PASS]
                -: complex/fix ....................................... [ PASS]
                -: complex/fix (inexact) ............................. [ PASS]
                -: fix/complex (inexact) ............................. [ PASS]
                -: fix/complex (negative im) ......................... [ PASS]
                -: fix/complex (negative im, inexact) ................ [ PASS]
                -: fix/complex (negative real, inexact) .............. [ PASS]
                -: rat/complex (negative real) ....................... [ PASS]
                -: flo/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                -: flo/big ........................................... -9.22337203685478e+18
                -: big/flo ........................................... 9.22337203685478e+18
                -: flo/rat ........................................... 2.65
                -: rat/flo ........................................... -2.65
                -: big/rat ........................................... 36893488147419103309/4
                -: rat/big ........................................... -36893488147419103309/4
                -: flo/comp .......................................... [ PASS]
                -: comp/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                -: comp-comp ......................................... [ PASS]
                -: comp-comp (inexact) ............................... [ PASS]
                -: multiarg .......................................... [ PASS]
                36 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                36 out of 36 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing subtraction ----------------------------------

                -- testing multiplication ------------------------------------
                *: no arguments ...................................... [ PASS]
                *: single argument ................................... [ PASS]
                *: multiplying fixnums ............................... [ PASS]
                *: multiplying fixnums (2nd negative) ................ [ PASS]
                *: multiplying fix/flo ............................... [ PASS]
                *: multiplying fix/big (-> 47244640212) .............. 202914184810805067732
                *: multiplying fix/rat ............................... 99/4
                *: multiplying fix/complex ........................... [ PASS]
                *: multiplying complex/fix (inexact) ................. [ PASS]
                *: flo/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                *: flo/big ........................................... [ PASS]
                *: flo/rat ........................................... 2.55
                *: big/rat ........................................... 6917529027641081871
                *: flo/comp .......................................... [ PASS]
                *: comp*comp ......................................... [ PASS]
                *: comp*comp (inexact) ............................... [ PASS]
                *: multiarg .......................................... [ PASS]
                17 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                17 out of 17 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing multiplication -------------------------------

                -- testing division ------------------------------------------
                /: rec. fix .......................................... 1/33
                /: rec. flo .......................................... 0.0301204819277108
                /: rec. rat .......................................... 4/3
                /: rec. big .......................................... 1/9223372036854775828
                /: rec. comp ......................................... [ PASS]
                /: fixnums ........................................... 3/4
                /: fixnums (both negative, fixnum result) ............ 1
                /: fixnums (2nd negative) ............................ -3/4
                /: fixnums ........................................... 1
                /: fix/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                /: flo/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                /: fix/big ........................................... -11/2305843009213693963
                /: big/fix ........................................... -2305843009213693963/11
                /: fix/rat ........................................... 88/3
                /: rat/fix ........................................... 3/88
                /: fix/complex ....................................... 27/25-36/25i
                /: complex/fix ....................................... 1/3+4/9i
                /: complex/fix (inexact) ............................. -100.2+44.0i
                /: fix/complex (inexact) ............................. 100.2-44.0i
                /: flo/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                /: flo/big ........................................... 3.68628738645071e-19
                /: big/flo ........................................... 2.71275648142788e+18
                /: flo/rat ........................................... 4.53333333333333
                /: rat/flo ........................................... 0.220588235294118
                /: big/rat ........................................... 36893488147419103312/3
                /: rat/big ........................................... 3/36893488147419103312
                /: rat/rat ........................................... 1
                /: flo/comp .......................................... 0.0370909090909091-0.0494545454545455i
                /: comp/flo .......................................... 9.70588235294118+12.9411764705882i
                /: comp/comp ......................................... 1
                /: comp/comp (inexact) ............................... 0.978817408539103-0.776695020232885i
                /: rat/complex ....................................... [ PASS]
                /: rat/complex (negative im) ......................... [ PASS]
                /: rat/complex (negative real) ....................... [ PASS]
                /: rat/complex (negative real&im) .................... [ PASS]
                /: multiarg .......................................... 3/4
                /: div by 0 .......................................... [ PASS]
                /: div by 0 (inexact) ................................ [ PASS]
                /: big result ........................................ 4611686018427387914
                39 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
                39 out of 39 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing division -------------------------------------

                -- testing quotient ------------------------------------------
                quotient: fix/fix .................................... [ PASS]
                quotient: fix/big .................................... [ PASS]
                quotient: fix/big (most negative) .................... [ PASS]
                quotient: big/fix (most negative) .................... [ PASS]
                quotient: flo/flo .................................... [ PASS]
                quotient: fix/flo .................................... [ PASS]
                quotient: flo/fix .................................... [ PASS]
                quotient: flo/big .................................... [ PASS]
                quotient: big/flo .................................... [ PASS]
                quotient: flo/flo (fractional) ....................... [ PASS]
                quotient: fix/flo (fractional) ....................... [ PASS]
                quotient: flo/fix (fractional) ....................... [ PASS]
                12 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                12 out of 12 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing quotient -------------------------------------

                -- testing remainder -----------------------------------------
                remainder: fix/fix ................................... [ PASS]
                remainder: fix/big ................................... [ PASS]
                remainder: fix/big (most negative) ................... [ PASS]
                remainder: big/fix (most negative) ................... [ PASS]
                remainder: flo/flo ................................... [ PASS]
                remainder: fix/flo ................................... [ PASS]
                remainder: flo/fix ................................... [ PASS]
                remainder: flo/flo (fractional) ...................... [ PASS]
                remainder: fix/flo (fractional) ...................... [ PASS]
                remainder: flo/fix (fractional) ...................... [ PASS]
                10 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing remainder ------------------------------------

                -- testing quotient&remainder --------------------------------
                quotient&remainder: fix/fix .......................... [ PASS]
                quotient&remainder: fix/big .......................... [ PASS]
                quotient&remainder: fix/big (most negative) .......... [ PASS]
                quotient&remainder: big/fix (most negative) .......... [ PASS]
                quotient&remainder: flo/flo .......................... [ PASS]
                quotient&remainder: flo/fix .......................... [ PASS]
                quotient&remainder: fix/flo .......................... [ PASS]
                quotient&remainder: flo/fix (fractional) ............. [ PASS]
                quotient&remainder: flo/big (fractional) ............. [ PASS]
                quotient&remainder: big/flo (fractional) ............. [ PASS]
                10 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing quotient&remainder ---------------------------

                -- testing gcd -----------------------------------------------
                gcd: fix (64-bit)/big ................................ [ PASS]
                (gcd) ................................................ [ PASS]
                (gcd 6) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (gcd 6 8) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (gcd 6 8 5) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (gcd 6 -8 5) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (gcd 6.0 8.0) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (gcd 6.1 8.0) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (gcd 6.0 8.1) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (gcd +inf.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (gcd +nan.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (gcd 6.0 +inf.0) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (gcd +inf.0 6.0) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (gcd +nan.0 6.0) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (gcd 6.0 +nan.0) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (gcd 1+2i 3+4i) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (gcd 1/2 3/4) ........................................ [ PASS]
                17 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                17 out of 17 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing gcd ------------------------------------------

                -- testing lcm -----------------------------------------------
                (lcm) ................................................ [ PASS]
                (lcm 6 8) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (lcm 6 8 5) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (lcm 6.0 8.0) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (lcm 6.1 8.0) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (lcm 6.0 8.1) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (lcm +inf.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (lcm +nan.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (lcm 6.0 +inf.0) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (lcm +inf.0 6.0) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (lcm +nan.0 6.0) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (lcm 6.0 +nan.0) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (lcm 1+2i 3+4i) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (lcm 1/2 3/4) ........................................ [ PASS]
                14 tests completed in 0.005 seconds.
                14 out of 14 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing lcm ------------------------------------------

                -- testing equality ------------------------------------------
                =: fix/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                =: fix/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                =: !fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                =: !fix/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                =: !fix/flo (overflow) ............................... [ PASS]
                =: !fix/flo (inf) .................................... [ PASS]
                =: !fix/flo (-inf) ................................... [ PASS]
                =: !fix/flo (+nan) ................................... [ PASS]
                =: flo/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                =: !flo/fix (overflow) ............................... [ PASS]
                =: !flo/fix (inf) .................................... [ PASS]
                =: !flo/fix (-inf) ................................... [ PASS]
                =: !flo/fix (+nan) ................................... [ PASS]
                =: flo/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                =: !flo/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                =: big/big ........................................... [ PASS]
                =: !big/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                =: rat/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                =: rat/rat ........................................... [ PASS]
                =: !rat/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                =: comp/comp ......................................... [ PASS]
                =: !comp/comp ........................................ [ PASS]
                22 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                22 out of 22 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing equality -------------------------------------

                -- testing generic equality ----------------------------------
                equal?: fix/fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: fix/flo ...................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: !fix/fix ..................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: !fix/flo ..................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: flo/fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: flo/flo ...................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: !flo/flo ..................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: big/flo ...................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: big/big ...................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: big/big2 ..................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: !big/big ..................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: rat/flo ...................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: rat/rat ...................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: !rat/rat ..................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: comp/comp .................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: !comp/comp ................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: nan/nan ...................................... [ PASS]
                equal?: nan+nan/nan+nan .............................. [ PASS]
                18 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                18 out of 18 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing generic equality -----------------------------

                -- testing greater & greater/equal ---------------------------
                >: fix/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: fix/fix/fix ....................................... [ PASS]
                >=: fix/fix/fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                >: !fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !fix/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !fix/fix/fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !fix/fix/fix ..................................... [ PASS]
                >: fix/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !fix/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: fix/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: fix/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !fix/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !fix/flo ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !fix/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !fix/flo ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: fix/flo (flo overflow), on 64 bits ................ [ PASS]
                >=: fix/flo (flo overflow), on 64 bits ............... [ PASS]
                >: fix/flo (flo underflow), on 64 bits ............... [ PASS]
                >=: fix/flo (flo underflow), on 64 bits .............. [ PASS]
                >: fix/big ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: fix/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !fix/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !fix/big ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: fix/rat ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: fix/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !fix/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !fix/rat ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: flo/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: flo/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !flo/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !flo/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !flo/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: flo/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: flo/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: flo/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !flo/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !flo/flo ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: flo/big ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: flo/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: flo/fix (flo overflow), on 64 bits ................ [ PASS]
                >=: flo/fix (flo overflow), on 64 bits ............... [ PASS]
                >: fix/flo (flo underflow), on 64 bits ............... [ PASS]
                >=: fix/flo (flo underflow), on 64 bits .............. [ PASS]
                >: flo/big (flo overflow) ............................ [ PASS]
                >=: flo/big (flo overflow) ........................... [ PASS]
                >: !flo/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !flo/big ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: flo/rat ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: flo/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !flo/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !flo/rat ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !rat/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: rat/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: flo/nan ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: flo/nan .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: nan/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: nan/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: flo/flo/nan ....................................... [ PASS]
                >=: flo/flo/nan ...................................... [ PASS]
                >: big/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: big/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !big/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !big/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: big/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: big/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: big/flo (flo overflow) ............................ [ PASS]
                >=: big/flo (flo overflow) ........................... [ PASS]
                >: !big/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !big/flo ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: big/big ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: big/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !big/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !big/big ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: big/rat ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: big/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !big/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !big/rat ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: rat/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: rat/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !rat/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !rat/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: rat/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: rat/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !rat/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !rat/flo ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !rat/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !rat/big ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: rat/rat ........................................... [ PASS]
                >=: rat/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                >: !rat/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                >=: !rat/rat ......................................... [ PASS]
                >: rat/flo (flo overflow) ............................ [ PASS]
                >: rat/flo (flo overflow) ............................ [ PASS]
                >=: rat/flo (flo overflow) ........................... [ PASS]
                >=: rat/flo (flo overflow) ........................... [ PASS]
                >: rat/flo (flo underflow) ........................... [ PASS]
                >: rat/flo (flo underflow) ........................... [ PASS]
                >=: rat/flo (flo underflow) .......................... [ PASS]
                >=: rat/flo (flo underflow) .......................... [ PASS]
                100 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
                100 out of 100 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing greater & greater/equal ----------------------

                -- testing less & less/equal ---------------------------------
                <: !fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !fix/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: fix/fix/fix ....................................... [ PASS]
                <=: fix/fix/fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                <: !fix/fix/fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !fix/fix/fix ..................................... [ PASS]
                <: !fix/fix/fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !fix/fix/fix ..................................... [ PASS]
                <: !fix/fix/fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                <=: fix/fix/fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                <: fix/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !fix/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !fix/flo ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: fix/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: fix/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: fix/flo (flo overflow), on 64 bits ................ [ PASS]
                <=: fix/flo (flo overflow), on 64 bits ............... [ PASS]
                <: fix/flo (flo underflow), on 64 bits ............... [ PASS]
                <=: fix/flo (flo underflow), on 64 bits .............. [ PASS]
                <: !fix/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: fix/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !fix/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !fix/big ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: fix/big ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: fix/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !big/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: big/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !fix/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !fix/rat ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: fix/rat ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: fix/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !flo/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !flo/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: flo/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: flo/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !flo/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !flo/flo ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: flo/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: flo/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !flo/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !flo/big ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: flo/big ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: flo/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: flo/fix (flo overflow), on 64 bits ................ [ PASS]
                <=: flo/fix (flo overflow), on 64 bits ............... [ PASS]
                <: flo/fix (flo underflow), on 64 bits ............... [ PASS]
                <=: flo/fix (flo underflow), on 64 bits .............. [ PASS]
                <: flo/big (flo overflow) ............................ [ PASS]
                <=: flo/big (flo overflow) ........................... [ PASS]
                <: !flo/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !flo/rat ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: flo/rat ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: flo/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: flo/nan ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: flo/nan .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: nan/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: nan/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: flo/flo/nan ....................................... [ PASS]
                <=: flo/flo/nan ...................................... [ PASS]
                <: !big/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !big/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: big/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: big/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !big/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !big/flo ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: big/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: big/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: big/flo (max flo) ................................. [ PASS]
                <=: big/flo (max flo) ................................ [ PASS]
                <: big/flo (max flo, smaller bignum) ................. [ PASS]
                <: big/flo (max flo, smaller bignum) ................. [ PASS]
                <: !big/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !big/big ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: big/big ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: big/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !big/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !big/rat ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: big/rat ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: big/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !rat/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !rat/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: rat/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: rat/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !rat/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !rat/flo ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: rat/flo ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: rat/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: rat/big ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: rat/big .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: !rat/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                <=: !rat/rat ......................................... [ PASS]
                <: rat/rat ........................................... [ PASS]
                <=: rat/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                <: rat/flo (flo overflow) ............................ [ PASS]
                <: rat/flo (flo overflow) ............................ [ PASS]
                <=: rat/flo (flo overflow) ........................... [ PASS]
                <=: rat/flo (flo overflow) ........................... [ PASS]
                <: rat/flo (flo underflow) ........................... [ PASS]
                <: rat/flo (flo underflow) ........................... [ PASS]
                <=: rat/flo (flo underflow) .......................... [ PASS]
                <=: rat/flo (flo underflow) .......................... [ PASS]
                104 tests completed in 0.004 seconds.
                104 out of 104 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing less & less/equal ----------------------------

                -- testing complex -------------------------------------------
                real-part ............................................ [ PASS]
                real-part of flonum .................................. [ PASS]
                real-part of fixnum .................................. [ PASS]
                real-part of ratnum .................................. [ PASS]
                real-part of bignum .................................. [ PASS]
                real-part of negative flonum ......................... [ PASS]
                real-part of negative fixnum ......................... [ PASS]
                real-part of negative ratnum ......................... [ PASS]
                real-part of negative bignum ......................... [ PASS]
                imag-part ............................................ [ PASS]
                imag-part of flonum .................................. [ PASS]
                imag-part of fixnum .................................. [ PASS]
                imag-part of ratnum .................................. [ PASS]
                imag-part of bignum .................................. [ PASS]
                make-polar ........................................... 32.9948291853738+0.584163528478648i
                magnitude ............................................ [ PASS]
                magnitude ............................................ [ PASS]
                magnitude of flonum .................................. [ PASS]
                magnitude of fixnum .................................. [ PASS]
                magnitude of ratnum .................................. [ PASS]
                magnitude of bignum .................................. [ PASS]
                magnitude of negative flonum ......................... [ PASS]
                magnitude of negative fixnum ......................... [ PASS]
                magnitude of negative ratnum ......................... [ PASS]
                magnitude of negative bignum ......................... [ PASS]
                angle ................................................ 0.927295218001612
                angle of flonum ...................................... [ PASS]
                angle of fixnum ...................................... [ PASS]
                angle of ratnum ...................................... [ PASS]
                angle of bignum ...................................... [ PASS]
                angle of negative flonum ............................. [ PASS]
                angle of negative fixnum ............................. [ PASS]
                angle of negative ratnum ............................. [ PASS]
                angle of negative bignum ............................. [ PASS]
                34 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
                34 out of 34 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing complex --------------------------------------

                -- testing rational ------------------------------------------
                numerator ............................................ [ PASS]
                numerator ............................................ 9223372036854775828
                numerator ............................................ [ PASS]
                denominator .......................................... [ PASS]
                denominator .......................................... [ PASS]
                denominator .......................................... [ PASS]
                6 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing rational -------------------------------------

                -- testing misc ----------------------------------------------
                inexact->exact ....................................... [ PASS]
                inexact->exact +inf .................................. [ PASS]
                inexact->exact -inf .................................. [ PASS]
                inexact->exact -NaN .................................. [ PASS]
                sqrt (integer result) ................................ [ PASS]
                sqrt (exact result) .................................. [ PASS]
                sqrt (inexact result) ................................ [ PASS]
                sqrt (inexact input) ................................. [ PASS]
                sqrt (exact large number) ............................ [ PASS]
                exact-integer-sqrt (nonint flonum) ................... [ PASS]
                exact-integer-sqrt (ratnum) .......................... [ PASS]
                exact-integer-sqrt (int flonum) ...................... [ PASS]
                exact-integer-sqrt (w/o rest) ........................ [ PASS]
                exact-integer-sqrt (with rest) ....................... [ PASS]
                exact-integer-nth-root without rest .................. [ PASS]
                exact-integer-nth-root with rest ..................... [ PASS]
                exact-integer-nth-root with insanely large base ...... [ PASS]
                expt ................................................. [ PASS]
                expt ................................................. 1267650600228229401496703205376
                expt 0.0^0.0) ........................................ [ PASS]
                expt 0.0^{pos} ....................................... [ PASS]
                expt 0^0 ............................................. [ PASS]
                expt 0^{pos} ......................................... [ PASS]
                expt 0^{neg} ......................................... [ PASS]
                expt (rat base) ...................................... [ PASS]
                expt (rat exponent) .................................. [ PASS]
                expt (negative rat exponent) ......................... [ PASS]
                expt (inexact from rat exponent) ..................... [ PASS]
                expt (> 1 rat exponent) .............................. [ PASS]
                expt (rat base & exponent) ........................... [ PASS]
                expt (negative w/ rat exponent) ...................... [ PASS]
                expt ................................................. 4.0
                expt ................................................. 1/2
                expt between double and 64-bit integer value ......... [ PASS]
                expt with complex result ............................. [ FAIL]
                    expected -1.83690953073357e-16-1.0i but got -1.83697019872103e-16-1.0i
    (expt -1 1.5)
                exact expt with complex number ....................... [ PASS]
                exact expt with complex number, real result .......... [ PASS]
                inexact expt with complex number ..................... [ PASS]
                inexact expt with complex number, real result ........ [ PASS]
                inexact noninteger expt with complex number .......... [ PASS]
                exp with complex numbers ............................. [ PASS]
                log of exp = 1 ....................................... [ PASS]
                log of -1 ............................................ [ PASS]
                log with complex number .............................. [ PASS]
                exp(log(x)) = x ...................................... [ PASS]
                log(exp(x)) = x ...................................... [ PASS]
                bigfac ............................................... 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000
                signum ............................................... [ PASS]
                signum ............................................... [ PASS]
                most-negative-fixnum + most-negative-fixnum = 2 * most-negative-fixnum  [ PASS]
                most-negative-fixnum - most-negative-fixnum = 0 ...... [ PASS]
                most-positive-fixnum + most-positive-fixnum = 2 * most-positive-fixnum  [ PASS]
                most-positive-fixnum - most-positive-fixnum = 0 ...... [ PASS]
                53 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
                1 failure (1.9%).
                52 out of 53 (98.1%) tests passed.
                -- done testing misc -----------------------------------------

                -- testing R5RS ----------------------------------------------
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                * .................................................... [ PASS]
                * .................................................... [ PASS]
                - .................................................... [ PASS]
                - .................................................... [ PASS]
                - .................................................... [ PASS]
                / (3/20) ............................................. 3/20
                / (1/3) .............................................. 1/3
                numerator ............................................ [ PASS]
                denominator .......................................... [ PASS]
                complex? ............................................. [ PASS]
                complex? ............................................. [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                check rational ....................................... 2
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                integer? ............................................. [ PASS]
                integer? ............................................. [ PASS]
                integer? ............................................. [ PASS]
                integer? ............................................. [ PASS]
                integer? ............................................. [ PASS]
                exact-integer? ....................................... [ PASS]
                exact-integer? ....................................... [ PASS]
                exact-integer? ....................................... [ PASS]
                exact-integer? ....................................... [ PASS]
                exact-integer? ....................................... [ PASS]
                max .................................................. [ PASS]
                max .................................................. [ PASS]
                modulo ............................................... [ PASS]
                modulo ............................................... [ PASS]
                modulo ............................................... [ PASS]
                modulo ............................................... [ PASS]
                modulo ............................................... [ PASS]
                remainder ............................................ [ PASS]
                remainder ............................................ [ PASS]
                remainder ............................................ [ PASS]
                modulo ............................................... [ PASS]
                remainder ............................................ [ PASS]
                modulo ............................................... [ PASS]
                remainder ............................................ [ PASS]
                modulo ............................................... [ PASS]
                remainder ............................................ [ PASS]
                remainder ............................................ [ PASS]
                (even? 2) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (not (even? 1)) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (even? -2) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (not (even? -1)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (even? 2.0) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (not (even? 1.0)) .................................... [ PASS]
                (even? -2.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (not (even? -1.0)) ................................... [ PASS]
                (even? 2.1) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (even? -2.3) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (even? +inf.0) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (even? +nan.0) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (even? (* most-positive-fixnum 2)) ................... [ PASS]
                (not (even? (+ (* most-positive-fixnum 2) 1))) ....... [ PASS]
                (odd? (+ (* most-positive-fixnum 2) 1)) .............. [ PASS]
                (not (odd? (* most-positive-fixnum 2))) .............. [ PASS]
                (even? 2.0+3.0i) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (even? 2+3i) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (odd? 2.0+3.0i) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (odd? 2+3i) .......................................... [ PASS]
                floor ................................................ [ PASS]
                ceiling .............................................. [ PASS]
                truncate ............................................. [ PASS]
                round ................................................ [ PASS]
                floor ................................................ [ PASS]
                ceiling .............................................. [ PASS]
                truncate ............................................. [ PASS]
                round ................................................ [ PASS]
                round ................................................ [ PASS]
                round ................................................ [ PASS]
                round ................................................ [ PASS]
                rationalize (1/3) .................................... [ PASS]
                rationalize (#i1/3) .................................. [ PASS]
                80 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
                80 out of 80 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing R5RS -----------------------------------------

                -- testing bitwise ops ---------------------------------------
                and .................................................. [ PASS]
                ior .................................................. [ PASS]
                xor .................................................. [ PASS]
                not .................................................. -16
                (arithmetic-shift 15 2) .............................. [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift 15 -2) ............................. [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift -15 2) ............................. [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift -15 -2) ............................ [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift -31 most-negative-fixnum) .......... [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift 31 most-negative-fixnum) ........... [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift 0.1 2) ............................. [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift 15 2.0) ............................ [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift 15 -2.0) ........................... [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift 15 2.1) ............................ [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift 15 -2.1) ........................... [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift +inf.0 2) .......................... [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift +nan.0 2) .......................... [ PASS]
                (arithmetic-shift (expt 2 31) (- (expt 2 31))) ....... [ PASS]
                leftrot32 28 ......................................... [ PASS]
                leftrot32 29 ......................................... [ PASS]
                leftrot32 30 ......................................... [ PASS]
                21 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                21 out of 21 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing bitwise ops ----------------------------------

                -- testing string conversion ---------------------------------
                fix .................................................. [ PASS]
                fix/base ............................................. [ PASS]
                flo .................................................. [ PASS]
                big .................................................. [ PASS]
                big/base ............................................. [ PASS]
                rat .................................................. [ PASS]
                comp ................................................. [ PASS]
                fix .................................................. [ PASS]
                fix/base ............................................. [ PASS]
                fix/base-o ........................................... [ PASS]
                fix/unusual-base ..................................... [ PASS]
                fix/wrong-base ....................................... [ PASS]
                fix/invalid-base ..................................... [ PASS]
                fix/invalid-base ..................................... [ PASS]
                flo .................................................. [ PASS]
                flo2 ................................................. [ PASS]
                big .................................................. 123873487384737447
                big/neg .............................................. -123873487384737447
                big/pos .............................................. 123873487384737447
                rat .................................................. 41/152
                rat/neg .............................................. -41/152
                rat/pos .............................................. 41/152
                rat2 ................................................. 83/302
                rat/inexact .......................................... 0.269736842105263
                invalid rat .......................................... [ PASS]
                comp ................................................. 0+12i
                comp ................................................. 12+34i
                comp ................................................. 0-1i
                comp ................................................. 2.19054886993362-98.9757621625034i
                comp ................................................. 0.36584443443691+0.340819380011667i
                comp2 ................................................ 153+85i
                read time for inexacts with large positive exp isn't insanely high  [ PASS]
                inexact read back are equal .......................... [ PASS]
                inexact are inf ...................................... [ PASS]
                exact are equal ...................................... [ PASS]
                exact are false ...................................... [ PASS]
                read time for inexacts with large positive exp isn't insanely high  [ PASS]
                negative inexact read back are equal ................. [ PASS]
                negative inexact are negative inf .................... [ PASS]
                negative exact are equal ............................. [ PASS]
                negative exact are false ............................. [ PASS]
                read time for inexacts with large negative exp isn't insanely high  [ PASS]
                inexact read back are equal .......................... [ PASS]
                inexact are 0 ........................................ [ PASS]
                exact are equal ...................................... [ PASS]
                exact are false ...................................... [ PASS]
                46 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
                46 out of 46 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing string conversion ----------------------------

                -- testing non-standard type procedures ----------------------
                fixnum ............................................... [ PASS]
                bignum ............................................... [ PASS]
                bignum ............................................... [ PASS]
                ratnum ............................................... [ PASS]
                nan: fix ............................................. [ PASS]
                nan: flo ............................................. [ PASS]
                nan: +inf ............................................ [ PASS]
                nan: -inf ............................................ [ PASS]
                nan: nan ............................................. [ PASS]
                nan: nan+nani ........................................ [ PASS]
                nan: flo+nani ........................................ [ PASS]
                nan: nan+floi ........................................ [ PASS]
                finite: fix .......................................... [ PASS]
                finite: flo .......................................... [ PASS]
                finite: +inf ......................................... [ PASS]
                finite: -inf ......................................... [ PASS]
                finite: nan .......................................... [ PASS]
                finite: nan+floi ..................................... [ PASS]
                finite: inf+infi ..................................... [ PASS]
                finite: flo+infi ..................................... [ PASS]
                finite: inf+floi ..................................... [ PASS]
                infinite: fix ........................................ [ PASS]
                infinite: flo ........................................ [ PASS]
                infinite: +inf ....................................... [ PASS]
                infinite: -inf ....................................... [ PASS]
                infinite: nan ........................................ [ PASS]
                infinite: inf+infi ................................... [ PASS]
                infinite: flo+infi ................................... [ PASS]
                infinite: inf+floi ................................... [ PASS]
                cplxnum: compintintnum ............................... [ PASS]
                cplxnum: compintflointnum ............................ [ PASS]
                cplxnum: compflointnum ............................... [ PASS]
                cplxnum: compfloflonum ............................... [ PASS]
                not cplxnum: fixnum .................................. [ PASS]
                rectnum: compintintnum ............................... [ PASS]
                rectnum: compintflointnum ............................ [ PASS]
                not rectnum: compflointum ............................ [ PASS]
                compnum: compfloflonum ............................... [ PASS]
                compnum: compflointnum ............................... [ PASS]
                not compnum: compintintnum ........................... [ PASS]
                cintnum: intflonum ................................... [ PASS]
                cintnum: fixnum ...................................... [ PASS]
                cintnum: bignum ...................................... [ PASS]
                cintnum: compintintnum ............................... [ PASS]
                cflonum: intflonum ................................... [ PASS]
                cflonum: flonum ...................................... [ PASS]
                cflonum: compfloflonum ............................... [ PASS]
                cflonum: compfloflonum ............................... [ PASS]
                48 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
                48 out of 48 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing non-standard type procedures -----------------

                -- testing trigonometric functions ---------------------------

                    -- testing flonums ---------------------------------------
                    acos(-inf) ....................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(<small number>) ............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(-1/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-1/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos(-1/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-1/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos(-1/2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-1/2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos(-pi) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-pi)) ................................... [ PASS]
                    cos(0) ........................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(0)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                    cos( 1/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 1/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 1/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 1/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 1/2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 1/2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 2/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 2/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 3/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 3/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos(    pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(    pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 3/2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 3/2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 4/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 4/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 5/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 5/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos(   2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(   2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    acos(pi) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(+inf) ....................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(-inf) ....................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(<small number>) ............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(-1/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-1/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin(-1/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-1/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin(-1/2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-1/2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin(-pi) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-pi)) ................................... [ PASS]
                    sin(0) ........................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(0)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                    sin( 1/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 1/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 1/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 1/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 1/2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 1/2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 2/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 2/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 3/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 3/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin(    pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(    pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 3/2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 3/2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 4/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 4/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 5/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 5/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin(   2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(   2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    asin(pi) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(+inf) ....................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(-inf) ....................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(<small number>) ............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(-1/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(-1/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan(-1/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(-1/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan(-pi) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(-pi)) ................................... [ PASS]
                    tan(0) ........................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(0)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                    tan( 1/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan( 1/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan( 1/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan( 1/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan( 2/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan( 2/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan( 3/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan( 3/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan(    pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(    pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan( 4/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan( 4/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan( 5/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan( 5/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan(   2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(   2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    atan(pi) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(+inf) ....................................... [ PASS]
                    atan2(3, tan(pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    atan2(3, -tan(pi)) ............................... [ PASS]
                    atan2(-3, tan(pi)) ............................... [ PASS]
                    atan2(-3, -tan(pi)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    atan2(1, 2) = angle(2+i) ......................... [ PASS]
                    atan2(1, b1) = angle(2+i) ........................ [ PASS]
                    atan2(b1, 1) = angle(2+i) ........................ [ PASS]
                    atan2(-0.1, 3.2) = angle(3.2-0.1i) ............... [ PASS]
                    104 tests completed in 0.007 seconds.
                    104 out of 104 (100%) tests passed.
                    -- done testing flonums ----------------------------------

                    -- testing compnums --------------------------------------
                    cos(0.0+1.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(0.0+1.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(0.0-1.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(0.0-1.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(0.0+3.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(0.0+3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(0.0-3.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(0.0-3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(0.5+0.5i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(0.5+0.5i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(0.5-0.5i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(0.5-0.5i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(-0.5-0.5i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-0.5-0.5i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(-0.5+0.5i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-0.5+0.5i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(-1.0+1.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-1.0+1.0i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(-1.0-1.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-1.0-1.0i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(1.0-1.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(1.0-1.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(1.0+1.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(1.0+1.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(2.0+3.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(2.0+3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(-2.0+3.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-2.0+3.0i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(-2.0-3.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-2.0-3.0i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(2.0-3.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(2.0-3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(acos(2.0-3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(0.0+1.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(0.0+1.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(0.0-1.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(0.0-1.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(0.0+3.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(0.0+3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(0.0-3.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(0.0-3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(0.5+0.5i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(0.5+0.5i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(0.5-0.5i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(0.5-0.5i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(-0.5-0.5i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-0.5-0.5i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(-0.5+0.5i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-0.5+0.5i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(-1.0+1.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-1.0+1.0i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(-1.0-1.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-1.0-1.0i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(1.0-1.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(1.0-1.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(2.0+3.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(2.0+3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(-2.0+3.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-2.0+3.0i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(-2.0-3.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-2.0-3.0i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(2.0-3.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(2.0-3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    sin(asin(1.1415926535898042+3.0i)) ............... [ PASS]
                    tan(0.0+1.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(0.0+1.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(0.0-1.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(0.0-1.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(0.0+3.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(0.0+3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(0.0-3.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(0.0-3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(0.5+0.5i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(0.5+0.5i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(0.5-0.5i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(0.5-0.5i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(-0.5-0.5i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(-0.5-0.5i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(-0.5+0.5i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(-0.5+0.5i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(-1.0+1.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(-1.0+1.0i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(-1.0-1.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(-1.0-1.0i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(1.0-1.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(1.0-1.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(2.0+3.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(2.0+3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(-2.0+3.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(-2.0+3.0i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(-2.0-3.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(-2.0-3.0i)) ............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(2.0-3.0i) .................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(2.0-3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    tan(atan(2.0-3.0i)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    95 tests completed in 0.009 seconds.
                    95 out of 95 (100%) tests passed.
                    -- done testing compnums ---------------------------------

                    -- testing bignums ---------------------------------------
                    acos(<negative bignum>) .......................... [ PASS]
                    asin(<negative bignum>) .......................... [ PASS]
                    atan(<negative bignum>) .......................... [ PASS]
                    atan(<bignum>) ................................... [ PASS]
                    4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                    4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
                    -- done testing bignums ----------------------------------

                    -- testing fixnums ---------------------------------------
                    cos(0) ........................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(0) .......................................... [ PASS]
                    cos(1) ........................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(1) .......................................... [ PASS]
                    cos(-1) .......................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(-1) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(-2) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(2) .......................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(1) .......................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(-1) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(2) .......................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(-2) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    12 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                    12 out of 12 (100%) tests passed.
                    -- done testing fixnums ----------------------------------

                    -- testing ratnums ---------------------------------------
                    acos(<small number>) ............................. [ PASS]
                    cos(-1/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-1/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos(-1/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-1/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos(-1/2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-1/2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos(-pi) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(-pi)) ................................... [ PASS]
                    cos(0) ........................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(0)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                    cos( 1/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 1/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 1/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 1/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 1/2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 1/2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 2/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 2/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 3/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 3/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos(    pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(    pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 3/2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 3/2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 4/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 4/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos( 5/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos( 5/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    cos(   2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    acos(cos(   2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin(-1/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-1/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin(-1/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-1/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin(-1/2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-1/2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin(-pi) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(-pi)) ................................... [ PASS]
                    sin(0) ........................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(0)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                    sin( 1/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 1/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 1/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 1/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 1/2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 1/2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 2/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 2/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 3/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 3/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin(    pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(    pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 3/2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 3/2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 4/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 4/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin( 5/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin( 5/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    sin(   2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    asin(sin(   2pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan(-1/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(-1/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan(-1/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(-1/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan(-pi) ......................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(-pi)) ................................... [ PASS]
                    tan(0) ........................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(0)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                    tan( 1/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan( 1/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan( 1/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan( 1/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan( 2/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan( 2/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan( 3/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan( 3/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan(    pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(    pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan( 4/3pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan( 4/3pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan( 5/4pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan( 5/4pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    tan(   2pi) ...................................... [ PASS]
                    atan(tan(   2i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                    atan2(3, tan(pi)) ................................ [ PASS]
                    atan2(3, -tan(pi)) ............................... [ PASS]
                    atan2(-3, tan(pi)) ............................... [ PASS]
                    atan2(-3, -tan(pi)) .............................. [ PASS]
                    89 tests completed in 0.011 seconds.
                    89 out of 89 (100%) tests passed.
                    -- done testing ratnums ----------------------------------

                5 subgroups completed in 0.028 seconds.
                5 out of 5 (100%) subgroups passed.
                -- done testing trigonometric functions ----------------------

            22 subgroups completed in 0.064 seconds.
            21 out of 22 (95.5%) subgroups passed.
            -- done testing numbers ------------------------------------------

        1 subgroup completed in 0.064 seconds.
        0 out of 1 (0%) subgroups passed.
        -- done testing Basic numbers tests ----------------------------------

        -- testing Numbers tests by Alex Shinn -------------------------------

            -- testing numbers (Alex Shinn's tests) --------------------------

                -- testing basic cases, fixnum base --------------------------
                (expt 0 0) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 2 0) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 2 1) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 2 2) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3 2) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3 2.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3 2.1) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3 0.1) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3 -1) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3 -2) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3 -2.1) ........................................ [ PASS]
                11 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                11 out of 11 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing basic cases, fixnum base ---------------------

                -- testing basic cases, flonum base --------------------------
                (expt 0.0 0) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3.14 0) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (expt 3.14 1) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (expt 3.14 2) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (expt 3.14 2.0) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3.14 2.1) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3.14 0.1) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3.14 -1) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3.14 -2) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 3.14 -2.1) ..................................... [ PASS]
                10 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing basic cases, flonum base ---------------------

                -- testing overflows into bignums ----------------------------
                (expt 2 30) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 2 31) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 2 32) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 2 62) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 2 63) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 2 64) .......................................... [ PASS]
                6 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing overflows into bignums -----------------------

                -- testing bug reported on the chicken list ------------------
                (expt 10 100) ........................................ [ PASS]
                1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
                1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
                -- done testing bug reported on the chicken list -------------

                -- testing bignum base ---------------------------------------
                (expt (one-followed-by-n-zeros 100) 0) ............... [ PASS]
                (expt (one-followed-by-n-zeros 100) 1) ............... [ PASS]
                (expt (one-followed-by-n-zeros 100) 2) ............... [ PASS]
                (expt (one-followed-by-n-zeros 100) 0.1) ............. [ PASS]
                4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing bignum base ----------------------------------

                -- testing e^(pi*i) = -1 -------------------------------------
                (expt (exp 1) (* (acos -1) (sqrt -1))) ............... [ PASS]
                1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
                1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
                -- done testing e^(pi*i) = -1 --------------------------------

                -- testing rational rounding ---------------------------------
                (round (/ 9 10)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (round (/ 6 10)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (round (/ 5 10)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (round (/ 1 10)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (round (/ 0 10)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (round (/ -1 10)) .................................... [ PASS]
                (round (/ -5 10)) .................................... [ PASS]
                (round (/ -6 10)) .................................... [ PASS]
                (round (/ -9 10)) .................................... [ PASS]
                (round (/ (expt 10 10000) (+ (expt 10 10000) 1))) .... [ PASS]
                (round (/ (+ 1 (expt 10 10000)) (expt 10 100))) ...... [ PASS]
                11 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
                11 out of 11 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing rational rounding ----------------------------

            7 subgroups completed in 0.005 seconds.
            7 out of 7 (100%) subgroups passed.
            -- done testing numbers (Alex Shinn's tests) ---------------------

        1 subgroup completed in 0.006 seconds.
        1 out of 1 (100%) subgroup passed.
        -- done testing Numbers tests by Alex Shinn --------------------------

        -- testing Numbers tests from Gauche ---------------------------------

            -- testing Gauche numbers test -----------------------------------

                -- testing integer addition & reader -------------------------
                around 2^28 .......................................... [ PASS]
                around 2^31 .......................................... [ PASS]
                around 2^60 .......................................... [ PASS]
                around 2^63 .......................................... [ PASS]
                around 2^127 ......................................... [ PASS]
                peculiarity around 2^32 .............................. [ PASS]
                radix ................................................ [ PASS]
                exactness ............................................ [ PASS]
                exactness ............................................ [ PASS]
                exactness ............................................ [ PASS]
                exactness ............................................ [ PASS]
                inexactness .......................................... [ PASS]
                inexactness .......................................... [ PASS]
                inexactness .......................................... [ PASS]
                exactness & radix .................................... [ PASS]
                inexactness & radix .................................. [ PASS]
                invalid exactness/radix spec ......................... [ PASS]
                base-2 reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                base-3 reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                base-4 reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                base-5 reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                base-6 reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                base-7 reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                base-8 reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                base-9 reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                base-10 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-11 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-12 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-13 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-14 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-15 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-16 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-17 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-18 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-19 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-20 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-21 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-22 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-23 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-24 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-25 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-26 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-27 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-28 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-29 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-30 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-31 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-32 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-33 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-34 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-35 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                base-36 reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                52 tests completed in 0.07 seconds.
                52 out of 52 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing integer addition & reader --------------------

                -- testing rational reader -----------------------------------
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader ...................................... [ PASS]
                rational reader w/#e ................................. [ PASS]
                rational reader w/#e ................................. [ PASS]
                rational reader w/#e ................................. [ PASS]
                rational reader w/#e ................................. [ PASS]
                rational reader w/#i ................................. [ PASS]
                rational reader w/#i ................................. [ PASS]
                rational reader w/#i ................................. [ PASS]
                rational reader w/radix .............................. [ PASS]
                rational reader w/radix .............................. [ PASS]
                rational reader w/radix .............................. [ PASS]
                rational reader edge case ............................ [ PASS]
                rational reader edge case ............................ [ PASS]
                rational reader edge case ............................ [ PASS]
                29 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
                29 out of 29 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing rational reader ------------------------------

                -- testing flonum reader -------------------------------------
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader ........................................ [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (exp) .................................. [ PASS]
                flonum reader (minimum denormalized number 5.0e-324) . [ PASS]
                flonum reader (minimum denormalized number -5.0e-324)  [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding .............................................. [ PASS]
                padding (exactness) .................................. [ PASS]
                padding (exactness) .................................. [ PASS]
                padding (exactness) .................................. [ PASS]
                padding (exactness) .................................. [ PASS]
                padding (exactness) .................................. [ PASS]
                padding (exactness) .................................. [ PASS]
                exponent out-of-range 1 .............................. [ PASS]
                exponent out-of-range 2 .............................. [ PASS]
                exponent out-of-range 4 .............................. [ PASS]
                exponent out-of-range 5 .............................. [ PASS]
                exponent out-of-range 7 .............................. [ PASS]
                exponent out-of-range 8 .............................. [ PASS]
                no integral part ..................................... [ PASS]
                no integral part ..................................... [ PASS]
                no integral part ..................................... [ PASS]
                81 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
                81 out of 81 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing flonum reader --------------------------------

                -- testing exact fractional number ---------------------------
                exact fractonal number ............................... [ PASS]
                exact fractonal number ............................... [ PASS]
                exact fractonal number ............................... [ PASS]
                exact fractonal number ............................... [ PASS]
                exact fractonal number ............................... [ PASS]
                exact fractonal number ............................... [ PASS]
                exact fractonal number ............................... [ PASS]
                exact fractonal number ............................... [ PASS]
                exact fractonal number ............................... [ PASS]
                exact fractonal number ............................... [ PASS]
                exact fractonal number ............................... [ PASS]
                exact fractonal number ............................... [ PASS]
                12 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                12 out of 12 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing exact fractional number ----------------------

                -- testing complex reader ------------------------------------
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader ....................................... [ PASS]
                complex reader (polar) ............................... [ PASS]
                complex reader (polar) ............................... [ PASS]
                complex reader (polar) ............................... [ PASS]
                complex reader (polar) ............................... [ PASS]
                complex reader (polar) ............................... [ PASS]
                complex reader (polar) ............................... [ PASS]
                42 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                42 out of 42 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing complex reader -------------------------------

                -- testing integer writer syntax -----------------------------
                around 2^28 .......................................... [ PASS]
                around 2^31 .......................................... [ PASS]
                around 2^60 .......................................... [ PASS]
                around 2^63 .......................................... [ PASS]
                around 2^127 ......................................... [ PASS]
                5 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing integer writer syntax ------------------------

                -- testing expt ----------------------------------------------
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt ........................................... [ PASS]
                exact expt (ratinoal) ................................ [ PASS]
                exact expt (rational) ................................ [ PASS]
                exact expt (ratinoal) ................................ [ PASS]
                16 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                16 out of 16 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing expt -----------------------------------------

            expt (coercion to inexact) ............................... [ PASS]

                -- testing exact<->inexact -----------------------------------
                exact->inexact 0.0 ................................... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact -0.0 .................................. [ PASS]
                inexact->exact 0 ..................................... [ PASS]
                inexact->exact 0 ..................................... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact 1.0 ................................... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact -1.0 .................................. [ PASS]
                inexact->exact 1 ..................................... [ PASS]
                inexact->exact -1 .................................... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact -1.0 .................................. [ PASS]
                exact->inexact 1.0 ................................... [ PASS]
                inexact->exact -1 .................................... [ PASS]
                inexact->exact 1 ..................................... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact 4.5035996273705e+15 ................... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact -4.5035996273705e+15 .................. [ PASS]
                inexact->exact 4503599627370496 ...................... [ PASS]
                inexact->exact -4503599627370496 ..................... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact 9.00719925474099e+15 .................. [ PASS]
                exact->inexact -9.00719925474099e+15 ................. [ PASS]
                inexact->exact 9007199254740992 ...................... [ PASS]
                inexact->exact -9007199254740992 ..................... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact 1.8014398509482e+16 ................... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact -1.8014398509482e+16 .................. [ PASS]
                inexact->exact 18014398509481984 ..................... [ PASS]
                inexact->exact -18014398509481984 .................... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (0) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (0) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (0) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (0) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (0) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (0) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (0) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (1) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (1) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (1) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (1) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (1) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (1) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (1) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (2) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (2) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (2) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (2) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (2) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (2) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (2) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (3) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (3) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (3) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (3) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (3) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (3) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (3) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (4) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (4) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (4) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (4) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (4) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (4) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (4) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (5) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (5) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (5) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (5) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (5) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (5) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (5) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (6) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (6) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (6) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (6) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (6) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (6) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (6) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (7) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (7) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (7) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (7) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (7) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (7) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (7) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (8) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (8) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (8) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (8) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (8) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (8) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (8) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (9) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (9) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (9) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (9) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (9) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (9) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (9) ............ [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (10) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (10) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (10) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (10) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (10) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (10) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (10) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (11) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (11) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (11) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (11) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (11) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (11) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (11) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (12) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (12) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (12) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (12) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (12) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (12) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (12) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (13) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (13) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (13) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (13) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (13) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (13) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (13) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (14) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (14) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (14) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (14) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (14) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (14) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (14) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (15) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (15) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (15) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (15) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (15) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (15) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (15) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (16) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (16) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (16) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (16) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (16) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (16) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (16) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (17) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (17) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (17) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (17) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (17) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (17) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (17) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (18) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (18) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (18) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (18) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (18) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (18) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (18) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (19) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (19) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (19) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (19) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (19) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (19) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (19) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (20) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (20) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (20) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (20) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (20) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (20) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (20) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (21) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (21) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (21) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (21) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (21) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (21) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (21) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (22) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (22) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (22) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (22) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (22) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (22) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (22) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (23) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (23) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (23) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (23) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (23) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (23) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (23) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (24) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (24) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (24) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (24) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (24) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (24) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (24) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (25) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (25) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (25) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (25) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (25) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (25) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (25) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (26) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (26) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (26) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (26) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (26) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (26) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (26) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (27) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (27) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (27) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (27) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (27) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (27) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (27) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (28) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (28) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (28) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (28) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (28) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (28) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (28) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (29) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (29) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (29) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (29) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (29) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (29) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (29) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (30) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (30) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (30) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (30) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (30) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (30) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (30) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (31) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (31) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (31) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (31) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (31) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (31) ........... [ PASS]
                exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (31) ........... [ PASS]
                expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 1  [ PASS]
                expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 2  [ PASS]
                expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 3  [ PASS]
                expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 4  [ PASS]
                expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 5  [ PASS]
                expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 6  [ PASS]
                expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 7  [ PASS]
                255 tests completed in 0.014 seconds.
                255 out of 255 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing exact<->inexact ------------------------------

                -- testing predicates ----------------------------------------
                integer? ............................................. [ PASS]
                integer? ............................................. [ PASS]
                integer? ............................................. [ PASS]
                integer? ............................................. [ PASS]
                integer? ............................................. [ PASS]
                integer? ............................................. [ PASS]
                integer? ............................................. [ PASS]
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                rational? ............................................ [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                real? ................................................ [ PASS]
                complex? ............................................. [ PASS]
                complex? ............................................. [ PASS]
                complex? ............................................. [ PASS]
                complex? ............................................. [ PASS]
                complex? ............................................. [ PASS]
                complex? ............................................. [ PASS]
                complex? ............................................. [ PASS]
                number? .............................................. [ PASS]
                number? .............................................. [ PASS]
                number? .............................................. [ PASS]
                number? .............................................. [ PASS]
                number? .............................................. [ PASS]
                number? .............................................. [ PASS]
                number? .............................................. [ PASS]
                exact? ............................................... [ PASS]
                exact? ............................................... [ PASS]
                exact? ............................................... [ PASS]
                exact? ............................................... [ PASS]
                exact? ............................................... [ PASS]
                exact? ............................................... [ PASS]
                exact? ............................................... [ PASS]
                inexact? ............................................. [ PASS]
                inexact? ............................................. [ PASS]
                inexact? ............................................. [ PASS]
                inexact? ............................................. [ PASS]
                inexact? ............................................. [ PASS]
                inexact? ............................................. [ PASS]
                inexact? ............................................. [ PASS]
                odd? ................................................. [ PASS]
                odd? ................................................. [ PASS]
                even? ................................................ [ PASS]
                even? ................................................ [ PASS]
                odd? ................................................. [ PASS]
                odd? ................................................. [ PASS]
                even? ................................................ [ PASS]
                even? ................................................ [ PASS]
                odd? ................................................. [ PASS]
                odd? ................................................. [ PASS]
                even? ................................................ [ PASS]
                even? ................................................ [ PASS]
                zero? ................................................ [ PASS]
                zero? ................................................ [ PASS]
                zero? ................................................ [ PASS]
                zero? ................................................ [ PASS]
                zero? ................................................ [ PASS]
                zero? ................................................ [ PASS]
                positive? ............................................ [ PASS]
                positive? ............................................ [ PASS]
                positive? ............................................ [ PASS]
                positive? ............................................ [ PASS]
                positive? ............................................ [ PASS]
                positive? ............................................ [ PASS]
                positive? ............................................ [ PASS]
                positive? ............................................ [ PASS]
                negative? ............................................ [ PASS]
                negative? ............................................ [ PASS]
                negative? ............................................ [ PASS]
                negative? ............................................ [ PASS]
                negative? ............................................ [ PASS]
                negative? ............................................ [ PASS]
                negative? ............................................ [ PASS]
                negative? ............................................ [ PASS]
                finite? .............................................. [ PASS]
                finite? .............................................. [ PASS]
                infinite? ............................................ [ PASS]
                infinite? ............................................ [ PASS]
                nan? ................................................. [ PASS]
                nan? ................................................. [ PASS]
                eqv? ................................................. [ PASS]
                eqv? ................................................. [ PASS]
                eqv? ................................................. [ PASS]
                eqv? ................................................. [ PASS]
                eqv? ................................................. [ PASS]
                eqv? ................................................. [ PASS]
                eqv? ................................................. [ PASS]
                NaN = (inlined) ...................................... [ PASS]
                NaN = (applied) ...................................... [ PASS]
                NaN < (inlined) ...................................... [ PASS]
                NaN < (applied) ...................................... [ PASS]
                NaN <= (inlined) ..................................... [ PASS]
                NaN <= (applied) ..................................... [ PASS]
                NaN > (inlined) ...................................... [ PASS]
                NaN > (applied) ...................................... [ PASS]
                NaN >= (inlined) ..................................... [ PASS]
                NaN >= (applied) ..................................... [ PASS]
                NUMEQF ............................................... [ PASS]
                NLTF ................................................. [ PASS]
                NLEF ................................................. [ PASS]
                NGTF ................................................. [ PASS]
                NGEF ................................................. [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs fixnum ne rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum eq rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                bignum vs bignum ne rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum eq rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs fixnum ne rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum eq rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                flonum vs bignum ne rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne =(++) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne =(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne =(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne =(--) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev=(++) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev=(+-) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev=(-+) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev=(--) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>=(++) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>=(+-) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>=(-+) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>=(--) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >(++) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >(--) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>(++) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>(+-) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>(-+) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>(--) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<=(++) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<=(+-) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<=(-+) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<=(--) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <(++) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <(--) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<(++) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<(+-) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<(-+) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<(--) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne =(++) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne =(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne =(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne =(--) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev=(++) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev=(+-) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev=(-+) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev=(--) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>=(++) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>=(+-) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>=(-+) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>=(--) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >(++) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >(--) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>(++) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>(+-) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>(-+) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>(--) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<=(++) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<=(+-) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<=(-+) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<=(--) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <(++) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <(--) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<(++) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<(+-) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<(-+) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<(--) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne =(++) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne =(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne =(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne =(--) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev=(++) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev=(+-) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev=(-+) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev=(--) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>=(++) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>=(+-) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>=(-+) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>=(--) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >(++) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >(--) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>(++) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>(+-) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>(-+) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>(--) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<=(++) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<=(+-) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<=(-+) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<=(--) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <(++) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <(--) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<(++) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<(+-) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<(-+) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<(--) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne =(++) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne =(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne =(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne =(--) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev=(++) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev=(+-) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev=(-+) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev=(--) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>=(++) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>=(+-) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>=(-+) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>=(--) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >(++) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >(--) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>(++) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>(+-) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>(-+) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>(--) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<=(++) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<=(+-) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<=(-+) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<=(--) ...................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <(++) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <(--) .......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<(++) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<(+-) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<(-+) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<(--) ....................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum eq rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs flonum ne rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne =(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne =(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne =(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne =(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev=(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev=(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev=(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev=(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne >=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne >=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne >=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne >=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev>=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev>=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev>=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev>=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne >(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne >(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne >(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne >(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev>(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev>(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev>(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev>(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne <=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne <=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne <=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne <=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev<=(++) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev<=(+-) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev<=(-+) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev<=(--) ........................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne <(++) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne <(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne <(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne <(--) ............................ [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev<(++) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev<(+-) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev<(-+) ......................... [ PASS]
                ratnum vs bignum ne rev<(--) ......................... [ PASS]
                fixnum/ratnum comparison ............................. [ PASS]
                fixnum? fixnum ....................................... [ PASS]
                fixnum? ratnum ....................................... [ PASS]
                fixnum? bignum ....................................... [ PASS]
                fixnum? flonum ....................................... [ PASS]
                fixnum? compnum ...................................... [ PASS]
                fixnum? greatest ..................................... [ PASS]
                fixnum? greatest+1 ................................... [ PASS]
                fixnum? least ........................................ [ PASS]
                fixnum? least-1 ...................................... [ PASS]
                greatest fixnum & width .............................. [ PASS]
                least fixnum & width ................................. [ PASS]
                850 tests completed in 0.039 seconds.
                850 out of 850 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing predicates -----------------------------------

                -- testing integer addition ----------------------------------
                bignum + bignum ...................................... [ PASS]
                bignum + -bignum ..................................... [ PASS]
                bignum - bignum ...................................... [ PASS]
                bignum - bignum ...................................... [ PASS]
                -bignum + bignum ..................................... [ PASS]
                -bignum + -bignum .................................... [ PASS]
                -bignum - bignum ..................................... [ PASS]
                -bignum - -bignum .................................... [ PASS]
                0 + bignum ........................................... [ PASS]
                0 - bignum ........................................... [ PASS]
                0 * bignum ........................................... [ PASS]
                1 * bignum ........................................... [ PASS]
                bignum / 1 ........................................... [ PASS]
                13 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                13 out of 13 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing integer addition -----------------------------

                -- testing small immediate integer constants -----------------
                PUSHI ................................................ [ PASS]
                PUSHI ................................................ [ PASS]
                2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing small immediate integer constants ------------

                -- testing small immediate integer additions -----------------
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBI .............................................. [ PASS]
                52 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
                52 out of 52 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing small immediate integer additions ------------

                -- testing immediate flonum integer arith --------------------
                NUMADDF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMADDF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMSUBF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMMULF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMMULF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMMULF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMMULF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMMULF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMMULF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMDIVF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMDIVF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMDIVF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMDIVF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMDIVF .............................................. [ PASS]
                NUMDIVF .............................................. [ PASS]
                24 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                24 out of 24 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing immediate flonum integer arith ---------------

                -- testing rational number addition --------------------------
                ratnum + ............................................. [ PASS]
                ratnum - ............................................. [ PASS]
                ratnum + 0 ........................................... [ PASS]
                ratnum - 0 ........................................... [ PASS]
                ratnum * 0 ........................................... [ PASS]
                ratnum * 1 ........................................... [ PASS]
                ratnum / 1 ........................................... [ PASS]
                7 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                7 out of 7 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing rational number addition ---------------------

                -- testing promotions in addition ----------------------------
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                + .................................................... [ PASS]
                20 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                20 out of 20 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing promotions in addition -----------------------

                -- testing integer multiplication ----------------------------
                fix*fix->big[1] ...................................... [ PASS]
                fix*fix->big[1] ...................................... [ PASS]
                fix*fix->big[2] ...................................... [ PASS]
                fix*fix->big[2] ...................................... [ PASS]
                fix*big[1]->big[1] ................................... [ PASS]
                fix*big[1]->big[2] ................................... [ PASS]
                big[1]*fix->big[1] ................................... [ PASS]
                big[1]*fix->big[2] ................................... [ PASS]
                big[2]*fix->big[2] ................................... [ PASS]
                big[1]*big[1]->big[2] ................................ [ PASS]
                fermat(7) ............................................ [ PASS]
                fermat(8) ............................................ [ PASS]
                fermat(9) ............................................ [ PASS]
                fermat(10) ........................................... [ PASS]
                fermat(11) ........................................... [ PASS]
                15 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                15 out of 15 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing integer multiplication -----------------------

                -- testing multiplication short cuts -------------------------
                bignum * 0 ........................................... [ PASS]
                0 * bignum ........................................... [ PASS]
                bignum * 1 ........................................... [ PASS]
                1 * bignum ........................................... [ PASS]
                bignum * 0.0 ......................................... [ PASS]
                0.0 * bignum ......................................... [ PASS]
                bignum * 1.0 ......................................... [ PASS]
                1.0 * bignum ......................................... [ PASS]
                ratnum * 0 ........................................... [ PASS]
                0 * ratnum ........................................... [ PASS]
                ratnum * 1 ........................................... [ PASS]
                1 * ratnum ........................................... [ PASS]
                ratnum * 0.0 ......................................... [ PASS]
                0.0 * ratnum ......................................... [ PASS]
                ratnum * 1.0 ......................................... [ PASS]
                1.0 * ratnum ......................................... [ PASS]
                flonum * 0 ........................................... [ PASS]
                0 * flonum ........................................... [ PASS]
                flonum * 1 ........................................... [ PASS]
                1 * flonum ........................................... [ PASS]
                flonum * 0.0 ......................................... [ PASS]
                0.0 * flonum ......................................... [ PASS]
                flonum * 1.0 ......................................... [ PASS]
                1.0 * flonum ......................................... [ PASS]
                compnum * 0 .......................................... [ PASS]
                0 * compnum .......................................... [ PASS]
                compnum * 1 .......................................... [ PASS]
                1 * compnum .......................................... [ PASS]
                compnum * 0.0 ........................................ [ PASS]
                0.0 * compnum ........................................ [ PASS]
                compnum * 1.0 ........................................ [ PASS]
                1.0 * compnum ........................................ [ PASS]
                32 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                32 out of 32 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing multiplication short cuts --------------------

                -- testing division ------------------------------------------
                exact division ....................................... [ PASS]
                exact division ....................................... [ PASS]
                exact division ....................................... [ PASS]
                exact division ....................................... [ PASS]
                exact division ....................................... [ PASS]
                exact division ....................................... [ PASS]
                exact reciprocal ..................................... [ PASS]
                exact reciprocal ..................................... [ PASS]
                exact reciprocal ..................................... [ PASS]
                exact reciprocal ..................................... [ PASS]
                exact reciprocal ..................................... [ PASS]
                exact/inexact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
                exact/inexact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
                inexact/exact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
                inexact/exact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
                inexact/inexact -> inexact ........................... [ PASS]
                complex division ..................................... [ PASS]
                17 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                17 out of 17 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing division -------------------------------------

                -- testing quotient ------------------------------------------
                big[1]/fix->fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                big[1]/fix->fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                big[2]/fix->big[1] ................................... [ PASS]
                big[2]/fix->big[2] ................................... [ PASS]
                big[1]/fix->fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                big[2]/fix->fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                big[2]/fix->fix ...................................... [ PASS]
                big[2]/fix->big[1] ................................... [ PASS]
                big[1]/big[1]->fix ................................... [ PASS]
                big[1]/big[1] -> fix ................................. [ PASS]
                big[3]/big[2] -> big[1] .............................. [ PASS]
                big[3]/big[2] -> fix ................................. [ PASS]
                exact/inexact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
                inexact/exact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
                inexact/inexact -> inexact ........................... [ PASS]
                exact/inexact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
                inexact/exact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
                inexact/inexact -> inexact ........................... [ PASS]
                fermat(7) ............................................ [ PASS]
                fermat(8) ............................................ [ PASS]
                fermat(9) ............................................ [ PASS]
                fermat(10) ........................................... [ PASS]
                fermat(11) ........................................... [ PASS]
                23 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                23 out of 23 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing quotient -------------------------------------

                -- testing remainder -----------------------------------------
                fix rem fix -> fix ................................... [ PASS]
                fix rem fix -> fix ................................... [ PASS]
                fix rem big[1] -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[1] rem fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[1] rem fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[2] rem fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[2] rem fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[1] rem fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[2] rem fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[2] rem fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[2] rem fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[1] rem big[1] -> fix ............................. [ PASS]
                big[1] rem big[1] -> fix ............................. [ PASS]
                big[3] rem big[2] -> big[1] .......................... [ PASS]
                big[3] rem big[2] -> big[2] .......................... [ PASS]
                exact rem inexact -> inexact ......................... [ PASS]
                inexact rem exact -> inexact ......................... [ PASS]
                inexact rem inexact -> inexact ....................... [ PASS]
                exact rem inexact -> inexact ......................... [ PASS]
                inexact rem exact -> inexact ......................... [ PASS]
                inexact rem inexact -> inexact ....................... [ PASS]
                21 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                21 out of 21 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing remainder ------------------------------------

                -- testing modulo --------------------------------------------
                fix mod fix -> fix ................................... [ PASS]
                fix mod fix -> fix ................................... [ PASS]
                fix mod big[1] -> fix/big ............................ [ PASS]
                big[1] mod fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[1] mod fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[2] mod fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[2] mod fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[1] mod fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[2] mod fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[2] mod fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[2] mod fix -> fix ................................ [ PASS]
                big[1] mod big[1] -> fix ............................. [ PASS]
                big[1] mod big[1] -> fix ............................. [ PASS]
                big[3] mod big[2] -> big[1] .......................... [ PASS]
                big[3] mod big[2] -> big[2] .......................... [ PASS]
                exact mod inexact -> inexact ......................... [ PASS]
                inexact mod exact -> inexact ......................... [ PASS]
                inexact mod inexact -> inexact ....................... [ PASS]
                exact mod inexact -> inexact ......................... [ PASS]
                inexact mod exact -> inexact ......................... [ PASS]
                inexact mod inexact -> inexact ....................... [ PASS]
                mersenne prime ....................................... [ PASS]
                22 tests completed in 0.024 seconds.
                22 out of 22 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing modulo ---------------------------------------

                -- testing rounding ------------------------------------------
                rounding 0 ........................................... [ PASS]
                rounding 3 ........................................... [ PASS]
                rounding -3 .......................................... [ PASS]
                rounding 633825300114114700748351602688 .............. [ PASS]
                rounding -633825300114114700748351602688 ............. [ PASS]
                rounding 9/4 ......................................... [ PASS]
                rounding -9/4 ........................................ [ PASS]
                rounding 34985495387484938453495/17 .................. [ PASS]
                rounding -34985495387484938453495/17 ................. [ PASS]
                rounding 35565/2 ..................................... [ PASS]
                rounding -35565/2 .................................... [ PASS]
                rounding 35567/2 ..................................... [ PASS]
                rounding -35567/2 .................................... [ PASS]
                round->exact ......................................... [ PASS]
                round->exact ......................................... [ PASS]
                floor->exact ......................................... [ PASS]
                floor->exact ......................................... [ PASS]
                ceiling->exact ....................................... [ PASS]
                ceiling->exact ....................................... [ PASS]
                truncate->exact ...................................... [ PASS]
                truncate->exact ...................................... [ PASS]
                21 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                21 out of 21 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing rounding -------------------------------------

                -- testing logical operations --------------------------------
                ash (fixnum) ......................................... [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum) ......................................... [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum) ......................................... [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum) ......................................... [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum) ......................................... [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum) ......................................... [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum) ......................................... [ PASS]
                ash (neg. fixnum) .................................... [ PASS]
                ash (neg. fixnum) .................................... [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum) ......................................... [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum) ......................................... [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum) ......................................... [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum) ......................................... [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum) ......................................... [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (fixnum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.fixnum->bignum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.fixnum->bignum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.fixnum->bignum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.fixnum->bignum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.fixnum->bignum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.fixnum->bignum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
                ash (neg.bignum->bignum) ............................. [ PASS]
                ash (bignum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
                lognot (fixnum) ...................................... [ PASS]
                lognot (fixnum) ...................................... [ PASS]
                lognot (fixnum) ...................................... [ PASS]
                lognot (fixnum) ...................................... [ PASS]
                lognot (bignum) ...................................... [ PASS]
                lognot (bignum) ...................................... [ PASS]
                logand (+fix & 0) .................................... [ PASS]
                logand (+big & 0) .................................... [ PASS]
                logand (+fix & -1) ................................... [ PASS]
                logand (+big & -1) ................................... [ PASS]
                logand (+fix & +fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (+fix & +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (+big & +fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (+big & +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (+big & +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (+big & +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (+fix & -fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (+fix & -big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (+big & -fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (+big & -big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (+big & -big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (-fix & +fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (-fix & +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (-big & +fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (-big & +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (-big & +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (-fix & -fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (-fix & -big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (-big & -fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (-big & -big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logand (-big & -big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (+fix | 0) .................................... [ PASS]
                logior (+big | 0) .................................... [ PASS]
                logior (+fix | -1) ................................... [ PASS]
                logior (+big | -1) ................................... [ PASS]
                logior (+fix | +fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (+fix | +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (+big | +fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (+big | +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (+big | +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (+fix | -fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (+fix | -big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (+big | -fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (+big | -big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (+big | -big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (-fix | +fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (-fix | +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (-big | +fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (-big | +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (-big | +big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (-fix | -fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (-fix | -big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (-big | -fix) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (-big | -big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logior (-big | -big) ................................. [ PASS]
                logtest .............................................. [ PASS]
                logtest .............................................. [ PASS]
                integer-length ....................................... [ PASS]
                integer-length ....................................... [ PASS]
                129 tests completed in 0.004 seconds.
                129 out of 129 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing logical operations ---------------------------

                -- testing inexact arithmetics -------------------------------
                +. (0) ............................................... [ PASS]
                +. (1) ............................................... [ PASS]
                +. (1big) ............................................ [ PASS]
                +. (1rat) ............................................ [ PASS]
                +. (1cmp) ............................................ [ PASS]
                +. (2) ............................................... [ PASS]
                +. (2big) ............................................ [ PASS]
                +. (2rat) ............................................ [ PASS]
                +. (many) ............................................ [ PASS]
                -. (1) ............................................... [ PASS]
                -. (1big) ............................................ [ PASS]
                -. (1rat) ............................................ [ PASS]
                -. (1cmp) ............................................ [ PASS]
                -. (2) ............................................... [ PASS]
                -. (2big) ............................................ [ PASS]
                -. (2rat) ............................................ [ PASS]
                -. (many) ............................................ [ PASS]
                *. (0) ............................................... [ PASS]
                *. (1) ............................................... [ PASS]
                *. (1big) ............................................ [ PASS]
                *. (1rat) ............................................ [ PASS]
                *. (1cmp) ............................................ [ PASS]
                *. (2) ............................................... [ PASS]
                *. (2big) ............................................ [ PASS]
                *. (2rat) ............................................ [ PASS]
                *. (many) ............................................ [ PASS]
                /. (1) ............................................... [ PASS]
                /. (1big) ............................................ [ PASS]
                /. (1rat) ............................................ [ PASS]
                /. (1cmp) ............................................ [ PASS]
                /. (2) ............................................... [ PASS]
                /. (2big) ............................................ [ PASS]
                /. (2rat) ............................................ [ PASS]
                /. (many) ............................................ [ PASS]
                34 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
                34 out of 34 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing inexact arithmetics --------------------------

                -- done testing sqrt -----------------------------------------

                -- testing ffx optimization ----------------------------------
                probit(0.025) ........................................ [ PASS]
                probit(0.975) ........................................ [ PASS]
                2 tests completed in 0.185 seconds.
                2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing ffx optimization -----------------------------

            1 test and 26 subgroups completed in 0.358 seconds.
            1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
            26 out of 26 (100%) subgroups passed.
            -- done testing Gauche numbers test ------------------------------

        1 subgroup completed in 0.358 seconds.
        1 out of 1 (100%) subgroup passed.
        -- done testing Numbers tests from Gauche ----------------------------

        -- done testing sum-of-exponents -------------------------------------

-> Simple integers
OK                  ("1" 1)
OK                  ("+1" 1 "1")
OK                  ("-1" -1)
OK                  ("#i1" 1.0 "1.0" "1.")
OK                  ("#I1" 1.0 "1.0" "1.")
OK                  ("#i-1" -1.0 "-1.0" "-1.")
OK                  ("123\x00456" #f)
OK                  ("-#i1" #f)
OK                  ("+-1" #f)
OK                  ("" #f)
OK                  ("-" #f)
OK                  ("+" #f)
OK                  ("+-" #f)

-> Basic decimal notation
OK                  ("1.0" 1.0 "1.")
OK                  ("1." 1.0 "1.0" "1.")
OK                  ("1.#" 1.0 1.5 "1.0" "1." "1.5")
OK                  (".1" 0.1 "0.1" "100.0e-3")
OK                  ("-.1" -0.1 "-0.1" "-100.0e-3")
OK                  ("-.0" 0.0 "-0." "-0.0" "0.0" "0." ".0")
OK                  ("-0." 0.0 "-.0" "-0.0" "0.0" "0." ".0")
OK                  ("." #f)
OK                  (".1." #f)
OK                  ("..1" #f)
OK                  ("1.." #f)
OK                  ("#i1.0" 1.0 "1.0" "1.")
OK                  ("#e1.0" 1 "1")
OK                  ("#e-.0" 0 "0")
OK                  ("#e-0." 0 "0")
OK                  ("-#e.0" #f)

-> Decimal notation with padding
OK                  ("1#" 10.0 15.0 "10.0" "15.0" "10." "15.")
OK                  ("#e1#" 10 15 "10" "15")
OK                  ("#E1#" 10 15 "10" "15")
OK                  ("#1" #f)
OK                  ("#" #f)
OK                  ("1#2" #f)
OK                  ("1.#2" #f)
OK                  (".#" #f)
OK                  ("#.#" #f)
OK                  ("#.1" #f)
OK                  ("1#.2" #f)
OK                  ("1#." 10.0 15.0 "10.0" "15.0" "10." "15.")

-> Decimal notation with suffix
OK                  ("1e2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1E2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1s2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1S2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1f2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1F2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1d2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1D2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1l2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1L2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1e2e3" #f)
OK                  ("1e2s3" #f)
OK                  ("1e2.0" #f)

-> Decimal notation with suffix and padding
OK                  ("1#e2" 1000.0 1500.0 "1000.0" "1500.0" "1000." "1500." "1.0e3" "15.0e2")
OK                  ("1e2#" #f)

-> NaN, Inf
OK                  ("+nan.0" +nan.0 "+NaN.0")
OK                  ("+NAN.0" +nan.0 "+nan.0" "+NaN.0")
OK                  ("+nan.1" #f)
OK                  ("+nan.01" #f)
OK                  ("+inf.0" +inf.0 "+Inf.0")
OK                  ("+InF.0" +inf.0 "+inf.0" "+Inf.0")
OK                  ("-inf.0" -inf.0 "-Inf.0")
OK                  ("-iNF.0" -inf.0 "-inf.0" "-Inf.0")
OK                  ("+inf.01" #f)
OK                  ("+inf.1" #f)
OK                  ("-inf.01" #f)
OK                  ("-inf.1" #f)
OK                  ("+inf.0/1" #f)
OK                  ("1/+inf.0" #f)
OK                  ("+nan" #f)
OK                  ("+inf" #f)
OK                  ("-inf" #f)
OK                  ("nan.0" #f)
OK                  ("inf.0" #f)
OK                  ("#e+nan.0" #f)
OK                  ("#e+inf.0" #f)
OK                  ("#e-inf.0" #f)
OK                  ("#i+nan.0" +nan.0 "+nan.0" "+NaN.0")
OK                  ("#i+inf.0" +inf.0 "+inf.0" "+Inf.0")
OK                  ("#i-inf.0" -inf.0 "-inf.0" "-Inf.0")

-> Fractions
OK                  ("1/2" 1/2)
OK                  ("#e1/2" 1/2 "1/2")
OK                  ("10/2" 5 "5")
OK                  ("-1/2" -1/2)
OK                  ("10/0" #f)
OK                  ("0/10" 0 "0")
OK                  ("#e0/10" 0 "0")
OK                  ("#e1#/2" 5 15/2 "5" "15/2")
OK                  ("#e1/2#" 1/20 "1/20")
OK                  ("#i3/2" 1.5 "1.5")
OK                  ("#i1/0" +inf.0 "+inf.0" "+Inf.0")
OK                  ("#i-1/0" -inf.0 "-inf.0" "-Inf.0")
OK                  ("#i0/0" +nan.0 "+nan.0" "+NaN.0")
OK                  ("1/-2" #f)
OK                  ("1.0/2" #f)
OK                  ("1/2.0" #f)
OK                  ("1/2e2" #f)
OK                  ("1/2e2" #f)
OK                  ("1#/2" 5.0 7.5 "5.0" "5." "7.5")
OK                  ("1/2#" 0.05 "0.05" ".05" "50.0e-3" "5.e-002")
OK                  ("1#/#" #f)
OK                  ("1/" #f)
OK                  ("1/+" #f)
OK                  ("+/1" #f)
OK                  ("/1" #f)
OK                  ("/" #f)

-> Basic complex numbers (rectangular notation)
OK                  ("1+2i" 1+2i)
OK                  ("1+2I" 1+2i "1+2i")
OK                  ("1-2i" 1-2i)
OK                  ("-1+2i" -1+2i)
OK                  ("-1-2i" -1-2i)
OK                  ("+i" 0+1i "+1i" "0+i" "0+1i")
OK                  ("0+i" 0+1i "+i" "+1i" "0+1i")
OK                  ("0+1i" 0+1i "+i" "+1i" "0+i")
OK                  ("-i" 0-1i "-1i" "0-i" "0-1i")
OK                  ("0-i" 0-1i "-i" "-1i" "0-1i")
OK                  ("0-1i" 0-1i "-i" "-1i" "0-i")
OK                  ("+2i" 0+2i "0+2i")
OK                  ("-2i" 0-2i "-2i" "0-2i")
OK                  ("1#+1#i" 10.0+10.0i 15.0+15.0i "10.0+10.0i" "10.+10.i" "15.0+15.0i" "15.+15.i")
OK                  ("2i" #f)
OK                  ("+-i" #f)
OK                  ("i" #f)
OK                  ("1+2i1" #f)
OK                  ("1+2" #f)
OK                  ("1#+#i" #f)

-> Decimal-notation complex numbers (rectangular notation)
OK                  ("1.0+2i" 1.0+2.0i "1.0+2.0i" "1.0+2i" "1.+2i" "1.+2.i")
OK                  ("1+2.0i" 1.0+2.0i "1.0+2.0i" "1+2.0i" "1.+2.i" "1+2.i")
OK                  ("1#.+1#.i" 10.0+10.0i 15.0+15.0i "10.0+10.0i" "10.+10.i" "15.0+15.0i" "15.+15.i")
OK                  ("1e2+1.0i" 100.0+1.0i "100.0+1.0i" "100.+1.i")
OK                  ("1s2+1.0i" 100.0+1.0i "100.0+1.0i" "100.+1.i")
OK                  ("1.0+1e2i" 1.0+100.0i "1.0+100.0i" "1.+100.i")
OK                  ("1.0+1s2i" 1.0+100.0i "1.0+100.0i" "1.+100.i")
OK                  ("1#e2+1.0i" 1000.0+1.0i 1500.0+1.0i "1000.0+1.0i" "1000.+1.i" "1500.0+1.0i" "1500.+1.i" "1.0e3+1.0i" "15.0e2+1.0i")
OK                  ("1.0+1#e2i" 1.0+1000.0i 1.0+1500.0i "1.0+1000.0i" "1.+1000.i" "1.0+1500.0i" "1.+1500.i" "1.0+1.0e3i" "1.0+15.0e2i")
OK                  (".i" #f)
OK                  ("+.i" #f)
OK                  (".+i" #f)

-> Fractional complex numbers (rectangular notation)
OK                  ("1/2+3/4i" 1/2+3/4i)

-> Mixed fractional/decimal notation complex numbers (rectangular notation)
OK                  ("1#/2+3/4i" 5.0+0.75i 7.5+0.75i "5.0+0.75i" "5.+.75i" "7.5+0.75i" "5.0+3/4i" "5.+3/4i" "7.5+3/4i" "5.0+750.0e-3i")
OK                  ("0.5+3/4i" 0.5+0.75i "0.5+0.75i" ".5+.75i" "0.5+3/4i" ".5+3/4i" "500.0e-3+750.0e-3i")
OK                  ("1.5+1#/4i" 1.5+2.5i 1.5+3.75i "1.5+2.5i" "1.5+3.75i")
OK                  ("0.5+1/#i" #f)
OK                  ("0.5+1/1#2i" #f)
OK                  ("1/#+0.5i" #f)
OK                  ("1/1#2+0.5i" #f)

-> Mixed notation with infinity (might fail on mixed exactness compnums)
OK                  ("1/0+1.2i" +inf.0+1.2i "+inf.0+1.2i" "+Inf.0+1.2i")
OK                  ("1.2+1/0i" 1.2+inf.0i "1.2+inf.0i" "1.2+Inf.0")

-> Complex NaN, Inf (rectangular notation)
OK                  ("+nan.0+nan.0i" +nan.0+nan.0i "+NaN.0+NaN.0i")
OK                  ("+inf.0+inf.0i" +inf.0+inf.0i "+Inf.0+Inf.0i")
OK                  ("-inf.0+inf.0i" -inf.0+inf.0i "-Inf.0+Inf.0i")
OK                  ("-inf.0-inf.0i" -inf.0-inf.0i "-Inf.0-Inf.0i")
OK                  ("+inf.0-inf.0i" +inf.0-inf.0i "+Inf.0-Inf.0i")

-> Complex numbers (polar notation)
OK                  ("1@2i" #f)
OK                  ("0.5@1/#" #f)
OK                  ("0.5@1/1#2" #f)
OK                  ("1/#@0.5" #f)
OK                  ("1/1#2@0.5" #f)
OK                  ("1@" #f)
OK                  ("1#@#" #f)
OK                  ("1/@" #f)
OK                  ("@/1" #f)
OK                  ("@1" #f)
OK                  ("1@+" #f)
OK                  ("+@1" #f)
OK                  ("@" #f)

-> Base prefixes
OK                  ("#x11" 17 "17")
OK                  ("#X11" 17 "17")
OK                  ("#d11" 11 "11")
OK                  ("#D11" 11 "11")
OK                  ("#o11" 9 "9")
OK                  ("#O11" 9 "9")
OK                  ("#b11" 3 "3")
OK                  ("#B11" 3 "3")
OK                  ("#da1" #f)
OK                  ("#o8" #f)
OK                  ("#b2" #f)
OK                  ("#o7" 7 "7")
OK                  ("#xa" 10 "10")
OK                  ("#xA" 10 "10")
OK                  ("#xf" 15 "15")
OK                  ("#xg" #f)
OK                  ("#x-10" -16 "-16")
OK                  ("#d-10" -10 "-10")
OK                  ("#o-10" -8 "-8")
OK                  ("#b-10" -2 "-2")
OK                  ("-#x10" #f)
OK                  ("-#d10" #f)
OK                  ("-#o10" #f)
OK                  ("-#b10" #f)
OK                  ("#x-" #f)
OK                  ("#x" #f)
OK                  ("#d" #f)
OK                  ("#d-" #f)
OK                  ("#d+" #f)
OK                  ("#o" #f)
OK                  ("#o-" #f)
OK                  ("#b" #f)
OK                  ("#b-" #f)
OK                  ("#e" #f)
OK                  ("#e-" #f)
OK                  ("#i" #f)
OK                  ("#i-" #f)

-> Combination of prefixes
OK                  ("#x#x11" #f)
OK                  ("#x#b11" #f)
OK                  ("#b#o11" #f)
OK                  ("#e#x10" 16 "16")
OK                  ("#i#x10" 16.0 "16.0" "16.")
OK                  ("#e#e10" #f)
OK                  ("#e#e#x10" #f)
OK                  ("#E#e#X10" #f)
OK                  ("#i#e#x10" #f)
OK                  ("#e#x#e10" #f)
OK                  ("#x#x#e10" #f)
OK                  ("#x#e#x10" #f)

-> Base prefixes with padding
OK                  ("#x1#0" #f)
OK                  ("#d1#0" #f)
OK                  ("#o1#0" #f)
OK                  ("#b1#0" #f)
OK                  ("#x1#" 16.0 24.0 "16.0" "24.0" "16." "24.")
OK                  ("#d1#" 10.0 15.0 "10.0" "15.0" "10." "15.")
OK                  ("#o1#" 8.0 12.0 "8.0" "12.0" "8." "12.")
OK                  ("#b1#" 2.0 3.0 "2.0" "3.0" "2." "3.")

-> (Attempted) decimal notation with base prefixes
OK                  ("#x1.0" #f)
OK                  ("#d1.0" 1.0 "1.0" "1.")
OK                  ("#o1.0" #f)
OK                  ("#b1.0" #f)
OK                  ("#x1.#" #f)
OK                  ("#d1.#" 1.0 1.5 "1.0" "1.5" "1.")
OK                  ("#o1.#" #f)
OK                  ("#b1.#" #f)
OK                  ("#x1." #f)
OK                  ("#d1." 1.0 "1.0" "1.")
OK                  ("#o1." #f)
OK                  ("#b1." #f)
OK                  ("#x.1" #f)
OK                  ("#d.1" 0.1 "0.1" ".1" "100.0e-3")
OK                  ("#o.1" #f)
OK                  ("#b.1" #f)
OK                  ("#x1e2" 482 "482")
OK                  ("#d1e2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("#o1e2" #f)
OK                  ("#b1e2" #f)

-> Fractions with prefixes
OK                  ("#x10/2" 8 "8")
OK                  ("#x11/2" 17/2 "17/2")
OK                  ("#d11/2" 11/2 "11/2")
OK                  ("#o11/2" 9/2 "9/2")
OK                  ("#b11/10" 3/2 "3/2")
OK                  ("#b11/2" #f)
OK                  ("#x10/#o10" #f)
OK                  ("10/#o10" #f)
OK                  ("#x1#/2" 8.0 12.0 "8.0" "8." "12.0" "12.")
OK                  ("#d1#/2" 5.0 7.5 "5.0" "5." "7.5")
OK                  ("#o1#/2" 4.0 6.0 "4.0" "4." "6.0" "6.")
OK                  ("#b1#/2" #f)
OK                  ("#b1#/10" 1.0 1.5 "1.0" "1." "1.5")

-> Complex numbers with prefixes
OK                  ("#x1#+1#i" 16.0+16.0i 24.0+24.0i "16.0+16.0i" "16.+16.i" "24.0+24.0i" "24.+24.i")
OK                  ("#x1.0+1.0i" #f)
OK                  ("#d1.0+1.0i" 1.0+1.0i "1.0+1.0i" "1.+1.i")
OK                  ("#o1.0+1.0i" #f)
OK                  ("#b1.0+1.0i" #f)
OK                  ("#x10+#o10i" #f)
OK                  ("10+#o10i" #f)
OK                  ("#x1@#x1" #f)
OK                  ("1@#x1" #f)
OK                  ("#x10+11i" 16+17i "16+17i")
OK                  ("#d10+11i" 10+11i "10+11i")
OK                  ("#o10+11i" 8+9i "8+9i")
OK                  ("#b10+11i" 2+3i "2+3i")
OK                  ("#e1.0+1.0i" 1+1i "1+1i" "1+i")
OK                  ("#i1.0+1.0i" 1.0+1.0i "1.0+1.0i" "1.+1.i")

-----> Everything OK, no errors!

        -- testing string-conversion -----------------------------------------
        String conversion tests were successful ...................... [ PASS]
        1 test completed in 0.012 seconds.
        1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
        -- done testing string-conversion ------------------------------------

        -- testing R4RS tests ------------------------------------------------

            -- testing r4rs tests --------------------------------------------
                -- done testing SECTION (2 1)

 #<procedure (boolean? x269)>
    #<procedure (char? x1593)>
       #<procedure (null? x351)>
          #<procedure (numbers#number? x2870)>
             #<procedure (pair? x280)>
                #<procedure (procedure? x1697)>
                   #<procedure (string? x432)>
                      #<procedure (symbol? x1313)>
                         #<procedure (vector? x1473)>
(#t #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)#t
(#t #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)#f
(#f #t #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)#\a
(#f #f #t #f #f #f #f #f #f)()
(#f #f #f #t #f #f #f #f #f)9739
(#f #f #f #f #t #f #f #f #f)(test)
(#f #f #f #f #f #t #f #f #f)#<procedure (record-error e)>
(#f #f #f #f #f #f #t #f #f)"test"
(#f #f #f #f #f #f #t #f #f)""
(#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #t #f)test
(#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #t)#()
(#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #t)#(a b c)
                -- done testing SECTION (3 4)

                -- testing SECTION (4 1 2)
                (quote (quote a)) .................................... [ PASS]
                (quote (quote a)) .................................... [ PASS]
                2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (4 1 2)

                -- testing SECTION (4 1 3)
                ((if #f + *) 3 4) .................................... [ PASS]
                1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
                1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (4 1 3)

                -- testing SECTION (4 1 4)
                ((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 4) ............................. [ PASS]
                (reverse-subtract 7 10) .............................. [ PASS]
                (add4 6) ............................................. [ PASS]
                ((lambda x x) 3 4 5 6) ............................... [ PASS]
                ((lambda (x y . z) z) 3 4 5 6) ....................... [ PASS]
                5 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
                5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (4 1 4)

                -- testing SECTION (4 1 5)
                (if yes) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (if no) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (if 1) ............................................... [ PASS]
                3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (4 1 5)

                -- testing SECTION (4 1 6)
                (define 3) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (set! 5) ............................................. [ PASS]
                2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (4 1 6)

                -- testing SECTION (4 2 1)
                (cond greater) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (cond equal) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (cond 2) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (case composite) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (case consonant) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (and #t) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (and #f) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (and (f g)) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (and #t) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (or #t) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (or #t) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (or #f) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (or #f) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (or (b c)) ........................................... [ PASS]
                14 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                14 out of 14 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (4 2 1)

                -- testing SECTION (4 2 2)
                (let 6) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (let 35) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (let* 70) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (letrec #t) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (let 5) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (let 34) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (let 6) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (let 34) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (let* 7) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (let* 34) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (let* 8) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (let* 34) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (letrec 9) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (letrec 34) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (letrec 10) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (letrec 34) .......................................... [ PASS]
                16 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                16 out of 16 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (4 2 2)

                -- testing SECTION (4 2 3)
                (begin 6) ............................................ [ PASS]
                1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
                1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (4 2 3)

                -- testing SECTION (4 2 4)
                (do #(0 1 2 3 4)) .................................... [ PASS]
                (do 25) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (let 1) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (let ((6 1 3) (-5 -2))) .............................. [ PASS]
                (let -1) ............................................. [ PASS]
                5 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (4 2 4)

                -- testing SECTION (4 2 6)
                (quasiquote (list 3 4)) .............................. [ PASS]
                (quasiquote (list a (quote a))) ...................... [ PASS]
                (quasiquote (a 3 4 5 6 b)) ........................... [ PASS]
                (quasiquote ((foo 7) . cons)) ........................ [ PASS]
                (quasiquote #(10 5 2 4 3 8)) ......................... [ PASS]
                (quasiquote 5) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (quasiquote (a (quasiquote (b (unquote (+ 1 2)) (unquote (foo 4 d)) e)) f))  [ PASS]
                (quasiquote (a (quasiquote (b (unquote x) (unquote (quote y)) d)) e))  [ PASS]
                (quasiquote (list 3 4)) .............................. [ PASS]
                (quasiquote (quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4))) . [ PASS]
                10 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (4 2 6)

                -- testing SECTION (5 2 1)
                (define 6) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (define 1) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (add3 6) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (add3 6) ............................................. [ PASS]
                4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (5 2 1)

                -- testing SECTION (5 2 2)
                (define 45) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (foo) ................................................ [ PASS]
                (define 34) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (foo) ................................................ [ PASS]
                (define 34) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (foo 88) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (foo 4) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (define 34) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (internal-define 99) ................................. [ PASS]
                (internal-define 77) ................................. [ PASS]
                10 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (5 2 2)

                -- testing SECTION (6 1)
                (not #t) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (not 3) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (not (3)) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (not #f) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (not ()) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (not ()) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (not nil) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (boolean? #f) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (boolean? 0) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (boolean? ()) ........................................ [ PASS]
                10 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 1)

                -- testing SECTION (6 2)
                (eqv? a a) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (eqv? a b) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (eqv? 2 2) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (eqv? () ()) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (eqv? 10000 10000) ................................... [ PASS]
                (eqv? (1 . 2) (1 . 2)) ............................... [ PASS]
                (eqv? #<procedure (?)> #<procedure (?)>) ............. [ PASS]
                (eqv? #f nil) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (eqv? #<procedure (p x)> #<procedure (p x)>) ......... [ PASS]
                (eqv? #<procedure (?)> #<procedure (?)>) ............. [ PASS]
                (eqv? #<procedure (?)> #<procedure (?)>) ............. [ PASS]
                (eqv? #<procedure (f)> #<procedure (g)>) ............. [ PASS]
                (eq? a a) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (eq? (a) (a)) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (eq? () ()) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (eq? #<procedure (car p)> #<procedure (car p)>) ...... [ PASS]
                (eq? (a) (a)) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (eq? #() #()) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (eq? #<procedure (x x)> #<procedure (x x)>) .......... [ PASS]
                (equal? a a) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (equal? (a) (a)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (equal? (a (b) c) (a (b) c)) ......................... [ PASS]
                (equal? "abc" "abc") ................................. [ PASS]
                (equal? 2 2) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (equal? #(a a a a a) #(a a a a a)) ................... [ PASS]
                25 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                25 out of 25 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 2)

                -- testing SECTION (6 3)
                (dot (a b c d e)) .................................... [ PASS]
                (list? (a b c)) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (set-cdr! (a . 4)) ................................... [ PASS]
                (eqv? (a . 4) (a . 4)) ............................... [ PASS]
                (dot (a b c . d)) .................................... [ PASS]
                (list? (a . 4)) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (pair? (a . b)) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (pair? (a . 1)) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (pair? (a b c)) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (pair? ()) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (pair? #(a b)) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (cons a ()) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (cons (a) (b c d)) ................................... [ PASS]
                (cons "a" (b c)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (cons a 3) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (cons (a b) c) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (car (a b c)) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (car ((a) b c d)) .................................... [ PASS]
                (car (1 . 2)) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (cdr ((a) b c d)) .................................... [ PASS]
                (cdr (1 . 2)) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (list a 7 c) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (list) ............................................... [ PASS]
                (length (a b c)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (length (a (b) (c d e))) ............................. [ PASS]
                (length ()) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (append (x) (y)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (append (a) (b c d)) ................................. [ PASS]
                (append (a (b)) ((c))) ............................... [ PASS]
                (append) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (append (a b) (c . d)) ............................... [ PASS]
                (append () a) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (reverse (a b c)) .................................... [ PASS]
                (reverse (a (b c) d (e (f)))) ........................ [ PASS]
                (list-ref (a b c d) 2) ............................... [ PASS]
                (memq a (a b c)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (memq b (a b c)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (memq a (b c d)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (memq (a) (b (a) c)) ................................. [ PASS]
                (member (a) (b (a) c)) ............................... [ PASS]
                (memv 101 (100 101 102)) ............................. [ PASS]
                (assq a ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))) ......................... [ PASS]
                (assq b ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))) ......................... [ PASS]
                (assq d ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))) ......................... [ PASS]
                (assq (a) (((a)) ((b)) ((c)))) ....................... [ PASS]
                (assoc (a) (((a)) ((b)) ((c)))) ...................... [ PASS]
                (assv 5 ((2 3) (5 7) (11 13))) ....................... [ PASS]
                47 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
                47 out of 47 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 3)

                -- testing SECTION (6 4)
                (symbol? foo) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (symbol? a) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (symbol? "bar") ...................................... [ PASS]
                (symbol? nil) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (symbol? ()) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (symbol? #f) ......................................... [ PASS]
                6 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 4)

                -- testing SECTION (6 5 5)
                (number? 3) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (complex? 3) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (real? 3) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (rational? 3) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (integer? 3) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (exact? 3) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (inexact? 3) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (= 22 22 22) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (= 22 22) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (= 34 34 35) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (= 34 35) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (> 3 -6246) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (> 9 9 -2424) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (>= 3 -4 -6246) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (>= 9 9) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (>= 8 9) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (< -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) ................................. [ PASS]
                (< -1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7) ................................. [ PASS]
                (<= -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) ................................ [ PASS]
                (<= -1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7) ................................ [ PASS]
                (< 1 3 2) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (>= 1 3 2) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (zero? 0) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (zero? 1) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (zero? -1) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (zero? -100) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (positive? 4) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (positive? -4) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (positive? 0) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (negative? 4) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (negative? -4) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (negative? 0) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (odd? 3) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (odd? 2) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (odd? -4) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (odd? -1) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (even? 3) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (even? 2) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (even? -4) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (even? -1) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (max 34 5 7 38 6) .................................... [ PASS]
                (min 3 5 5 330 4 -24) ................................ [ PASS]
                (+ 3 4) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (+ 3) ................................................ [ PASS]
                (+) .................................................. [ PASS]
                (* 4) ................................................ [ PASS]
                (*) .................................................. [ PASS]
                (- 3 4) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (- 3) ................................................ [ PASS]
                (abs -7) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (abs 7) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (abs 0) .............................................. [ PASS]
                (quotient 35 7) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (quotient -35 7) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (quotient 35 -7) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (quotient -35 -7) .................................... [ PASS]
                (modulo 13 4) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (remainder 13 4) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (modulo -13 4) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (remainder -13 4) .................................... [ PASS]
                (modulo 13 -4) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (remainder 13 -4) .................................... [ PASS]
                (modulo -13 -4) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (remainder -13 -4) ................................... [ PASS]
                (modulo 0 86400) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (modulo 0 -86400) .................................... [ PASS]
                (divtest 238 9) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (divtest -238 9) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (divtest 238 -9) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (divtest -238 -9) .................................... [ PASS]
                (gcd 0 4) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (gcd -4 0) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (gcd 32 -36) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (gcd) ................................................ [ PASS]
                (lcm 32 -36) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (lcm) ................................................ [ PASS]
                76 tests completed in 0.013 seconds.
                76 out of 76 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 5 5)

                -- testing SECTION (6 5 5)
                (test-string->number "+#.#") ......................... [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "-#.#") ......................... [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "1/0") .......................... [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "-1/0") ......................... [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "0/0") .......................... [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "+1/0i") ........................ [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "-1/0i") ........................ [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "0/0i") ......................... [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "0/0-0/0i") ..................... [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "1/0-1/0i") ..................... [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "-1/0+1/0i") .................... [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "#i") ........................... [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "#e") ........................... [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "#") ............................ [ PASS]
                (test-string->number "#i0/0") ........................ [ PASS]
                (number? 0.0-1.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                (number? 0.0+1.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                (number? 2.0+1.0i) ................................... [ PASS]
                18 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                18 out of 18 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 5 5)

                -- testing SECTION (6 5 9)
                (number->string 0) ................................... [ PASS]
                (number->string 100) ................................. [ PASS]
                (number->string 256 16) .............................. [ PASS]
                (string->number "100") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string->number "100" 16) ............................ [ PASS]
                (string->number "") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string->number ".") ................................. [ PASS]
                (string->number "d") ................................. [ PASS]
                (string->number "D") ................................. [ PASS]
                (string->number "i") ................................. [ PASS]
                (string->number "I") ................................. [ PASS]
                (string->number "3i") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string->number "3I") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string->number "33i") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string->number "33I") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string->number "3.3i") .............................. [ PASS]
                (string->number "3.3I") .............................. [ PASS]
                (string->number "-") ................................. [ PASS]
                (string->number "+") ................................. [ PASS]
                (string->number #t) .................................. [ PASS]
                (string->number #t) .................................. [ PASS]
                21 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                21 out of 21 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 5 9)

                -- testing SECTION (6 6)
                (eqv? #\space #\space) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char? #\a) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (char? #\() .......................................... [ PASS]
                (char? #\space) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (char? #\newline) .................................... [ PASS]
                (char=? #\A #\B) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (char=? #\a #\b) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (char=? #\9 #\0) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (char=? #\A #\A) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (char<? #\A #\B) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (char<? #\a #\b) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (char<? #\9 #\0) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (char<? #\A #\A) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (char>? #\A #\B) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (char>? #\a #\b) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (char>? #\9 #\0) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (char>? #\A #\A) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (char<=? #\A #\B) .................................... [ PASS]
                (char<=? #\a #\b) .................................... [ PASS]
                (char<=? #\9 #\0) .................................... [ PASS]
                (char<=? #\A #\A) .................................... [ PASS]
                (char>=? #\A #\B) .................................... [ PASS]
                (char>=? #\a #\b) .................................... [ PASS]
                (char>=? #\9 #\0) .................................... [ PASS]
                (char>=? #\A #\A) .................................... [ PASS]
                (char-ci=? #\A #\B) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci=? #\a #\B) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci=? #\A #\b) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci=? #\a #\b) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci=? #\9 #\0) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci=? #\A #\A) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci=? #\A #\a) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<? #\A #\B) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<? #\a #\B) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<? #\A #\b) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<? #\a #\b) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<? #\9 #\0) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<? #\A #\A) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<? #\A #\a) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>? #\A #\B) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>? #\a #\B) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>? #\A #\b) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>? #\a #\b) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>? #\9 #\0) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>? #\A #\A) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>? #\A #\a) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<=? #\A #\B) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<=? #\a #\B) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<=? #\A #\b) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<=? #\a #\b) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<=? #\9 #\0) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<=? #\A #\A) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci<=? #\A #\a) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>=? #\A #\B) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>=? #\a #\B) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>=? #\A #\b) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>=? #\a #\b) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>=? #\9 #\0) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>=? #\A #\A) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-ci>=? #\A #\a) ................................. [ PASS]
                (char-alphabetic? #\a) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-alphabetic? #\A) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-alphabetic? #\z) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-alphabetic? #\Z) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-alphabetic? #\0) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-alphabetic? #\9) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-alphabetic? #\space) ........................... [ PASS]
                (char-alphabetic? #\;) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-numeric? #\a) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-numeric? #\A) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-numeric? #\z) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-numeric? #\Z) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-numeric? #\0) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-numeric? #\9) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-numeric? #\space) .............................. [ PASS]
                (char-numeric? #\;) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-whitespace? #\a) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-whitespace? #\A) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-whitespace? #\z) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-whitespace? #\Z) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-whitespace? #\0) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-whitespace? #\9) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-whitespace? #\space) ........................... [ PASS]
                (char-whitespace? #\;) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-upper-case? #\0) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-upper-case? #\9) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-upper-case? #\space) ........................... [ PASS]
                (char-upper-case? #\;) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-lower-case? #\0) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-lower-case? #\9) ............................... [ PASS]
                (char-lower-case? #\space) ........................... [ PASS]
                (char-lower-case? #\;) ............................... [ PASS]
                (integer->char 46) ................................... [ PASS]
                (integer->char 65) ................................... [ PASS]
                (integer->char 97) ................................... [ PASS]
                (char-upcase #\A) .................................... [ PASS]
                (char-upcase #\a) .................................... [ PASS]
                (char-downcase #\A) .................................. [ PASS]
                (char-downcase #\a) .................................. [ PASS]
                99 tests completed in 0.005 seconds.
                99 out of 99 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 6)

                -- testing SECTION (6 7)
                (string? "The word \"recursion\\\" has many meanings.")  [ PASS]
                (string? "") ......................................... [ PASS]
                (string-set! "?**") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string #\a #\b #\c) ................................. [ PASS]
                (string) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (string-length "abc") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ref "abc" 0) ................................. [ PASS]
                (string-ref "abc" 2) ................................. [ PASS]
                (string-length "") ................................... [ PASS]
                (substring "ab" 0 0) ................................. [ PASS]
                (substring "ab" 1 1) ................................. [ PASS]
                (substring "ab" 2 2) ................................. [ PASS]
                (substring "ab" 0 1) ................................. [ PASS]
                (substring "ab" 1 2) ................................. [ PASS]
                (substring "ab" 0 2) ................................. [ PASS]
                (string-append "foo" "bar") .......................... [ PASS]
                (string-append "foo") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-append "foo" "") ............................. [ PASS]
                (string-append "" "foo") ............................. [ PASS]
                (string-append) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (make-string 0) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (string=? "" "") ..................................... [ PASS]
                (string<? "" "") ..................................... [ PASS]
                (string>? "" "") ..................................... [ PASS]
                (string<=? "" "") .................................... [ PASS]
                (string>=? "" "") .................................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci=? "" "") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string-ci<? "" "") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string-ci>? "" "") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string-ci<=? "" "") ................................. [ PASS]
                (string-ci>=? "" "") ................................. [ PASS]
                (string=? "A" "B") ................................... [ PASS]
                (string=? "a" "b") ................................... [ PASS]
                (string=? "9" "0") ................................... [ PASS]
                (string=? "A" "A") ................................... [ PASS]
                (string<? "A" "B") ................................... [ PASS]
                (string<? "a" "b") ................................... [ PASS]
                (string<? "9" "0") ................................... [ PASS]
                (string<? "A" "A") ................................... [ PASS]
                (string>? "A" "B") ................................... [ PASS]
                (string>? "a" "b") ................................... [ PASS]
                (string>? "9" "0") ................................... [ PASS]
                (string>? "A" "A") ................................... [ PASS]
                (string<=? "A" "B") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string<=? "a" "b") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string<=? "9" "0") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string<=? "A" "A") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string>=? "A" "B") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string>=? "a" "b") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string>=? "9" "0") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string>=? "A" "A") .................................. [ PASS]
                (string-ci=? "A" "B") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci=? "a" "B") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci=? "A" "b") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci=? "a" "b") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci=? "9" "0") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci=? "A" "A") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci=? "A" "a") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci<? "A" "B") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci<? "a" "B") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci<? "A" "b") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci<? "a" "b") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci<? "9" "0") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci<? "A" "A") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci<? "A" "a") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci>? "A" "B") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci>? "a" "B") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci>? "A" "b") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci>? "a" "b") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci>? "9" "0") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci>? "A" "A") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci>? "A" "a") ................................ [ PASS]
                (string-ci<=? "A" "B") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci<=? "a" "B") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci<=? "A" "b") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci<=? "a" "b") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci<=? "9" "0") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci<=? "A" "A") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci<=? "A" "a") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci>=? "A" "B") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci>=? "a" "B") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci>=? "A" "b") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci>=? "a" "b") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci>=? "9" "0") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci>=? "A" "A") ............................... [ PASS]
                (string-ci>=? "A" "a") ............................... [ PASS]
                86 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
                86 out of 86 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 7)

                -- testing SECTION (6 8)
                (vector? #(0 (2 2 2 2) "Anna")) ...................... [ PASS]
                (vector? #()) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (vector a b c) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (vector) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (vector-length #(0 (2 2 2 2) "Anna")) ................ [ PASS]
                (vector-length #()) .................................. [ PASS]
                (vector-ref #(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21) 5) .................. [ PASS]
                (vector-set #(0 ("Sue" "Sue") "Anna")) ............... [ PASS]
                (make-vector 2 hi) ................................... [ PASS]
                (make-vector 0) ...................................... [ PASS]
                (make-vector 0 a) .................................... [ PASS]
                11 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                11 out of 11 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 8)

                -- testing SECTION (6 9)
                (procedure? #<procedure (car p)>) .................... [ PASS]
                (procedure? car) ..................................... [ PASS]
                (procedure? #<procedure (? x)>) ...................... [ PASS]
                (procedure? (lambda (x) (* x x))) .................... [ PASS]
                (call-with-current-continuation #<procedure (procedure? x1697)>)  [ PASS]
                (apply #<procedure (numbers#+ . args184)> (3 4)) ..... [ PASS]
                (apply #<procedure (? a b)> (3 4)) ................... [ PASS]
                (apply #<procedure (numbers#+ . args184)> 10 (3 4)) .. [ PASS]
                (apply #<procedure (list . lst353)> ()) .............. [ PASS]
                ((compose sqt *) 12 75) .............................. [ PASS]
                (map #<procedure (cadr p)> ((a b) (d e) (g h))) ...... [ PASS]
                (map #<procedure (numbers#+ . args184)> (1 2 3) (4 5 6))  [ PASS]
                (map #<procedure (numbers#+ . args184)> (1 2 3)) ..... [ PASS]
                (map #<procedure (numbers#* . args826)> (1 2 3)) ..... [ PASS]
                (map #<procedure (numbers#- arg1482 . args483)> (1 2 3))  [ PASS]
                (for-each #(0 1 4 9 16)) ............................. [ PASS]
                (call-with-current-continuation #<procedure (? exit)>)  [ PASS]
                (list-length (1 2 3 4)) .............................. [ PASS]
                (list-length (a b . c)) .............................. [ PASS]
                (map #<procedure (cadr p)> ()) ....................... [ PASS]
                20 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                20 out of 20 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 9)

                -- testing SECTION (6 10 1)
                (input-port? #<input port "(stdin)">) ................ [ PASS]
                (output-port? #<output port "(string)">) ............. [ PASS]
                (call-with-input-file "r4rstest.scm" #<procedure (input-port? x1879)>)  [ PASS]
                (input-port? #<input port "r4rstest.scm">) ........... [ PASS]
                4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 10 1)

                -- testing SECTION (6 10 2)
                (peek-char #<input port "r4rstest.scm">) ............. [ PASS]
                (read-char #<input port "r4rstest.scm">) ............. [ PASS]
                (read #<input port "r4rstest.scm">) .................. [ PASS]
                (peek-char #<input port "r4rstest.scm">) ............. [ PASS]
                (read #<input port "r4rstest.scm">) .................. [ PASS]
                5 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 10 2)

                -- testing SECTION (6 10 3)
                (call-with-output-file "tmp1" #<procedure (? test-file)>)  [ PASS]
                                (read #<input port "tmp1">) .......................... [ PASS]
                (eof-object? #!eof) .................................. [ PASS]
                (eof-object? #!eof) .................................. [ PASS]
(input-port? #t)                  (read #<input port "tmp1">) .......................... [ PASS]
                (eof-object? #!eof) .................................. [ PASS]
                (eof-object? #!eof) .................................. [ PASS]
                (read-char #<input port "tmp1">) ..................... [ PASS]
                (read-char #<input port "tmp1">) ..................... [ PASS]
                (read-char #<input port "tmp1">) ..................... [ PASS]
                (read #<input port "tmp1">) .......................... [ PASS]
                (read #<input port "tmp1">) .......................... [ PASS]
                (output-port? #<output port "tmp2">) ................. [ PASS]
                                (read #<input port "tmp2">) .......................... [ PASS]
                (eof-object? #!eof) .................................. [ PASS]
                (eof-object? #!eof) .................................. [ PASS]
(input-port? #t)                  (read #<input port "tmp2">) .......................... [ PASS]
                (eof-object? #!eof) .................................. [ PASS]
                (eof-object? #!eof) .................................. [ PASS]
                (read-char #<input port "tmp2">) ..................... [ PASS]
                (read-char #<input port "tmp2">) ..................... [ PASS]
                (read-char #<input port "tmp2">) ..................... [ PASS]
                (read #<input port "tmp2">) .......................... [ PASS]
                (read #<input port "tmp2">) .......................... [ PASS]

Passed all tests

;testing inexact numbers; 
                26 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
                26 out of 26 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 10 3)

                -- testing SECTION (6 2)
                (eqv? 1 1.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (eqv? 0 0.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
                2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 2)

                -- testing SECTION (6 5 5)
                (inexact? 3.9) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (max #t) ............................................. [ PASS]
                (max 3.9 4) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (exact->inexact 4) ................................... [ PASS]
                (exact->inexact 4.0) ................................. [ PASS]
                (inexact->exact 4) ................................... [ PASS]
                (inexact->exact 4.0) ................................. [ PASS]
                (round -4.5) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (round -3.5) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (round -3.9) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (round 0.0) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (round 0.25) ......................................... [ PASS]
                (round 0.8) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (round 3.5) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (round 4.5) .......................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 0 0) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (expt 0 1) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (atan 1 1) ........................................... [ PASS]
                (call-with-output-file "tmp3" #<procedure (? test-file)>)  [ PASS]
                                (read #<input port "tmp3">) .......................... [ PASS]
                (eof-object? #!eof) .................................. [ PASS]
                (eof-object? #!eof) .................................. [ PASS]
(input-port? #t)                  (read #<input port "tmp3">) .......................... [ PASS]
                (eof-object? #!eof) .................................. [ PASS]
                (eof-object? #!eof) .................................. [ PASS]
                (read-char #<input port "tmp3">) ..................... [ PASS]
                (read-char #<input port "tmp3">) ..................... [ PASS]
                (read-char #<input port "tmp3">) ..................... [ PASS]
                (read #<input port "tmp3">) .......................... [ PASS]
                (read #<input port "tmp3">) .......................... [ PASS]
                (pentium-fdiv-bug #t) ................................ [ PASS]

Passed all tests

;testing bignums; 
                32 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
                32 out of 32 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 5 5)

                -- testing SECTION (6 5 7)
                (modulo 33333333333333333333 3) ...................... [ PASS]
                (modulo 33333333333333333333 -3) ..................... [ PASS]
                (remainder 33333333333333333333 3) ................... [ PASS]
                (remainder 33333333333333333333 -3) .................. [ PASS]
                (modulo 33333333333333333332 3) ...................... [ PASS]
                (modulo 33333333333333333332 -3) ..................... [ PASS]
                (remainder 33333333333333333332 3) ................... [ PASS]
                (remainder 33333333333333333332 -3) .................. [ PASS]
                (modulo -33333333333333333332 3) ..................... [ PASS]
                (modulo -33333333333333333332 -3) .................... [ PASS]
                (remainder -33333333333333333332 3) .................. [ PASS]
                (remainder -33333333333333333332 -3) ................. [ PASS]
                (modulo 3 33333333333333333333) ...................... [ PASS]
                (modulo -3 33333333333333333333) ..................... [ PASS]
                (remainder 3 33333333333333333333) ................... [ PASS]
                (remainder -3 33333333333333333333) .................. [ PASS]
                (modulo 3 -33333333333333333333) ..................... [ PASS]
                (modulo -3 -33333333333333333333) .................... [ PASS]
                (remainder 3 -33333333333333333333) .................. [ PASS]
                (remainder -3 -33333333333333333333) ................. [ PASS]
                (modulo -2177452800 86400) ........................... [ PASS]
                (modulo 2177452800 -86400) ........................... [ PASS]
                (modulo 2177452800 86400) ............................ [ PASS]
                (modulo -2177452800 -86400) .......................... [ PASS]
                (modulo 0 -2177452800) ............................... [ PASS]
                (remainder #t) ....................................... [ PASS]
                (remainder #t) ....................................... [ PASS]
                27 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                27 out of 27 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 5 7)

                -- testing SECTION (6 5 8)
                (string->number "281474976710655325431") ............. [ PASS]
                (number->string 281474976710655325431) ............... [ PASS]

Passed all tests

;testing bignum-inexact comparisons;
                2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 5 8)

                -- testing SECTION (6 5 5)
                (= 1237940039285380274899124225 1.23794003928538e+27 1237940039285380274899124223)  [ PASS]
                (= 1.23794003928538e+27 1237940039285380274899124225 1237940039285380274899124223)  [ PASS]
                (< 1237940039285380274899124223 1.23794003928538e+27 1237940039285380274899124225)  [ PASS]

To fully test continuations, Scheme 4, and DELAY/FORCE do:
(test-cont) (test-sc4) (test-delay)

;testing continuations; 
                3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 5 5)

                -- testing SECTION (6 9)
                (leaf-eq? (a (b (c))) ((a) b c)) ..................... [ PASS]
                (leaf-eq? (a (b (c))) ((a) b c d)) ................... [ PASS]

Passed all tests

;testing scheme 4 functions; 
                2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 9)

                -- testing SECTION (6 7)
                (string->list "P l") ................................. [ PASS]
                (string->list "") .................................... [ PASS]
                (list->string (#\1 #\\ #\")) ......................... [ PASS]
                (list->string ()) .................................... [ PASS]
                4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 7)

                -- testing SECTION (6 8)
                (vector->list #(dah dah didah)) ...................... [ PASS]
                (vector->list #()) ................................... [ PASS]
                (list->vector (dididit dah)) ......................... [ PASS]
                (list->vector ()) .................................... [ PASS]
                4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 8)

                -- testing SECTION (6 10 4)
                (load (#t #f a () 9739 -3 . #((test) "te \" \" st" "" test #() b c)))  [ PASS]

Passed all tests

;testing DELAY and FORCE; 
                1 test completed in 0.001 seconds.
                1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 10 4)

                -- testing SECTION (6 9)
                (delay 3) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (delay (3 3)) ........................................ [ PASS]
                (delay 2) ............................................ [ PASS]
                (force #<promise>) ................................... [ PASS]
                (force #<promise>) ................................... [ PASS]
                (force 3) ............................................ [ PASS]

Passed all tests
                6 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing SECTION (6 9)

            38 subgroups completed in 0.049 seconds.
            38 out of 38 (100%) subgroups passed.
            -- done testing r4rs tests ---------------------------------------

        R4RS tests were successful ................................... [ PASS]
        1 test and 1 subgroup completed in 0.049 seconds.
        1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
        1 out of 1 (100%) subgroup passed.
        -- done testing R4RS tests -------------------------------------------

    6 subgroups completed in 3.532 seconds.
    5 out of 6 (83.3%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing numbers --------------------------------------------------

1 subgroup completed in 3.533 seconds.
0 out of 1 (0%) subgroups passed.
-- done testing interpreted --------------------------------------------------

  /home/mario/local/chicken- -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    -X numbers-syntax -O3 all-tests.scm

Warning: in local unknown procedure,
  in local unknown procedure,
  in local unknown procedure,
  in toplevel unknown procedure:
  (numbers-test-gauche.scm:757) in procedure call to `numbers#finite?', expected argument #1 of type `(or number (struct bignum) (struct ratnum) (struct compnum))', but was given an argument of type `boolean'

Warning: in local unknown procedure,
  in local unknown procedure,
  in local unknown procedure,
  in toplevel unknown procedure:
  (numbers-test-gauche.scm:765) in procedure call to `numbers#infinite?', expected argument #1 of type `(or number (struct bignum) (struct ratnum) (struct compnum))', but was given an argument of type `boolean'

Warning: in local unknown procedure,
  in local unknown procedure,
  in local unknown procedure,
  in toplevel unknown procedure:
  (numbers-test-gauche.scm:766) in procedure call to `numbers#nan?', expected argument #1 of type `(or number (struct bignum) (struct ratnum) (struct compnum))', but was given an argument of type `boolean'

Warning: redefinition of extended binding: first

-- testing numbers -----------------------------------------------------------

    -- testing Basic numbers tests -------------------------------------------

        -- testing numbers ---------------------------------------------------

            -- testing basic constructors ------------------------------------
            some bignum (twice maxint) ............................... 9223372036854775806
            some other bignum (2147483668 or 9223372036854775828) .... 9223372036854775828
            negative bignum .......................................... -4611686018427387926
            exact complex ............................................ 33+44i
            inexact complex .......................................... -1.2+44.0i
            rational ................................................. 3/4
            6 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing basic constructors -------------------------------

            -- testing addition ----------------------------------------------
            +: no arguments .......................................... [ PASS]
            +: single argument ....................................... [ PASS]
            +: adding fixnums ........................................ [ PASS]
            +: adding fixnums (2nd negative) ......................... [ PASS]
            +: adding fix/flo ........................................ [ PASS]
            +: adding fix/big ........................................ 9223372036854775828
            +: adding fix/rat ........................................ 91/4
            +: adding fix/complex .................................... [ PASS]
            +: adding complex/fix (inexact) .......................... [ PASS]
            +: flo/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            +: flo/big ............................................... [ PASS]
            +: flo/rat ............................................... 34.15
            +: flo/comp .............................................. [ PASS]
            +: big/rat ............................................... 36893488147419103315/4
            +: comp+comp ............................................. [ PASS]
            +: comp+comp (inexact) ................................... [ PASS]
            +: multiarg .............................................. [ PASS]
            17 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            17 out of 17 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing addition -----------------------------------------

            -- testing subtraction -------------------------------------------
            -: negate fix ............................................ [ PASS]
            -: negate most negative fix .............................. [ PASS]
            -: negate flo ............................................ [ PASS]
            -: negate rat ............................................ -3/4
            -: negate big (should be -2147483668) .................... -9223372036854775828
            -: negate comp ........................................... [ PASS]
            -: fixnums ............................................... [ PASS]
            -: fixnums (2nd negative) ................................ [ PASS]
            -: fixnums (overflow) .................................... 0
            -: fix/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            -: flo/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            -: fix/big ............................................... 4611686018427387948
            -: big/fix ............................................... -4611686018427387948
            -: big/fix (normalizing to fix) .......................... [ PASS]
            -: fix/rat ............................................... 85/4
            -: rat/fix ............................................... -85/4
            -: fix/complex ........................................... [ PASS]
            -: complex/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
            -: complex/fix (inexact) ................................. [ PASS]
            -: fix/complex (inexact) ................................. [ PASS]
            -: fix/complex (negative im) ............................. [ PASS]
            -: fix/complex (negative im, inexact) .................... [ PASS]
            -: fix/complex (negative real, inexact) .................. [ PASS]
            -: rat/complex (negative real) ........................... [ PASS]
            -: flo/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            -: flo/big ............................................... -9.22337203685478e+18
            -: big/flo ............................................... 9.22337203685478e+18
            -: flo/rat ............................................... 2.65
            -: rat/flo ............................................... -2.65
            -: big/rat ............................................... 36893488147419103309/4
            -: rat/big ............................................... -36893488147419103309/4
            -: flo/comp .............................................. [ PASS]
            -: comp/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            -: comp-comp ............................................. [ PASS]
            -: comp-comp (inexact) ................................... [ PASS]
            -: multiarg .............................................. [ PASS]
            36 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            36 out of 36 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing subtraction --------------------------------------

            -- testing multiplication ----------------------------------------
            *: no arguments .......................................... [ PASS]
            *: single argument ....................................... [ PASS]
            *: multiplying fixnums ................................... [ PASS]
            *: multiplying fixnums (2nd negative) .................... [ PASS]
            *: multiplying fix/flo ................................... [ PASS]
            *: multiplying fix/big (-> 47244640212) .................. 202914184810805067732
            *: multiplying fix/rat ................................... 99/4
            *: multiplying fix/complex ............................... [ PASS]
            *: multiplying complex/fix (inexact) ..................... [ PASS]
            *: flo/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            *: flo/big ............................................... [ PASS]
            *: flo/rat ............................................... 2.55
            *: big/rat ............................................... 6917529027641081871
            *: flo/comp .............................................. [ PASS]
            *: comp*comp ............................................. [ PASS]
            *: comp*comp (inexact) ................................... [ PASS]
            *: multiarg .............................................. [ PASS]
            17 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            17 out of 17 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing multiplication -----------------------------------

            -- testing division ----------------------------------------------
            /: rec. fix .............................................. 1/33
            /: rec. flo .............................................. 0.0301204819277108
            /: rec. rat .............................................. 4/3
            /: rec. big .............................................. 1/9223372036854775828
            /: rec. comp ............................................. [ PASS]
            /: fixnums ............................................... 3/4
            /: fixnums (both negative, fixnum result) ................ 1
            /: fixnums (2nd negative) ................................ -3/4
            /: fixnums ............................................... 1
            /: fix/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            /: flo/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            /: fix/big ............................................... -11/2305843009213693963
            /: big/fix ............................................... -2305843009213693963/11
            /: fix/rat ............................................... 88/3
            /: rat/fix ............................................... 3/88
            /: fix/complex ........................................... 27/25-36/25i
            /: complex/fix ........................................... 1/3+4/9i
            /: complex/fix (inexact) ................................. -100.2+44.0i
            /: fix/complex (inexact) ................................. 100.2-44.0i
            /: flo/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            /: flo/big ............................................... 3.68628738645071e-19
            /: big/flo ............................................... 2.71275648142788e+18
            /: flo/rat ............................................... 4.53333333333333
            /: rat/flo ............................................... 0.220588235294118
            /: big/rat ............................................... 36893488147419103312/3
            /: rat/big ............................................... 3/36893488147419103312
            /: rat/rat ............................................... 1
            /: flo/comp .............................................. 0.0370909090909091-0.0494545454545455i
            /: comp/flo .............................................. 9.70588235294118+12.9411764705882i
            /: comp/comp ............................................. 1
            /: comp/comp (inexact) ................................... 0.978817408539103-0.776695020232885i
            /: rat/complex ........................................... [ PASS]
            /: rat/complex (negative im) ............................. [ PASS]
            /: rat/complex (negative real) ........................... [ PASS]
            /: rat/complex (negative real&im) ........................ [ PASS]
            /: multiarg .............................................. 3/4
            /: div by 0 .............................................. [ PASS]
            /: div by 0 (inexact) .................................... [ PASS]
            /: big result ............................................ 4611686018427387914
            39 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
            39 out of 39 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing division -----------------------------------------

            -- testing quotient ----------------------------------------------
            quotient: fix/fix ........................................ [ PASS]
            quotient: fix/big ........................................ [ PASS]
            quotient: fix/big (most negative) ........................ [ PASS]
            quotient: big/fix (most negative) ........................ [ PASS]
            quotient: flo/flo ........................................ [ PASS]
            quotient: fix/flo ........................................ [ PASS]
            quotient: flo/fix ........................................ [ PASS]
            quotient: flo/big ........................................ [ PASS]
            quotient: big/flo ........................................ [ PASS]
            quotient: flo/flo (fractional) ........................... [ PASS]
            quotient: fix/flo (fractional) ........................... [ PASS]
            quotient: flo/fix (fractional) ........................... [ PASS]
            12 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            12 out of 12 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing quotient -----------------------------------------

            -- testing remainder ---------------------------------------------
            remainder: fix/fix ....................................... [ PASS]
            remainder: fix/big ....................................... [ PASS]
            remainder: fix/big (most negative) ....................... [ PASS]
            remainder: big/fix (most negative) ....................... [ PASS]
            remainder: flo/flo ....................................... [ PASS]
            remainder: fix/flo ....................................... [ PASS]
            remainder: flo/fix ....................................... [ PASS]
            remainder: flo/flo (fractional) .......................... [ PASS]
            remainder: fix/flo (fractional) .......................... [ PASS]
            remainder: flo/fix (fractional) .......................... [ PASS]
            10 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing remainder ----------------------------------------

            -- testing quotient&remainder ------------------------------------
            quotient&remainder: fix/fix .............................. [ PASS]
            quotient&remainder: fix/big .............................. [ PASS]
            quotient&remainder: fix/big (most negative) .............. [ PASS]
            quotient&remainder: big/fix (most negative) .............. [ PASS]
            quotient&remainder: flo/flo .............................. [ PASS]
            quotient&remainder: flo/fix .............................. [ PASS]
            quotient&remainder: fix/flo .............................. [ PASS]
            quotient&remainder: flo/fix (fractional) ................. [ PASS]
            quotient&remainder: flo/big (fractional) ................. [ PASS]
            quotient&remainder: big/flo (fractional) ................. [ PASS]
            10 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing quotient&remainder -------------------------------

            -- testing gcd ---------------------------------------------------
            gcd: fix (64-bit)/big .................................... [ PASS]
            (gcd) .................................................... [ PASS]
            (gcd 6) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (gcd 6 8) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (gcd 6 8 5) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (gcd 6 -8 5) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (gcd 6.0 8.0) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (gcd 6.1 8.0) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (gcd 6.0 8.1) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (gcd +inf.0) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (gcd +nan.0) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (gcd 6.0 +inf.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (gcd +inf.0 6.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (gcd +nan.0 6.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (gcd 6.0 +nan.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (gcd 1+2i 3+4i) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (gcd 1/2 3/4) ............................................ [ PASS]
            17 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            17 out of 17 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing gcd ----------------------------------------------

            -- testing lcm ---------------------------------------------------
            (lcm) .................................................... [ PASS]
            (lcm 6 8) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (lcm 6 8 5) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (lcm 6.0 8.0) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (lcm 6.1 8.0) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (lcm 6.0 8.1) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (lcm +inf.0) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (lcm +nan.0) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (lcm 6.0 +inf.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (lcm +inf.0 6.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (lcm +nan.0 6.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (lcm 6.0 +nan.0) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (lcm 1+2i 3+4i) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (lcm 1/2 3/4) ............................................ [ PASS]
            14 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            14 out of 14 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing lcm ----------------------------------------------

            -- testing equality ----------------------------------------------
            =: fix/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            =: fix/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            =: !fix/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            =: !fix/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            =: !fix/flo (overflow) ................................... [ PASS]
            =: !fix/flo (inf) ........................................ [ PASS]
            =: !fix/flo (-inf) ....................................... [ PASS]
            =: !fix/flo (+nan) ....................................... [ PASS]
            =: flo/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            =: !flo/fix (overflow) ................................... [ PASS]
            =: !flo/fix (inf) ........................................ [ PASS]
            =: !flo/fix (-inf) ....................................... [ PASS]
            =: !flo/fix (+nan) ....................................... [ PASS]
            =: flo/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            =: !flo/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            =: big/big ............................................... [ PASS]
            =: !big/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            =: rat/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            =: rat/rat ............................................... [ PASS]
            =: !rat/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            =: comp/comp ............................................. [ PASS]
            =: !comp/comp ............................................ [ PASS]
            22 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            22 out of 22 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing equality -----------------------------------------

            -- testing generic equality --------------------------------------
            equal?: fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: fix/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: !fix/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: !fix/flo ......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: flo/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: flo/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: !flo/flo ......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: big/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: big/big .......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: big/big2 ......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: !big/big ......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: rat/flo .......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: rat/rat .......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: !rat/rat ......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: comp/comp ........................................ [ PASS]
            equal?: !comp/comp ....................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: nan/nan .......................................... [ PASS]
            equal?: nan+nan/nan+nan .................................. [ PASS]
            18 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            18 out of 18 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing generic equality ---------------------------------

            -- testing greater & greater/equal -------------------------------
            >: fix/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: fix/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: fix/fix/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
            >=: fix/fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            >: !fix/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !fix/fix ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !fix/fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            >=: !fix/fix/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
            >: fix/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: !fix/fix ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: fix/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: fix/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !fix/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !fix/flo ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !fix/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !fix/flo ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: fix/flo (flo overflow), on 64 bits .................... [ PASS]
            >=: fix/flo (flo overflow), on 64 bits ................... [ PASS]
            >: fix/flo (flo underflow), on 64 bits ................... [ PASS]
            >=: fix/flo (flo underflow), on 64 bits .................. [ PASS]
            >: fix/big ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: fix/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !fix/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !fix/big ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: fix/rat ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: fix/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !fix/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !fix/rat ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: flo/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: flo/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !flo/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !flo/fix ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !flo/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: flo/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: flo/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: flo/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !flo/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !flo/flo ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: flo/big ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: flo/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: flo/fix (flo overflow), on 64 bits .................... [ PASS]
            >=: flo/fix (flo overflow), on 64 bits ................... [ PASS]
            >: fix/flo (flo underflow), on 64 bits ................... [ PASS]
            >=: fix/flo (flo underflow), on 64 bits .................. [ PASS]
            >: flo/big (flo overflow) ................................ [ PASS]
            >=: flo/big (flo overflow) ............................... [ PASS]
            >: !flo/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !flo/big ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: flo/rat ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: flo/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !flo/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !flo/rat ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !rat/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: rat/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: flo/nan ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: flo/nan .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: nan/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: nan/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: flo/flo/nan ........................................... [ PASS]
            >=: flo/flo/nan .......................................... [ PASS]
            >: big/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: big/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !big/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !big/fix ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: big/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: big/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: big/flo (flo overflow) ................................ [ PASS]
            >=: big/flo (flo overflow) ............................... [ PASS]
            >: !big/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !big/flo ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: big/big ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: big/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !big/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !big/big ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: big/rat ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: big/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !big/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !big/rat ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: rat/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: rat/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !rat/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !rat/fix ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: rat/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: rat/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !rat/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !rat/flo ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !rat/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !rat/big ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: rat/rat ............................................... [ PASS]
            >=: rat/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            >: !rat/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            >=: !rat/rat ............................................. [ PASS]
            >: rat/flo (flo overflow) ................................ [ PASS]
            >: rat/flo (flo overflow) ................................ [ PASS]
            >=: rat/flo (flo overflow) ............................... [ PASS]
            >=: rat/flo (flo overflow) ............................... [ PASS]
            >: rat/flo (flo underflow) ............................... [ PASS]
            >: rat/flo (flo underflow) ............................... [ PASS]
            >=: rat/flo (flo underflow) .............................. [ PASS]
            >=: rat/flo (flo underflow) .............................. [ PASS]
            100 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
            100 out of 100 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing greater & greater/equal --------------------------

            -- testing less & less/equal -------------------------------------
            <: !fix/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !fix/fix ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: fix/fix/fix ........................................... [ PASS]
            <=: fix/fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            <: !fix/fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            <=: !fix/fix/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
            <: !fix/fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            <=: !fix/fix/fix ......................................... [ PASS]
            <: !fix/fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            <=: fix/fix/fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            <: fix/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: fix/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !fix/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: fix/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !fix/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !fix/flo ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: fix/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: fix/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: fix/flo (flo overflow), on 64 bits .................... [ PASS]
            <=: fix/flo (flo overflow), on 64 bits ................... [ PASS]
            <: fix/flo (flo underflow), on 64 bits ................... [ PASS]
            <=: fix/flo (flo underflow), on 64 bits .................. [ PASS]
            <: !fix/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: fix/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !fix/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !fix/big ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: fix/big ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: fix/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !big/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: big/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !fix/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !fix/rat ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: fix/rat ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: fix/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !flo/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !flo/fix ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: flo/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: flo/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !flo/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !flo/flo ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: flo/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: flo/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !flo/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !flo/big ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: flo/big ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: flo/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: flo/fix (flo overflow), on 64 bits .................... [ PASS]
            <=: flo/fix (flo overflow), on 64 bits ................... [ PASS]
            <: flo/fix (flo underflow), on 64 bits ................... [ PASS]
            <=: flo/fix (flo underflow), on 64 bits .................. [ PASS]
            <: flo/big (flo overflow) ................................ [ PASS]
            <=: flo/big (flo overflow) ............................... [ PASS]
            <: !flo/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !flo/rat ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: flo/rat ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: flo/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: flo/nan ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: flo/nan .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: nan/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: nan/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: flo/flo/nan ........................................... [ PASS]
            <=: flo/flo/nan .......................................... [ PASS]
            <: !big/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !big/fix ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: big/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: big/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !big/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !big/flo ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: big/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: big/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: big/flo (max flo) ..................................... [ PASS]
            <=: big/flo (max flo) .................................... [ PASS]
            <: big/flo (max flo, smaller bignum) ..................... [ PASS]
            <: big/flo (max flo, smaller bignum) ..................... [ PASS]
            <: !big/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !big/big ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: big/big ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: big/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !big/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !big/rat ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: big/rat ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: big/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !rat/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !rat/fix ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: rat/fix ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: rat/fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !rat/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !rat/flo ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: rat/flo ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: rat/flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: rat/big ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: rat/big .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: !rat/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            <=: !rat/rat ............................................. [ PASS]
            <: rat/rat ............................................... [ PASS]
            <=: rat/rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            <: rat/flo (flo overflow) ................................ [ PASS]
            <: rat/flo (flo overflow) ................................ [ PASS]
            <=: rat/flo (flo overflow) ............................... [ PASS]
            <=: rat/flo (flo overflow) ............................... [ PASS]
            <: rat/flo (flo underflow) ............................... [ PASS]
            <: rat/flo (flo underflow) ............................... [ PASS]
            <=: rat/flo (flo underflow) .............................. [ PASS]
            <=: rat/flo (flo underflow) .............................. [ PASS]
            104 tests completed in 0.004 seconds.
            104 out of 104 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing less & less/equal --------------------------------

            -- testing complex -----------------------------------------------
            real-part ................................................ [ PASS]
            real-part of flonum ...................................... [ PASS]
            real-part of fixnum ...................................... [ PASS]
            real-part of ratnum ...................................... [ PASS]
            real-part of bignum ...................................... [ PASS]
            real-part of negative flonum ............................. [ PASS]
            real-part of negative fixnum ............................. [ PASS]
            real-part of negative ratnum ............................. [ PASS]
            real-part of negative bignum ............................. [ PASS]
            imag-part ................................................ [ PASS]
            imag-part of flonum ...................................... [ PASS]
            imag-part of fixnum ...................................... [ PASS]
            imag-part of ratnum ...................................... [ PASS]
            imag-part of bignum ...................................... [ PASS]
            make-polar ............................................... 32.9948291853738+0.584163528478648i
            magnitude ................................................ [ PASS]
            magnitude ................................................ [ PASS]
            magnitude of flonum ...................................... [ PASS]
            magnitude of fixnum ...................................... [ PASS]
            magnitude of ratnum ...................................... [ PASS]
            magnitude of bignum ...................................... [ PASS]
            magnitude of negative flonum ............................. [ PASS]
            magnitude of negative fixnum ............................. [ PASS]
            magnitude of negative ratnum ............................. [ PASS]
            magnitude of negative bignum ............................. [ PASS]
            angle .................................................... 0.927295218001612
            angle of flonum .......................................... [ PASS]
            angle of fixnum .......................................... [ PASS]
            angle of ratnum .......................................... [ PASS]
            angle of bignum .......................................... [ PASS]
            angle of negative flonum ................................. [ PASS]
            angle of negative fixnum ................................. [ PASS]
            angle of negative ratnum ................................. [ PASS]
            angle of negative bignum ................................. [ PASS]
            34 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            34 out of 34 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing complex ------------------------------------------

            -- testing rational ----------------------------------------------
            numerator ................................................ [ PASS]
            numerator ................................................ 9223372036854775828
            numerator ................................................ [ PASS]
            denominator .............................................. [ PASS]
            denominator .............................................. [ PASS]
            denominator .............................................. [ PASS]
            6 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing rational -----------------------------------------

            -- testing misc --------------------------------------------------
            inexact->exact ........................................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact +inf ...................................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact -inf ...................................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact -NaN ...................................... [ PASS]
            sqrt (integer result) .................................... [ PASS]
            sqrt (exact result) ...................................... [ PASS]
            sqrt (inexact result) .................................... [ PASS]
            sqrt (inexact input) ..................................... [ PASS]
            sqrt (exact large number) ................................ [ PASS]
            exact-integer-sqrt (nonint flonum) ....................... [ PASS]
            exact-integer-sqrt (ratnum) .............................. [ PASS]
            exact-integer-sqrt (int flonum) .......................... [ PASS]
            exact-integer-sqrt (w/o rest) ............................ [ PASS]
            exact-integer-sqrt (with rest) ........................... [ PASS]
            exact-integer-nth-root without rest ...................... [ PASS]
            exact-integer-nth-root with rest ......................... [ PASS]
            exact-integer-nth-root with insanely large base .......... [ PASS]
            expt ..................................................... [ PASS]
            expt ..................................................... 1267650600228229401496703205376
            expt 0.0^0.0) ............................................ [ PASS]
            expt 0.0^{pos} ........................................... [ PASS]
            expt 0^0 ................................................. [ PASS]
            expt 0^{pos} ............................................. [ PASS]
            expt 0^{neg} ............................................. [ PASS]
            expt (rat base) .......................................... [ PASS]
            expt (rat exponent) ...................................... [ PASS]
            expt (negative rat exponent) ............................. [ PASS]
            expt (inexact from rat exponent) ......................... [ PASS]
            expt (> 1 rat exponent) .................................. [ PASS]
            expt (rat base & exponent) ............................... [ PASS]
            expt (negative w/ rat exponent) .......................... [ PASS]
            expt ..................................................... 4.0
            expt ..................................................... 1/2
            expt between double and 64-bit integer value ............. [ PASS]
            expt with complex result ................................. [ FAIL]
                expected -1.83690953073357e-16-1.0i but got -1.83697019872103e-16-1.0i
    (expt -1 1.5)
            exact expt with complex number ........................... [ PASS]
            exact expt with complex number, real result .............. [ PASS]
            inexact expt with complex number ......................... [ PASS]
            inexact expt with complex number, real result ............ [ PASS]
            inexact noninteger expt with complex number .............. [ PASS]
            exp with complex numbers ................................. [ PASS]
            log of exp = 1 ........................................... [ PASS]
            log of -1 ................................................ [ PASS]
            log with complex number .................................. [ PASS]
            exp(log(x)) = x .......................................... [ PASS]
            log(exp(x)) = x .......................................... [ PASS]
            bigfac ................................................... 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000
            signum ................................................... [ PASS]
            signum ................................................... [ PASS]
            most-negative-fixnum + most-negative-fixnum = 2 * most-negative-fixnum  [ PASS]
            most-negative-fixnum - most-negative-fixnum = 0 .......... [ PASS]
            most-positive-fixnum + most-positive-fixnum = 2 * most-positive-fixnum  [ PASS]
            most-positive-fixnum - most-positive-fixnum = 0 .......... [ PASS]
            53 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
            1 failure (1.9%).
            52 out of 53 (98.1%) tests passed.
            -- done testing misc ---------------------------------------------

            -- testing R5RS --------------------------------------------------
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            * ........................................................ [ PASS]
            * ........................................................ [ PASS]
            - ........................................................ [ PASS]
            - ........................................................ [ PASS]
            - ........................................................ [ PASS]
            / (3/20) ................................................. 3/20
            / (1/3) .................................................. 1/3
            numerator ................................................ [ PASS]
            denominator .............................................. [ PASS]
            complex? ................................................. [ PASS]
            complex? ................................................. [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            check rational ........................................... 2
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            integer? ................................................. [ PASS]
            integer? ................................................. [ PASS]
            integer? ................................................. [ PASS]
            integer? ................................................. [ PASS]
            integer? ................................................. [ PASS]
            exact-integer? ........................................... [ PASS]
            exact-integer? ........................................... [ PASS]
            exact-integer? ........................................... [ PASS]
            exact-integer? ........................................... [ PASS]
            exact-integer? ........................................... [ PASS]
            max ...................................................... [ PASS]
            max ...................................................... [ PASS]
            modulo ................................................... [ PASS]
            modulo ................................................... [ PASS]
            modulo ................................................... [ PASS]
            modulo ................................................... [ PASS]
            modulo ................................................... [ PASS]
            remainder ................................................ [ PASS]
            remainder ................................................ [ PASS]
            remainder ................................................ [ PASS]
            modulo ................................................... [ PASS]
            remainder ................................................ [ PASS]
            modulo ................................................... [ PASS]
            remainder ................................................ [ PASS]
            modulo ................................................... [ PASS]
            remainder ................................................ [ PASS]
            remainder ................................................ [ PASS]
            (even? 2) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (not (even? 1)) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (even? -2) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (not (even? -1)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (even? 2.0) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (not (even? 1.0)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (even? -2.0) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (not (even? -1.0)) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (even? 2.1) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (even? -2.3) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (even? +inf.0) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (even? +nan.0) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (even? (* most-positive-fixnum 2)) ....................... [ PASS]
            (not (even? (+ (* most-positive-fixnum 2) 1))) ........... [ PASS]
            (odd? (+ (* most-positive-fixnum 2) 1)) .................. [ PASS]
            (not (odd? (* most-positive-fixnum 2))) .................. [ PASS]
            (even? 2.0+3.0i) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (even? 2+3i) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (odd? 2.0+3.0i) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (odd? 2+3i) .............................................. [ PASS]
            floor .................................................... [ PASS]
            ceiling .................................................. [ PASS]
            truncate ................................................. [ PASS]
            round .................................................... [ PASS]
            floor .................................................... [ PASS]
            ceiling .................................................. [ PASS]
            truncate ................................................. [ PASS]
            round .................................................... [ PASS]
            round .................................................... [ PASS]
            round .................................................... [ PASS]
            round .................................................... [ PASS]
            rationalize (1/3) ........................................ [ PASS]
            rationalize (#i1/3) ...................................... [ PASS]
            80 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
            80 out of 80 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing R5RS ---------------------------------------------

            -- testing bitwise ops -------------------------------------------
            and ...................................................... [ PASS]
            ior ...................................................... [ PASS]
            xor ...................................................... [ PASS]
            not ...................................................... -16
            (arithmetic-shift 15 2) .................................. [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift 15 -2) ................................. [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift -15 2) ................................. [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift -15 -2) ................................ [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift -31 most-negative-fixnum) .............. [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift 31 most-negative-fixnum) ............... [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift 0.1 2) ................................. [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift 15 2.0) ................................ [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift 15 -2.0) ............................... [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift 15 2.1) ................................ [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift 15 -2.1) ............................... [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift +inf.0 2) .............................. [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift +nan.0 2) .............................. [ PASS]
            (arithmetic-shift (expt 2 31) (- (expt 2 31))) ........... [ PASS]
            leftrot32 28 ............................................. [ PASS]
            leftrot32 29 ............................................. [ PASS]
            leftrot32 30 ............................................. [ PASS]
            21 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            21 out of 21 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing bitwise ops --------------------------------------

            -- testing string conversion -------------------------------------
            fix ...................................................... [ PASS]
            fix/base ................................................. [ PASS]
            flo ...................................................... [ PASS]
            big ...................................................... [ PASS]
            big/base ................................................. [ PASS]
            rat ...................................................... [ PASS]
            comp ..................................................... [ PASS]
            fix ...................................................... [ PASS]
            fix/base ................................................. [ PASS]
            fix/base-o ............................................... [ PASS]
            fix/unusual-base ......................................... [ PASS]
            fix/wrong-base ........................................... [ PASS]
            fix/invalid-base ......................................... [ PASS]
            fix/invalid-base ......................................... [ PASS]
            flo ...................................................... [ PASS]
            flo2 ..................................................... [ PASS]
            big ...................................................... 123873487384737447
            big/neg .................................................. -123873487384737447
            big/pos .................................................. 123873487384737447
            rat ...................................................... 41/152
            rat/neg .................................................. -41/152
            rat/pos .................................................. 41/152
            rat2 ..................................................... 83/302
            rat/inexact .............................................. 0.269736842105263
            invalid rat .............................................. [ PASS]
            comp ..................................................... 0+12i
            comp ..................................................... 12+34i
            comp ..................................................... 0-1i
            comp ..................................................... 2.19054886993362-98.9757621625034i
            comp ..................................................... 0.36584443443691+0.340819380011667i
            comp2 .................................................... 153+85i
            read time for inexacts with large positive exp isn't insanely high  [ PASS]
            inexact read back are equal .............................. [ PASS]
            inexact are inf .......................................... [ PASS]
            exact are equal .......................................... [ PASS]
            exact are false .......................................... [ PASS]
            read time for inexacts with large positive exp isn't insanely high  [ PASS]
            negative inexact read back are equal ..................... [ PASS]
            negative inexact are negative inf ........................ [ PASS]
            negative exact are equal ................................. [ PASS]
            negative exact are false ................................. [ PASS]
            read time for inexacts with large negative exp isn't insanely high  [ PASS]
            inexact read back are equal .............................. [ PASS]
            inexact are 0 ............................................ [ PASS]
            exact are equal .......................................... [ PASS]
            exact are false .......................................... [ PASS]
            46 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
            46 out of 46 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing string conversion --------------------------------

            -- testing non-standard type procedures --------------------------
            fixnum ................................................... [ PASS]
            bignum ................................................... [ PASS]
            bignum ................................................... [ PASS]
            ratnum ................................................... [ PASS]
            nan: fix ................................................. [ PASS]
            nan: flo ................................................. [ PASS]
            nan: +inf ................................................ [ PASS]
            nan: -inf ................................................ [ PASS]
            nan: nan ................................................. [ PASS]
            nan: nan+nani ............................................ [ PASS]
            nan: flo+nani ............................................ [ PASS]
            nan: nan+floi ............................................ [ PASS]
            finite: fix .............................................. [ PASS]
            finite: flo .............................................. [ PASS]
            finite: +inf ............................................. [ PASS]
            finite: -inf ............................................. [ PASS]
            finite: nan .............................................. [ PASS]
            finite: nan+floi ......................................... [ PASS]
            finite: inf+infi ......................................... [ PASS]
            finite: flo+infi ......................................... [ PASS]
            finite: inf+floi ......................................... [ PASS]
            infinite: fix ............................................ [ PASS]
            infinite: flo ............................................ [ PASS]
            infinite: +inf ........................................... [ PASS]
            infinite: -inf ........................................... [ PASS]
            infinite: nan ............................................ [ PASS]
            infinite: inf+infi ....................................... [ PASS]
            infinite: flo+infi ....................................... [ PASS]
            infinite: inf+floi ....................................... [ PASS]
            cplxnum: compintintnum ................................... [ PASS]
            cplxnum: compintflointnum ................................ [ PASS]
            cplxnum: compflointnum ................................... [ PASS]
            cplxnum: compfloflonum ................................... [ PASS]
            not cplxnum: fixnum ...................................... [ PASS]
            rectnum: compintintnum ................................... [ PASS]
            rectnum: compintflointnum ................................ [ PASS]
            not rectnum: compflointum ................................ [ PASS]
            compnum: compfloflonum ................................... [ PASS]
            compnum: compflointnum ................................... [ PASS]
            not compnum: compintintnum ............................... [ PASS]
            cintnum: intflonum ....................................... [ PASS]
            cintnum: fixnum .......................................... [ PASS]
            cintnum: bignum .......................................... [ PASS]
            cintnum: compintintnum ................................... [ PASS]
            cflonum: intflonum ....................................... [ PASS]
            cflonum: flonum .......................................... [ PASS]
            cflonum: compfloflonum ................................... [ PASS]
            cflonum: compfloflonum ................................... [ PASS]
            48 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
            48 out of 48 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing non-standard type procedures ---------------------

            -- testing trigonometric functions -------------------------------

                -- testing flonums -------------------------------------------
                acos(-inf) ........................................... [ PASS]
                acos(<small number>) ................................. [ PASS]
                cos(-1/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-1/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos(-1/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-1/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos(-1/2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-1/2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos(-pi) ............................................. [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-pi)) ....................................... [ PASS]
                cos(0) ............................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(0)) ......................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 1/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 1/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 1/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 1/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 1/2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 1/2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 2/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 2/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 3/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 3/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos(    pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(    pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 3/2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 3/2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 4/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 4/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 5/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 5/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos(   2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(   2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                acos(pi) ............................................. [ PASS]
                acos(+inf) ........................................... [ PASS]
                asin(-inf) ........................................... [ PASS]
                asin(<small number>) ................................. [ PASS]
                sin(-1/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-1/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin(-1/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-1/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin(-1/2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-1/2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin(-pi) ............................................. [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-pi)) ....................................... [ PASS]
                sin(0) ............................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(0)) ......................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 1/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 1/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 1/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 1/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 1/2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 1/2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 2/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 2/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 3/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 3/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin(    pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(    pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 3/2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 3/2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 4/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 4/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 5/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 5/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin(   2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(   2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                asin(pi) ............................................. [ PASS]
                asin(+inf) ........................................... [ PASS]
                atan(-inf) ........................................... [ PASS]
                atan(<small number>) ................................. [ PASS]
                tan(-1/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(-1/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan(-1/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(-1/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan(-pi) ............................................. [ PASS]
                atan(tan(-pi)) ....................................... [ PASS]
                tan(0) ............................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(0)) ......................................... [ PASS]
                tan( 1/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan( 1/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan( 1/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan( 1/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan( 2/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan( 2/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan( 3/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan( 3/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan(    pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(    pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan( 4/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan( 4/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan( 5/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan( 5/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan(   2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(   2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                atan(pi) ............................................. [ PASS]
                atan(+inf) ........................................... [ PASS]
                atan2(3, tan(pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                atan2(3, -tan(pi)) ................................... [ PASS]
                atan2(-3, tan(pi)) ................................... [ PASS]
                atan2(-3, -tan(pi)) .................................. [ PASS]
                atan2(1, 2) = angle(2+i) ............................. [ PASS]
                atan2(1, b1) = angle(2+i) ............................ [ PASS]
                atan2(b1, 1) = angle(2+i) ............................ [ PASS]
                atan2(-0.1, 3.2) = angle(3.2-0.1i) ................... [ PASS]
                104 tests completed in 0.006 seconds.
                104 out of 104 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing flonums --------------------------------------

                -- testing compnums ------------------------------------------
                cos(0.0+1.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                acos(cos(0.0+1.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                cos(0.0-1.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                acos(cos(0.0-1.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                cos(0.0+3.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                acos(cos(0.0+3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                cos(0.0-3.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                acos(cos(0.0-3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                cos(0.5+0.5i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                acos(cos(0.5+0.5i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                cos(0.5-0.5i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                acos(cos(0.5-0.5i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                cos(-0.5-0.5i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-0.5-0.5i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                cos(-0.5+0.5i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-0.5+0.5i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                cos(-1.0+1.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-1.0+1.0i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                cos(-1.0-1.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-1.0-1.0i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                cos(1.0-1.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                acos(cos(1.0-1.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                cos(1.0+1.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                acos(cos(1.0+1.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                cos(2.0+3.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                acos(cos(2.0+3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                cos(-2.0+3.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-2.0+3.0i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                cos(-2.0-3.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-2.0-3.0i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                cos(2.0-3.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                acos(cos(2.0-3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                cos(acos(2.0-3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                sin(0.0+1.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                asin(sin(0.0+1.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                sin(0.0-1.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                asin(sin(0.0-1.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                sin(0.0+3.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                asin(sin(0.0+3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                sin(0.0-3.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                asin(sin(0.0-3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                sin(0.5+0.5i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                asin(sin(0.5+0.5i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                sin(0.5-0.5i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                asin(sin(0.5-0.5i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                sin(-0.5-0.5i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-0.5-0.5i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                sin(-0.5+0.5i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-0.5+0.5i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                sin(-1.0+1.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-1.0+1.0i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                sin(-1.0-1.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-1.0-1.0i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                sin(1.0-1.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                asin(sin(1.0-1.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                sin(2.0+3.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                asin(sin(2.0+3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                sin(-2.0+3.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-2.0+3.0i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                sin(-2.0-3.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-2.0-3.0i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                sin(2.0-3.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                asin(sin(2.0-3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                sin(asin(1.1415926535898042+3.0i)) ................... [ PASS]
                tan(0.0+1.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                atan(tan(0.0+1.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                tan(0.0-1.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                atan(tan(0.0-1.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                tan(0.0+3.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                atan(tan(0.0+3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                tan(0.0-3.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                atan(tan(0.0-3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                tan(0.5+0.5i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                atan(tan(0.5+0.5i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                tan(0.5-0.5i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                atan(tan(0.5-0.5i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                tan(-0.5-0.5i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(-0.5-0.5i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                tan(-0.5+0.5i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(-0.5+0.5i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                tan(-1.0+1.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(-1.0+1.0i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                tan(-1.0-1.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(-1.0-1.0i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                tan(1.0-1.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                atan(tan(1.0-1.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                tan(2.0+3.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                atan(tan(2.0+3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                tan(-2.0+3.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(-2.0+3.0i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                tan(-2.0-3.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(-2.0-3.0i)) ................................. [ PASS]
                tan(2.0-3.0i) ........................................ [ PASS]
                atan(tan(2.0-3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                tan(atan(2.0-3.0i)) .................................. [ PASS]
                95 tests completed in 0.008 seconds.
                95 out of 95 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing compnums -------------------------------------

                -- testing bignums -------------------------------------------
                acos(<negative bignum>) .............................. [ PASS]
                asin(<negative bignum>) .............................. [ PASS]
                atan(<negative bignum>) .............................. [ PASS]
                atan(<bignum>) ....................................... [ PASS]
                4 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
                4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing bignums --------------------------------------

                -- testing fixnums -------------------------------------------
                cos(0) ............................................... [ PASS]
                acos(0) .............................................. [ PASS]
                cos(1) ............................................... [ PASS]
                acos(1) .............................................. [ PASS]
                cos(-1) .............................................. [ PASS]
                acos(-1) ............................................. [ PASS]
                acos(-2) ............................................. [ PASS]
                acos(2) .............................................. [ PASS]
                asin(1) .............................................. [ PASS]
                asin(-1) ............................................. [ PASS]
                asin(2) .............................................. [ PASS]
                asin(-2) ............................................. [ PASS]
                12 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
                12 out of 12 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing fixnums --------------------------------------

                -- testing ratnums -------------------------------------------
                acos(<small number>) ................................. [ PASS]
                cos(-1/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-1/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos(-1/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-1/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos(-1/2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-1/2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos(-pi) ............................................. [ PASS]
                acos(cos(-pi)) ....................................... [ PASS]
                cos(0) ............................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(0)) ......................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 1/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 1/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 1/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 1/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 1/2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 1/2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 2/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 2/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 3/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 3/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos(    pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(    pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 3/2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 3/2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 4/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 4/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos( 5/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos( 5/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                cos(   2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                acos(cos(   2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin(-1/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-1/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin(-1/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-1/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin(-1/2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-1/2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin(-pi) ............................................. [ PASS]
                asin(sin(-pi)) ....................................... [ PASS]
                sin(0) ............................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(0)) ......................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 1/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 1/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 1/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 1/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 1/2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 1/2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 2/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 2/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 3/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 3/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin(    pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(    pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 3/2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 3/2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 4/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 4/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin( 5/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin( 5/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                sin(   2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                asin(sin(   2pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan(-1/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(-1/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan(-1/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(-1/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan(-pi) ............................................. [ PASS]
                atan(tan(-pi)) ....................................... [ PASS]
                tan(0) ............................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(0)) ......................................... [ PASS]
                tan( 1/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan( 1/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan( 1/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan( 1/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan( 2/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan( 2/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan( 3/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan( 3/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan(    pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(    pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan( 4/3pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan( 4/3pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan( 5/4pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan( 5/4pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                tan(   2pi) .......................................... [ PASS]
                atan(tan(   2i)) ..................................... [ PASS]
                atan2(3, tan(pi)) .................................... [ PASS]
                atan2(3, -tan(pi)) ................................... [ PASS]
                atan2(-3, tan(pi)) ................................... [ PASS]
                atan2(-3, -tan(pi)) .................................. [ PASS]
                89 tests completed in 0.011 seconds.
                89 out of 89 (100%) tests passed.
                -- done testing ratnums --------------------------------------

            5 subgroups completed in 0.026 seconds.
            5 out of 5 (100%) subgroups passed.
            -- done testing trigonometric functions --------------------------

        22 subgroups completed in 0.053 seconds.
        21 out of 22 (95.5%) subgroups passed.
        -- done testing numbers ----------------------------------------------

    1 subgroup completed in 0.053 seconds.
    0 out of 1 (0%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing Basic numbers tests --------------------------------------

    -- testing Numbers tests by Alex Shinn -----------------------------------

        -- testing numbers (Alex Shinn's tests) ------------------------------

            -- testing basic cases, fixnum base ------------------------------
            (expt 0 0) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (expt 2 0) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (expt 2 1) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (expt 2 2) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (expt 3 2) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (expt 3 2.0) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (expt 3 2.1) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (expt 3 0.1) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (expt 3 -1) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (expt 3 -2) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (expt 3 -2.1) ............................................ [ PASS]
            11 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            11 out of 11 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing basic cases, fixnum base -------------------------

            -- testing basic cases, flonum base ------------------------------
            (expt 0.0 0) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (expt 3.14 0) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (expt 3.14 1) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (expt 3.14 2) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (expt 3.14 2.0) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (expt 3.14 2.1) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (expt 3.14 0.1) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (expt 3.14 -1) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (expt 3.14 -2) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (expt 3.14 -2.1) ......................................... [ PASS]
            10 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing basic cases, flonum base -------------------------

            -- testing overflows into bignums --------------------------------
            (expt 2 30) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (expt 2 31) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (expt 2 32) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (expt 2 62) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (expt 2 63) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (expt 2 64) .............................................. [ PASS]
            6 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing overflows into bignums ---------------------------

            -- testing bug reported on the chicken list ----------------------
            (expt 10 100) ............................................ [ PASS]
            1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
            1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
            -- done testing bug reported on the chicken list -----------------

            -- testing bignum base -------------------------------------------
            (expt (one-followed-by-n-zeros 100) 0) ................... [ PASS]
            (expt (one-followed-by-n-zeros 100) 1) ................... [ PASS]
            (expt (one-followed-by-n-zeros 100) 2) ................... [ PASS]
            (expt (one-followed-by-n-zeros 100) 0.1) ................. [ PASS]
            4 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing bignum base --------------------------------------

            -- testing e^(pi*i) = -1 -----------------------------------------
            (expt (exp 1) (* (acos -1) (sqrt -1))) ................... [ PASS]
            1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
            1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
            -- done testing e^(pi*i) = -1 ------------------------------------

            -- testing rational rounding -------------------------------------
            (round (/ 9 10)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (round (/ 6 10)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (round (/ 5 10)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (round (/ 1 10)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (round (/ 0 10)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (round (/ -1 10)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (round (/ -5 10)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (round (/ -6 10)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (round (/ -9 10)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (round (/ (expt 10 10000) (+ (expt 10 10000) 1))) ........ [ PASS]
            (round (/ (+ 1 (expt 10 10000)) (expt 10 100))) .......... [ PASS]
            11 tests completed in 0.01 seconds.
            11 out of 11 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing rational rounding --------------------------------

        7 subgroups completed in 0.013 seconds.
        7 out of 7 (100%) subgroups passed.
        -- done testing numbers (Alex Shinn's tests) -------------------------

    1 subgroup completed in 0.013 seconds.
    1 out of 1 (100%) subgroup passed.
    -- done testing Numbers tests by Alex Shinn ------------------------------

    -- testing Numbers tests from Gauche -------------------------------------

        -- testing Gauche numbers test ---------------------------------------

            -- testing integer addition & reader -----------------------------
            around 2^28 .............................................. [ PASS]
            around 2^31 .............................................. [ PASS]
            around 2^60 .............................................. [ PASS]
            around 2^63 .............................................. [ PASS]
            around 2^127 ............................................. [ PASS]
            peculiarity around 2^32 .................................. [ PASS]
            radix .................................................... [ PASS]
            exactness ................................................ [ PASS]
            exactness ................................................ [ PASS]
            exactness ................................................ [ PASS]
            exactness ................................................ [ PASS]
            inexactness .............................................. [ PASS]
            inexactness .............................................. [ PASS]
            inexactness .............................................. [ PASS]
            exactness & radix ........................................ [ PASS]
            inexactness & radix ...................................... [ PASS]
            invalid exactness/radix spec ............................. [ PASS]
            base-2 reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            base-3 reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            base-4 reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            base-5 reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            base-6 reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            base-7 reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            base-8 reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            base-9 reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            base-10 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-11 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-12 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-13 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-14 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-15 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-16 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-17 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-18 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-19 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-20 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-21 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-22 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-23 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-24 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-25 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-26 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-27 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-28 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-29 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-30 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-31 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-32 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-33 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-34 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-35 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            base-36 reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            52 tests completed in 0.042 seconds.
            52 out of 52 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing integer addition & reader ------------------------

            -- testing rational reader ---------------------------------------
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader .......................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader w/#e ..................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader w/#e ..................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader w/#e ..................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader w/#e ..................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader w/#i ..................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader w/#i ..................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader w/#i ..................................... [ PASS]
            rational reader w/radix .................................. [ PASS]
            rational reader w/radix .................................. [ PASS]
            rational reader w/radix .................................. [ PASS]
            rational reader edge case ................................ [ PASS]
            rational reader edge case ................................ [ PASS]
            rational reader edge case ................................ [ PASS]
            29 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            29 out of 29 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing rational reader ----------------------------------

            -- testing flonum reader -----------------------------------------
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader ............................................ [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (exp) ...................................... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (minimum denormalized number 5.0e-324) ..... [ PASS]
            flonum reader (minimum denormalized number -5.0e-324) .... [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding .................................................. [ PASS]
            padding (exactness) ...................................... [ PASS]
            padding (exactness) ...................................... [ PASS]
            padding (exactness) ...................................... [ PASS]
            padding (exactness) ...................................... [ PASS]
            padding (exactness) ...................................... [ PASS]
            padding (exactness) ...................................... [ PASS]
            exponent out-of-range 1 .................................. [ PASS]
            exponent out-of-range 2 .................................. [ PASS]
            exponent out-of-range 4 .................................. [ PASS]
            exponent out-of-range 5 .................................. [ PASS]
            exponent out-of-range 7 .................................. [ PASS]
            exponent out-of-range 8 .................................. [ PASS]
            no integral part ......................................... [ PASS]
            no integral part ......................................... [ PASS]
            no integral part ......................................... [ PASS]
            81 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
            81 out of 81 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing flonum reader ------------------------------------

            -- testing exact fractional number -------------------------------
            exact fractonal number ................................... [ PASS]
            exact fractonal number ................................... [ PASS]
            exact fractonal number ................................... [ PASS]
            exact fractonal number ................................... [ PASS]
            exact fractonal number ................................... [ PASS]
            exact fractonal number ................................... [ PASS]
            exact fractonal number ................................... [ PASS]
            exact fractonal number ................................... [ PASS]
            exact fractonal number ................................... [ PASS]
            exact fractonal number ................................... [ PASS]
            exact fractonal number ................................... [ PASS]
            exact fractonal number ................................... [ PASS]
            12 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            12 out of 12 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing exact fractional number --------------------------

            -- testing complex reader ----------------------------------------
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader ........................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader (polar) ................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader (polar) ................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader (polar) ................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader (polar) ................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader (polar) ................................... [ PASS]
            complex reader (polar) ................................... [ PASS]
            42 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            42 out of 42 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing complex reader -----------------------------------

            -- testing integer writer syntax ---------------------------------
            around 2^28 .............................................. [ PASS]
            around 2^31 .............................................. [ PASS]
            around 2^60 .............................................. [ PASS]
            around 2^63 .............................................. [ PASS]
            around 2^127 ............................................. [ PASS]
            5 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing integer writer syntax ----------------------------

            -- testing expt --------------------------------------------------
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt ............................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt (ratinoal) .................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt (rational) .................................... [ PASS]
            exact expt (ratinoal) .................................... [ PASS]
            16 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            16 out of 16 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing expt ---------------------------------------------

        expt (coercion to inexact) ................................... [ PASS]

            -- testing exact<->inexact ---------------------------------------
            exact->inexact 0.0 ....................................... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact -0.0 ...................................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact 0 ......................................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact 0 ......................................... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact 1.0 ....................................... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact -1.0 ...................................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact 1 ......................................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact -1 ........................................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact -1.0 ...................................... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact 1.0 ....................................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact -1 ........................................ [ PASS]
            inexact->exact 1 ......................................... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact 4.5035996273705e+15 ....................... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact -4.5035996273705e+15 ...................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact 4503599627370496 .......................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact -4503599627370496 ......................... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact 9.00719925474099e+15 ...................... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact -9.00719925474099e+15 ..................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact 9007199254740992 .......................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact -9007199254740992 ......................... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact 1.8014398509482e+16 ....................... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact -1.8014398509482e+16 ...................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact 18014398509481984 ......................... [ PASS]
            inexact->exact -18014398509481984 ........................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (0) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (0) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (0) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (0) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (0) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (0) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (0) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (1) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (1) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (1) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (1) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (1) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (1) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (1) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (2) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (2) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (2) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (2) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (2) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (2) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (2) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (3) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (3) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (3) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (3) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (3) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (3) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (3) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (4) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (4) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (4) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (4) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (4) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (4) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (4) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (5) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (5) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (5) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (5) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (5) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (5) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (5) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (6) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (6) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (6) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (6) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (6) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (6) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (6) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (7) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (7) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (7) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (7) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (7) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (7) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (7) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (8) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (8) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (8) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (8) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (8) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (8) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (8) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (9) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (9) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (9) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (9) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (9) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (9) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (9) ................ [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (10) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (10) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (10) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (10) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (10) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (10) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (10) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (11) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (11) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (11) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (11) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (11) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (11) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (11) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (12) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (12) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (12) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (12) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (12) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (12) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (12) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (13) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (13) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (13) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (13) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (13) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (13) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (13) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (14) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (14) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (14) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (14) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (14) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (14) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (14) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (15) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (15) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (15) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (15) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (15) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (15) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (15) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (16) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (16) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (16) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (16) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (16) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (16) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (16) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (17) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (17) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (17) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (17) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (17) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (17) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (17) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (18) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (18) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (18) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (18) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (18) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (18) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (18) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (19) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (19) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (19) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (19) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (19) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (19) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (19) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (20) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (20) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (20) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (20) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (20) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (20) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (20) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (21) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (21) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (21) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (21) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (21) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (21) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (21) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (22) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (22) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (22) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (22) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (22) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (22) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (22) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (23) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (23) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (23) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (23) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (23) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (23) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (23) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (24) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (24) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (24) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (24) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (24) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (24) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (24) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (25) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (25) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (25) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (25) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (25) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (25) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (25) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (26) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (26) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (26) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (26) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (26) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (26) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (26) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (27) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (27) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (27) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (27) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (27) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (27) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (27) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (28) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (28) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (28) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (28) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (28) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (28) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (28) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (29) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (29) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (29) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (29) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (29) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (29) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (29) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (30) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (30) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (30) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (30) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (30) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (30) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (30) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern a: round down (31) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern b: round up   (31) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern c: round up   (31) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern d: round down (31) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern e: round up   (31) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern f: round up   (31) ............... [ PASS]
            exact->inexact, pattern g: round up   (31) ............... [ PASS]
            expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 1  [ PASS]
            expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 2  [ PASS]
            expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 3  [ PASS]
            expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 4  [ PASS]
            expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 5  [ PASS]
            expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 6  [ PASS]
            expt (ratnum with large denom and numer) with inexact conversion 7  [ PASS]
            255 tests completed in 0.012 seconds.
            255 out of 255 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing exact<->inexact ----------------------------------

            -- testing predicates --------------------------------------------
            integer? ................................................. [ PASS]
            integer? ................................................. [ PASS]
            integer? ................................................. [ PASS]
            integer? ................................................. [ PASS]
            integer? ................................................. [ PASS]
            integer? ................................................. [ PASS]
            integer? ................................................. [ PASS]
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            rational? ................................................ [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            real? .................................................... [ PASS]
            complex? ................................................. [ PASS]
            complex? ................................................. [ PASS]
            complex? ................................................. [ PASS]
            complex? ................................................. [ PASS]
            complex? ................................................. [ PASS]
            complex? ................................................. [ PASS]
            complex? ................................................. [ PASS]
            number? .................................................. [ PASS]
            number? .................................................. [ PASS]
            number? .................................................. [ PASS]
            number? .................................................. [ PASS]
            number? .................................................. [ PASS]
            number? .................................................. [ PASS]
            number? .................................................. [ PASS]
            exact? ................................................... [ PASS]
            exact? ................................................... [ PASS]
            exact? ................................................... [ PASS]
            exact? ................................................... [ PASS]
            exact? ................................................... [ PASS]
            exact? ................................................... [ PASS]
            exact? ................................................... [ PASS]
            inexact? ................................................. [ PASS]
            inexact? ................................................. [ PASS]
            inexact? ................................................. [ PASS]
            inexact? ................................................. [ PASS]
            inexact? ................................................. [ PASS]
            inexact? ................................................. [ PASS]
            inexact? ................................................. [ PASS]
            odd? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            odd? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            even? .................................................... [ PASS]
            even? .................................................... [ PASS]
            odd? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            odd? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            even? .................................................... [ PASS]
            even? .................................................... [ PASS]
            odd? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            odd? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            even? .................................................... [ PASS]
            even? .................................................... [ PASS]
            zero? .................................................... [ PASS]
            zero? .................................................... [ PASS]
            zero? .................................................... [ PASS]
            zero? .................................................... [ PASS]
            zero? .................................................... [ PASS]
            zero? .................................................... [ PASS]
            positive? ................................................ [ PASS]
            positive? ................................................ [ PASS]
            positive? ................................................ [ PASS]
            positive? ................................................ [ PASS]
            positive? ................................................ [ PASS]
            positive? ................................................ [ PASS]
            positive? ................................................ [ PASS]
            positive? ................................................ [ PASS]
            negative? ................................................ [ PASS]
            negative? ................................................ [ PASS]
            negative? ................................................ [ PASS]
            negative? ................................................ [ PASS]
            negative? ................................................ [ PASS]
            negative? ................................................ [ PASS]
            negative? ................................................ [ PASS]
            negative? ................................................ [ PASS]
            finite? .................................................. [ PASS]
            finite? .................................................. [ PASS]
            infinite? ................................................ [ PASS]
            infinite? ................................................ [ PASS]
            nan? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            nan? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            eqv? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            eqv? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            eqv? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            eqv? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            eqv? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            eqv? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            eqv? ..................................................... [ PASS]
            NaN = (inlined) .......................................... [ PASS]
            NaN = (applied) .......................................... [ PASS]
            NaN < (inlined) .......................................... [ PASS]
            NaN < (applied) .......................................... [ PASS]
            NaN <= (inlined) ......................................... [ PASS]
            NaN <= (applied) ......................................... [ PASS]
            NaN > (inlined) .......................................... [ PASS]
            NaN > (applied) .......................................... [ PASS]
            NaN >= (inlined) ......................................... [ PASS]
            NaN >= (applied) ......................................... [ PASS]
            NUMEQF ................................................... [ PASS]
            NLTF ..................................................... [ PASS]
            NLEF ..................................................... [ PASS]
            NGTF ..................................................... [ PASS]
            NGEF ..................................................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum eq rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum vs fixnum ne rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs fixnum ne rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum eq rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            bignum vs bignum ne rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum eq rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs fixnum ne rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum eq rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            flonum vs bignum ne rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs fixnum ne rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum eq rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne =(++) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne =(+-) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne =(-+) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne =(--) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>=(++) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>=(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>=(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>=(--) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >(++) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >(+-) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >(-+) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne >(--) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>(++) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev>(--) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<=(++) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<=(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<=(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<=(--) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <(++) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <(+-) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <(-+) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne <(--) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<(++) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 1 ne rev<(--) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne =(++) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne =(+-) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne =(-+) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne =(--) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>=(++) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>=(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>=(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>=(--) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >(++) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >(+-) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >(-+) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne >(--) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>(++) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev>(--) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<=(++) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<=(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<=(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<=(--) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <(++) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <(+-) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <(-+) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne <(--) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<(++) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 2 ne rev<(--) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne =(++) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne =(+-) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne =(-+) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne =(--) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>=(++) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>=(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>=(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>=(--) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >(++) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >(+-) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >(-+) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne >(--) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>(++) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev>(--) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<=(++) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<=(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<=(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<=(--) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <(++) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <(+-) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <(-+) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne <(--) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<(++) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 3 ne rev<(--) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne =(++) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne =(+-) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne =(-+) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne =(--) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev=(++) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev=(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev=(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev=(--) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>=(++) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>=(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>=(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>=(--) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >(++) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >(+-) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >(-+) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne >(--) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>(++) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev>(--) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<=(++) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<=(+-) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<=(-+) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<=(--) .......................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <(++) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <(+-) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <(-+) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne <(--) .............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<(++) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<(+-) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<(-+) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs ratnum 4 ne rev<(--) ........................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum eq rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs flonum ne rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne =(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne =(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne =(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne =(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev=(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev=(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev=(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev=(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne >=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne >=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne >=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne >=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev>=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev>=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev>=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev>=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne >(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne >(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne >(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne >(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev>(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev>(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev>(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev>(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne <=(++) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne <=(+-) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne <=(-+) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne <=(--) ............................... [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev<=(++) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev<=(+-) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev<=(-+) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev<=(--) ............................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne <(++) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne <(+-) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne <(-+) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne <(--) ................................ [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev<(++) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev<(+-) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev<(-+) ............................. [ PASS]
            ratnum vs bignum ne rev<(--) ............................. [ PASS]
            fixnum/ratnum comparison ................................. [ PASS]
            fixnum? fixnum ........................................... [ PASS]
            fixnum? ratnum ........................................... [ PASS]
            fixnum? bignum ........................................... [ PASS]
            fixnum? flonum ........................................... [ PASS]
            fixnum? compnum .......................................... [ PASS]
            fixnum? greatest ......................................... [ PASS]
            fixnum? greatest+1 ....................................... [ PASS]
            fixnum? least ............................................ [ PASS]
            fixnum? least-1 .......................................... [ PASS]
            greatest fixnum & width .................................. [ PASS]
            least fixnum & width ..................................... [ PASS]
            850 tests completed in 0.031 seconds.
            850 out of 850 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing predicates ---------------------------------------

            -- testing integer addition --------------------------------------
            bignum + bignum .......................................... [ PASS]
            bignum + -bignum ......................................... [ PASS]
            bignum - bignum .......................................... [ PASS]
            bignum - bignum .......................................... [ PASS]
            -bignum + bignum ......................................... [ PASS]
            -bignum + -bignum ........................................ [ PASS]
            -bignum - bignum ......................................... [ PASS]
            -bignum - -bignum ........................................ [ PASS]
            0 + bignum ............................................... [ PASS]
            0 - bignum ............................................... [ PASS]
            0 * bignum ............................................... [ PASS]
            1 * bignum ............................................... [ PASS]
            bignum / 1 ............................................... [ PASS]
            13 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            13 out of 13 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing integer addition ---------------------------------

            -- testing small immediate integer constants ---------------------
            PUSHI .................................................... [ PASS]
            PUSHI .................................................... [ PASS]
            2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing small immediate integer constants ----------------

            -- testing small immediate integer additions ---------------------
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBI .................................................. [ PASS]
            52 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
            52 out of 52 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing small immediate integer additions ----------------

            -- testing immediate flonum integer arith ------------------------
            NUMADDF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMADDF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMSUBF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMMULF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMMULF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMMULF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMMULF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMMULF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMMULF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMDIVF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMDIVF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMDIVF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMDIVF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMDIVF .................................................. [ PASS]
            NUMDIVF .................................................. [ PASS]
            24 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            24 out of 24 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing immediate flonum integer arith -------------------

            -- testing rational number addition ------------------------------
            ratnum + ................................................. [ PASS]
            ratnum - ................................................. [ PASS]
            ratnum + 0 ............................................... [ PASS]
            ratnum - 0 ............................................... [ PASS]
            ratnum * 0 ............................................... [ PASS]
            ratnum * 1 ............................................... [ PASS]
            ratnum / 1 ............................................... [ PASS]
            7 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            7 out of 7 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing rational number addition -------------------------

            -- testing promotions in addition --------------------------------
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            + ........................................................ [ PASS]
            20 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            20 out of 20 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing promotions in addition ---------------------------

            -- testing integer multiplication --------------------------------
            fix*fix->big[1] .......................................... [ PASS]
            fix*fix->big[1] .......................................... [ PASS]
            fix*fix->big[2] .......................................... [ PASS]
            fix*fix->big[2] .......................................... [ PASS]
            fix*big[1]->big[1] ....................................... [ PASS]
            fix*big[1]->big[2] ....................................... [ PASS]
            big[1]*fix->big[1] ....................................... [ PASS]
            big[1]*fix->big[2] ....................................... [ PASS]
            big[2]*fix->big[2] ....................................... [ PASS]
            big[1]*big[1]->big[2] .................................... [ PASS]
            fermat(7) ................................................ [ PASS]
            fermat(8) ................................................ [ PASS]
            fermat(9) ................................................ [ PASS]
            fermat(10) ............................................... [ PASS]
            fermat(11) ............................................... [ PASS]
            15 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            15 out of 15 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing integer multiplication ---------------------------

            -- testing multiplication short cuts -----------------------------
            bignum * 0 ............................................... [ PASS]
            0 * bignum ............................................... [ PASS]
            bignum * 1 ............................................... [ PASS]
            1 * bignum ............................................... [ PASS]
            bignum * 0.0 ............................................. [ PASS]
            0.0 * bignum ............................................. [ PASS]
            bignum * 1.0 ............................................. [ PASS]
            1.0 * bignum ............................................. [ PASS]
            ratnum * 0 ............................................... [ PASS]
            0 * ratnum ............................................... [ PASS]
            ratnum * 1 ............................................... [ PASS]
            1 * ratnum ............................................... [ PASS]
            ratnum * 0.0 ............................................. [ PASS]
            0.0 * ratnum ............................................. [ PASS]
            ratnum * 1.0 ............................................. [ PASS]
            1.0 * ratnum ............................................. [ PASS]
            flonum * 0 ............................................... [ PASS]
            0 * flonum ............................................... [ PASS]
            flonum * 1 ............................................... [ PASS]
            1 * flonum ............................................... [ PASS]
            flonum * 0.0 ............................................. [ PASS]
            0.0 * flonum ............................................. [ PASS]
            flonum * 1.0 ............................................. [ PASS]
            1.0 * flonum ............................................. [ PASS]
            compnum * 0 .............................................. [ PASS]
            0 * compnum .............................................. [ PASS]
            compnum * 1 .............................................. [ PASS]
            1 * compnum .............................................. [ PASS]
            compnum * 0.0 ............................................ [ PASS]
            0.0 * compnum ............................................ [ PASS]
            compnum * 1.0 ............................................ [ PASS]
            1.0 * compnum ............................................ [ PASS]
            32 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            32 out of 32 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing multiplication short cuts ------------------------

            -- testing division ----------------------------------------------
            exact division ........................................... [ PASS]
            exact division ........................................... [ PASS]
            exact division ........................................... [ PASS]
            exact division ........................................... [ PASS]
            exact division ........................................... [ PASS]
            exact division ........................................... [ PASS]
            exact reciprocal ......................................... [ PASS]
            exact reciprocal ......................................... [ PASS]
            exact reciprocal ......................................... [ PASS]
            exact reciprocal ......................................... [ PASS]
            exact reciprocal ......................................... [ PASS]
            exact/inexact -> inexact ................................. [ PASS]
            exact/inexact -> inexact ................................. [ PASS]
            inexact/exact -> inexact ................................. [ PASS]
            inexact/exact -> inexact ................................. [ PASS]
            inexact/inexact -> inexact ............................... [ PASS]
            complex division ......................................... [ PASS]
            17 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            17 out of 17 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing division -----------------------------------------

            -- testing quotient ----------------------------------------------
            big[1]/fix->fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            big[1]/fix->fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            big[2]/fix->big[1] ....................................... [ PASS]
            big[2]/fix->big[2] ....................................... [ PASS]
            big[1]/fix->fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            big[2]/fix->fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            big[2]/fix->fix .......................................... [ PASS]
            big[2]/fix->big[1] ....................................... [ PASS]
            big[1]/big[1]->fix ....................................... [ PASS]
            big[1]/big[1] -> fix ..................................... [ PASS]
            big[3]/big[2] -> big[1] .................................. [ PASS]
            big[3]/big[2] -> fix ..................................... [ PASS]
            exact/inexact -> inexact ................................. [ PASS]
            inexact/exact -> inexact ................................. [ PASS]
            inexact/inexact -> inexact ............................... [ PASS]
            exact/inexact -> inexact ................................. [ PASS]
            inexact/exact -> inexact ................................. [ PASS]
            inexact/inexact -> inexact ............................... [ PASS]
            fermat(7) ................................................ [ PASS]
            fermat(8) ................................................ [ PASS]
            fermat(9) ................................................ [ PASS]
            fermat(10) ............................................... [ PASS]
            fermat(11) ............................................... [ PASS]
            23 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            23 out of 23 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing quotient -----------------------------------------

            -- testing remainder ---------------------------------------------
            fix rem fix -> fix ....................................... [ PASS]
            fix rem fix -> fix ....................................... [ PASS]
            fix rem big[1] -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[1] rem fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[1] rem fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[2] rem fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[2] rem fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[1] rem fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[2] rem fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[2] rem fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[2] rem fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[1] rem big[1] -> fix ................................. [ PASS]
            big[1] rem big[1] -> fix ................................. [ PASS]
            big[3] rem big[2] -> big[1] .............................. [ PASS]
            big[3] rem big[2] -> big[2] .............................. [ PASS]
            exact rem inexact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
            inexact rem exact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
            inexact rem inexact -> inexact ........................... [ PASS]
            exact rem inexact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
            inexact rem exact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
            inexact rem inexact -> inexact ........................... [ PASS]
            21 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            21 out of 21 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing remainder ----------------------------------------

            -- testing modulo ------------------------------------------------
            fix mod fix -> fix ....................................... [ PASS]
            fix mod fix -> fix ....................................... [ PASS]
            fix mod big[1] -> fix/big ................................ [ PASS]
            big[1] mod fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[1] mod fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[2] mod fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[2] mod fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[1] mod fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[2] mod fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[2] mod fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[2] mod fix -> fix .................................... [ PASS]
            big[1] mod big[1] -> fix ................................. [ PASS]
            big[1] mod big[1] -> fix ................................. [ PASS]
            big[3] mod big[2] -> big[1] .............................. [ PASS]
            big[3] mod big[2] -> big[2] .............................. [ PASS]
            exact mod inexact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
            inexact mod exact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
            inexact mod inexact -> inexact ........................... [ PASS]
            exact mod inexact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
            inexact mod exact -> inexact ............................. [ PASS]
            inexact mod inexact -> inexact ........................... [ PASS]
            mersenne prime ........................................... [ PASS]
            22 tests completed in 0.023 seconds.
            22 out of 22 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing modulo -------------------------------------------

            -- testing rounding ----------------------------------------------
            rounding 0 ............................................... [ PASS]
            rounding 3 ............................................... [ PASS]
            rounding -3 .............................................. [ PASS]
            rounding 633825300114114700748351602688 .................. [ PASS]
            rounding -633825300114114700748351602688 ................. [ PASS]
            rounding 9/4 ............................................. [ PASS]
            rounding -9/4 ............................................ [ PASS]
            rounding 34985495387484938453495/17 ...................... [ PASS]
            rounding -34985495387484938453495/17 ..................... [ PASS]
            rounding 35565/2 ......................................... [ PASS]
            rounding -35565/2 ........................................ [ PASS]
            rounding 35567/2 ......................................... [ PASS]
            rounding -35567/2 ........................................ [ PASS]
            round->exact ............................................. [ PASS]
            round->exact ............................................. [ PASS]
            floor->exact ............................................. [ PASS]
            floor->exact ............................................. [ PASS]
            ceiling->exact ........................................... [ PASS]
            ceiling->exact ........................................... [ PASS]
            truncate->exact .......................................... [ PASS]
            truncate->exact .......................................... [ PASS]
            21 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            21 out of 21 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing rounding -----------------------------------------

            -- testing logical operations ------------------------------------
            ash (fixnum) ............................................. [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum) ............................................. [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum) ............................................. [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum) ............................................. [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum) ............................................. [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum) ............................................. [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum) ............................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg. fixnum) ........................................ [ PASS]
            ash (neg. fixnum) ........................................ [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum) ............................................. [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum) ............................................. [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum) ............................................. [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum) ............................................. [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum) ............................................. [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum->bignum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum->bignum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum->bignum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum->bignum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum->bignum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (fixnum->bignum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (neg.fixnum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.fixnum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.fixnum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.fixnum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.fixnum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.fixnum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->fixnum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->fixnum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->bignum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->bignum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->bignum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->bignum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->bignum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            ash (neg.bignum->bignum) ................................. [ PASS]
            ash (bignum->bignum) ..................................... [ PASS]
            lognot (fixnum) .......................................... [ PASS]
            lognot (fixnum) .......................................... [ PASS]
            lognot (fixnum) .......................................... [ PASS]
            lognot (fixnum) .......................................... [ PASS]
            lognot (bignum) .......................................... [ PASS]
            lognot (bignum) .......................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+fix & 0) ........................................ [ PASS]
            logand (+big & 0) ........................................ [ PASS]
            logand (+fix & -1) ....................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+big & -1) ....................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+fix & +fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+fix & +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+big & +fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+big & +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+big & +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+big & +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+fix & -fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+fix & -big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+big & -fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+big & -big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (+big & -big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (-fix & +fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (-fix & +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (-big & +fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (-big & +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (-big & +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (-fix & -fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (-fix & -big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (-big & -fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (-big & -big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logand (-big & -big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (+fix | 0) ........................................ [ PASS]
            logior (+big | 0) ........................................ [ PASS]
            logior (+fix | -1) ....................................... [ PASS]
            logior (+big | -1) ....................................... [ PASS]
            logior (+fix | +fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (+fix | +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (+big | +fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (+big | +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (+big | +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (+fix | -fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (+fix | -big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (+big | -fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (+big | -big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (+big | -big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (-fix | +fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (-fix | +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (-big | +fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (-big | +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (-big | +big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (-fix | -fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (-fix | -big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (-big | -fix) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (-big | -big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logior (-big | -big) ..................................... [ PASS]
            logtest .................................................. [ PASS]
            logtest .................................................. [ PASS]
            integer-length ........................................... [ PASS]
            integer-length ........................................... [ PASS]
            129 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
            129 out of 129 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing logical operations -------------------------------

            -- testing inexact arithmetics -----------------------------------
            +. (0) ................................................... [ PASS]
            +. (1) ................................................... [ PASS]
            +. (1big) ................................................ [ PASS]
            +. (1rat) ................................................ [ PASS]
            +. (1cmp) ................................................ [ PASS]
            +. (2) ................................................... [ PASS]
            +. (2big) ................................................ [ PASS]
            +. (2rat) ................................................ [ PASS]
            +. (many) ................................................ [ PASS]
            -. (1) ................................................... [ PASS]
            -. (1big) ................................................ [ PASS]
            -. (1rat) ................................................ [ PASS]
            -. (1cmp) ................................................ [ PASS]
            -. (2) ................................................... [ PASS]
            -. (2big) ................................................ [ PASS]
            -. (2rat) ................................................ [ PASS]
            -. (many) ................................................ [ PASS]
            *. (0) ................................................... [ PASS]
            *. (1) ................................................... [ PASS]
            *. (1big) ................................................ [ PASS]
            *. (1rat) ................................................ [ PASS]
            *. (1cmp) ................................................ [ PASS]
            *. (2) ................................................... [ PASS]
            *. (2big) ................................................ [ PASS]
            *. (2rat) ................................................ [ PASS]
            *. (many) ................................................ [ PASS]
            /. (1) ................................................... [ PASS]
            /. (1big) ................................................ [ PASS]
            /. (1rat) ................................................ [ PASS]
            /. (1cmp) ................................................ [ PASS]
            /. (2) ................................................... [ PASS]
            /. (2big) ................................................ [ PASS]
            /. (2rat) ................................................ [ PASS]
            /. (many) ................................................ [ PASS]
            34 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            34 out of 34 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing inexact arithmetics ------------------------------

            -- done testing sqrt ---------------------------------------------

            -- testing ffx optimization --------------------------------------
            probit(0.025) ............................................ [ PASS]
            probit(0.975) ............................................ [ PASS]
            2 tests completed in 0.104 seconds.
            2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing ffx optimization ---------------------------------

        1 test and 26 subgroups completed in 0.231 seconds.
        1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
        26 out of 26 (100%) subgroups passed.
        -- done testing Gauche numbers test ----------------------------------

    1 subgroup completed in 0.231 seconds.
    1 out of 1 (100%) subgroup passed.
    -- done testing Numbers tests from Gauche --------------------------------

    -- done testing sum-of-exponents -----------------------------------------

-> Simple integers
OK                  ("1" 1)
OK                  ("+1" 1 "1")
OK                  ("-1" -1)
OK                  ("#i1" 1.0 "1.0" "1.")
OK                  ("#I1" 1.0 "1.0" "1.")
OK                  ("#i-1" -1.0 "-1.0" "-1.")
OK                  ("123\x00456" #f)
OK                  ("-#i1" #f)
OK                  ("+-1" #f)
OK                  ("" #f)
OK                  ("-" #f)
OK                  ("+" #f)
OK                  ("+-" #f)

-> Basic decimal notation
OK                  ("1.0" 1.0 "1.")
OK                  ("1." 1.0 "1.0" "1.")
OK                  ("1.#" 1.0 1.5 "1.0" "1." "1.5")
OK                  (".1" 0.1 "0.1" "100.0e-3")
OK                  ("-.1" -0.1 "-0.1" "-100.0e-3")
OK                  ("-.0" 0.0 "-0." "-0.0" "0.0" "0." ".0")
OK                  ("-0." 0.0 "-.0" "-0.0" "0.0" "0." ".0")
OK                  ("." #f)
OK                  (".1." #f)
OK                  ("..1" #f)
OK                  ("1.." #f)
OK                  ("#i1.0" 1.0 "1.0" "1.")
OK                  ("#e1.0" 1 "1")
OK                  ("#e-.0" 0 "0")
OK                  ("#e-0." 0 "0")
OK                  ("-#e.0" #f)

-> Decimal notation with padding
OK                  ("1#" 10.0 15.0 "10.0" "15.0" "10." "15.")
OK                  ("#e1#" 10 15 "10" "15")
OK                  ("#E1#" 10 15 "10" "15")
OK                  ("#1" #f)
OK                  ("#" #f)
OK                  ("1#2" #f)
OK                  ("1.#2" #f)
OK                  (".#" #f)
OK                  ("#.#" #f)
OK                  ("#.1" #f)
OK                  ("1#.2" #f)
OK                  ("1#." 10.0 15.0 "10.0" "15.0" "10." "15.")

-> Decimal notation with suffix
OK                  ("1e2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1E2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1s2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1S2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1f2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1F2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1d2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1D2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1l2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1L2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("1e2e3" #f)
OK                  ("1e2s3" #f)
OK                  ("1e2.0" #f)

-> Decimal notation with suffix and padding
OK                  ("1#e2" 1000.0 1500.0 "1000.0" "1500.0" "1000." "1500." "1.0e3" "15.0e2")
OK                  ("1e2#" #f)

-> NaN, Inf
OK                  ("+nan.0" +nan.0 "+NaN.0")
OK                  ("+NAN.0" +nan.0 "+nan.0" "+NaN.0")
OK                  ("+nan.1" #f)
OK                  ("+nan.01" #f)
OK                  ("+inf.0" +inf.0 "+Inf.0")
OK                  ("+InF.0" +inf.0 "+inf.0" "+Inf.0")
OK                  ("-inf.0" -inf.0 "-Inf.0")
OK                  ("-iNF.0" -inf.0 "-inf.0" "-Inf.0")
OK                  ("+inf.01" #f)
OK                  ("+inf.1" #f)
OK                  ("-inf.01" #f)
OK                  ("-inf.1" #f)
OK                  ("+inf.0/1" #f)
OK                  ("1/+inf.0" #f)
OK                  ("+nan" #f)
OK                  ("+inf" #f)
OK                  ("-inf" #f)
OK                  ("nan.0" #f)
OK                  ("inf.0" #f)
OK                  ("#e+nan.0" #f)
OK                  ("#e+inf.0" #f)
OK                  ("#e-inf.0" #f)
OK                  ("#i+nan.0" +nan.0 "+nan.0" "+NaN.0")
OK                  ("#i+inf.0" +inf.0 "+inf.0" "+Inf.0")
OK                  ("#i-inf.0" -inf.0 "-inf.0" "-Inf.0")

-> Fractions
OK                  ("1/2" 1/2)
OK                  ("#e1/2" 1/2 "1/2")
OK                  ("10/2" 5 "5")
OK                  ("-1/2" -1/2)
OK                  ("10/0" #f)
OK                  ("0/10" 0 "0")
OK                  ("#e0/10" 0 "0")
OK                  ("#e1#/2" 5 15/2 "5" "15/2")
OK                  ("#e1/2#" 1/20 "1/20")
OK                  ("#i3/2" 1.5 "1.5")
OK                  ("#i1/0" +inf.0 "+inf.0" "+Inf.0")
OK                  ("#i-1/0" -inf.0 "-inf.0" "-Inf.0")
OK                  ("#i0/0" +nan.0 "+nan.0" "+NaN.0")
OK                  ("1/-2" #f)
OK                  ("1.0/2" #f)
OK                  ("1/2.0" #f)
OK                  ("1/2e2" #f)
OK                  ("1/2e2" #f)
OK                  ("1#/2" 5.0 7.5 "5.0" "5." "7.5")
OK                  ("1/2#" 0.05 "0.05" ".05" "50.0e-3" "5.e-002")
OK                  ("1#/#" #f)
OK                  ("1/" #f)
OK                  ("1/+" #f)
OK                  ("+/1" #f)
OK                  ("/1" #f)
OK                  ("/" #f)

-> Basic complex numbers (rectangular notation)
OK                  ("1+2i" 1+2i)
OK                  ("1+2I" 1+2i "1+2i")
OK                  ("1-2i" 1-2i)
OK                  ("-1+2i" -1+2i)
OK                  ("-1-2i" -1-2i)
OK                  ("+i" 0+1i "+1i" "0+i" "0+1i")
OK                  ("0+i" 0+1i "+i" "+1i" "0+1i")
OK                  ("0+1i" 0+1i "+i" "+1i" "0+i")
OK                  ("-i" 0-1i "-1i" "0-i" "0-1i")
OK                  ("0-i" 0-1i "-i" "-1i" "0-1i")
OK                  ("0-1i" 0-1i "-i" "-1i" "0-i")
OK                  ("+2i" 0+2i "0+2i")
OK                  ("-2i" 0-2i "-2i" "0-2i")
OK                  ("1#+1#i" 10.0+10.0i 15.0+15.0i "10.0+10.0i" "10.+10.i" "15.0+15.0i" "15.+15.i")
OK                  ("2i" #f)
OK                  ("+-i" #f)
OK                  ("i" #f)
OK                  ("1+2i1" #f)
OK                  ("1+2" #f)
OK                  ("1#+#i" #f)

-> Decimal-notation complex numbers (rectangular notation)
OK                  ("1.0+2i" 1.0+2.0i "1.0+2.0i" "1.0+2i" "1.+2i" "1.+2.i")
OK                  ("1+2.0i" 1.0+2.0i "1.0+2.0i" "1+2.0i" "1.+2.i" "1+2.i")
OK                  ("1#.+1#.i" 10.0+10.0i 15.0+15.0i "10.0+10.0i" "10.+10.i" "15.0+15.0i" "15.+15.i")
OK                  ("1e2+1.0i" 100.0+1.0i "100.0+1.0i" "100.+1.i")
OK                  ("1s2+1.0i" 100.0+1.0i "100.0+1.0i" "100.+1.i")
OK                  ("1.0+1e2i" 1.0+100.0i "1.0+100.0i" "1.+100.i")
OK                  ("1.0+1s2i" 1.0+100.0i "1.0+100.0i" "1.+100.i")
OK                  ("1#e2+1.0i" 1000.0+1.0i 1500.0+1.0i "1000.0+1.0i" "1000.+1.i" "1500.0+1.0i" "1500.+1.i" "1.0e3+1.0i" "15.0e2+1.0i")
OK                  ("1.0+1#e2i" 1.0+1000.0i 1.0+1500.0i "1.0+1000.0i" "1.+1000.i" "1.0+1500.0i" "1.+1500.i" "1.0+1.0e3i" "1.0+15.0e2i")
OK                  (".i" #f)
OK                  ("+.i" #f)
OK                  (".+i" #f)

-> Fractional complex numbers (rectangular notation)
OK                  ("1/2+3/4i" 1/2+3/4i)

-> Mixed fractional/decimal notation complex numbers (rectangular notation)
OK                  ("1#/2+3/4i" 5.0+0.75i 7.5+0.75i "5.0+0.75i" "5.+.75i" "7.5+0.75i" "5.0+3/4i" "5.+3/4i" "7.5+3/4i" "5.0+750.0e-3i")
OK                  ("0.5+3/4i" 0.5+0.75i "0.5+0.75i" ".5+.75i" "0.5+3/4i" ".5+3/4i" "500.0e-3+750.0e-3i")
OK                  ("1.5+1#/4i" 1.5+2.5i 1.5+3.75i "1.5+2.5i" "1.5+3.75i")
OK                  ("0.5+1/#i" #f)
OK                  ("0.5+1/1#2i" #f)
OK                  ("1/#+0.5i" #f)
OK                  ("1/1#2+0.5i" #f)

-> Mixed notation with infinity (might fail on mixed exactness compnums)
OK                  ("1/0+1.2i" +inf.0+1.2i "+inf.0+1.2i" "+Inf.0+1.2i")
OK                  ("1.2+1/0i" 1.2+inf.0i "1.2+inf.0i" "1.2+Inf.0")

-> Complex NaN, Inf (rectangular notation)
OK                  ("+nan.0+nan.0i" +nan.0+nan.0i "+NaN.0+NaN.0i")
OK                  ("+inf.0+inf.0i" +inf.0+inf.0i "+Inf.0+Inf.0i")
OK                  ("-inf.0+inf.0i" -inf.0+inf.0i "-Inf.0+Inf.0i")
OK                  ("-inf.0-inf.0i" -inf.0-inf.0i "-Inf.0-Inf.0i")
OK                  ("+inf.0-inf.0i" +inf.0-inf.0i "+Inf.0-Inf.0i")

-> Complex numbers (polar notation)
OK                  ("1@2i" #f)
OK                  ("0.5@1/#" #f)
OK                  ("0.5@1/1#2" #f)
OK                  ("1/#@0.5" #f)
OK                  ("1/1#2@0.5" #f)
OK                  ("1@" #f)
OK                  ("1#@#" #f)
OK                  ("1/@" #f)
OK                  ("@/1" #f)
OK                  ("@1" #f)
OK                  ("1@+" #f)
OK                  ("+@1" #f)
OK                  ("@" #f)

-> Base prefixes
OK                  ("#x11" 17 "17")
OK                  ("#X11" 17 "17")
OK                  ("#d11" 11 "11")
OK                  ("#D11" 11 "11")
OK                  ("#o11" 9 "9")
OK                  ("#O11" 9 "9")
OK                  ("#b11" 3 "3")
OK                  ("#B11" 3 "3")
OK                  ("#da1" #f)
OK                  ("#o8" #f)
OK                  ("#b2" #f)
OK                  ("#o7" 7 "7")
OK                  ("#xa" 10 "10")
OK                  ("#xA" 10 "10")
OK                  ("#xf" 15 "15")
OK                  ("#xg" #f)
OK                  ("#x-10" -16 "-16")
OK                  ("#d-10" -10 "-10")
OK                  ("#o-10" -8 "-8")
OK                  ("#b-10" -2 "-2")
OK                  ("-#x10" #f)
OK                  ("-#d10" #f)
OK                  ("-#o10" #f)
OK                  ("-#b10" #f)
OK                  ("#x-" #f)
OK                  ("#x" #f)
OK                  ("#d" #f)
OK                  ("#d-" #f)
OK                  ("#d+" #f)
OK                  ("#o" #f)
OK                  ("#o-" #f)
OK                  ("#b" #f)
OK                  ("#b-" #f)
OK                  ("#e" #f)
OK                  ("#e-" #f)
OK                  ("#i" #f)
OK                  ("#i-" #f)

-> Combination of prefixes
OK                  ("#x#x11" #f)
OK                  ("#x#b11" #f)
OK                  ("#b#o11" #f)
OK                  ("#e#x10" 16 "16")
OK                  ("#i#x10" 16.0 "16.0" "16.")
OK                  ("#e#e10" #f)
OK                  ("#e#e#x10" #f)
OK                  ("#E#e#X10" #f)
OK                  ("#i#e#x10" #f)
OK                  ("#e#x#e10" #f)
OK                  ("#x#x#e10" #f)
OK                  ("#x#e#x10" #f)

-> Base prefixes with padding
OK                  ("#x1#0" #f)
OK                  ("#d1#0" #f)
OK                  ("#o1#0" #f)
OK                  ("#b1#0" #f)
OK                  ("#x1#" 16.0 24.0 "16.0" "24.0" "16." "24.")
OK                  ("#d1#" 10.0 15.0 "10.0" "15.0" "10." "15.")
OK                  ("#o1#" 8.0 12.0 "8.0" "12.0" "8." "12.")
OK                  ("#b1#" 2.0 3.0 "2.0" "3.0" "2." "3.")

-> (Attempted) decimal notation with base prefixes
OK                  ("#x1.0" #f)
OK                  ("#d1.0" 1.0 "1.0" "1.")
OK                  ("#o1.0" #f)
OK                  ("#b1.0" #f)
OK                  ("#x1.#" #f)
OK                  ("#d1.#" 1.0 1.5 "1.0" "1.5" "1.")
OK                  ("#o1.#" #f)
OK                  ("#b1.#" #f)
OK                  ("#x1." #f)
OK                  ("#d1." 1.0 "1.0" "1.")
OK                  ("#o1." #f)
OK                  ("#b1." #f)
OK                  ("#x.1" #f)
OK                  ("#d.1" 0.1 "0.1" ".1" "100.0e-3")
OK                  ("#o.1" #f)
OK                  ("#b.1" #f)
OK                  ("#x1e2" 482 "482")
OK                  ("#d1e2" 100.0 "100.0" "100.")
OK                  ("#o1e2" #f)
OK                  ("#b1e2" #f)

-> Fractions with prefixes
OK                  ("#x10/2" 8 "8")
OK                  ("#x11/2" 17/2 "17/2")
OK                  ("#d11/2" 11/2 "11/2")
OK                  ("#o11/2" 9/2 "9/2")
OK                  ("#b11/10" 3/2 "3/2")
OK                  ("#b11/2" #f)
OK                  ("#x10/#o10" #f)
OK                  ("10/#o10" #f)
OK                  ("#x1#/2" 8.0 12.0 "8.0" "8." "12.0" "12.")
OK                  ("#d1#/2" 5.0 7.5 "5.0" "5." "7.5")
OK                  ("#o1#/2" 4.0 6.0 "4.0" "4." "6.0" "6.")
OK                  ("#b1#/2" #f)
OK                  ("#b1#/10" 1.0 1.5 "1.0" "1." "1.5")

-> Complex numbers with prefixes
OK                  ("#x1#+1#i" 16.0+16.0i 24.0+24.0i "16.0+16.0i" "16.+16.i" "24.0+24.0i" "24.+24.i")
OK                  ("#x1.0+1.0i" #f)
OK                  ("#d1.0+1.0i" 1.0+1.0i "1.0+1.0i" "1.+1.i")
OK                  ("#o1.0+1.0i" #f)
OK                  ("#b1.0+1.0i" #f)
OK                  ("#x10+#o10i" #f)
OK                  ("10+#o10i" #f)
OK                  ("#x1@#x1" #f)
OK                  ("1@#x1" #f)
OK                  ("#x10+11i" 16+17i "16+17i")
OK                  ("#d10+11i" 10+11i "10+11i")
OK                  ("#o10+11i" 8+9i "8+9i")
OK                  ("#b10+11i" 2+3i "2+3i")
OK                  ("#e1.0+1.0i" 1+1i "1+1i" "1+i")
OK                  ("#i1.0+1.0i" 1.0+1.0i "1.0+1.0i" "1.+1.i")

-----> Everything OK, no errors!

    -- testing string-conversion ---------------------------------------------
    String conversion tests were successful .......................... [ PASS]
    1 test completed in 0.005 seconds.
    1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
    -- done testing string-conversion ----------------------------------------

    -- testing R4RS tests ----------------------------------------------------

        -- testing r4rs tests ------------------------------------------------
            -- done testing SECTION (2 1)

 #<procedure (boolean? x269)>
    #<procedure (char? x1593)>
       #<procedure (null? x351)>
          #<procedure (numbers#number? x2870)>
             #<procedure (pair? x280)>
                #<procedure (procedure? x1697)>
                   #<procedure (string? x432)>
                      #<procedure (symbol? x1313)>
                         #<procedure (vector? x1473)>
(#t #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)#t
(#t #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)#f
(#f #t #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)#\a
(#f #f #t #f #f #f #f #f #f)()
(#f #f #f #t #f #f #f #f #f)9739
(#f #f #f #f #t #f #f #f #f)(test)
(#f #f #f #f #f #t #f #f #f)#<procedure (record-error e25351)>
(#f #f #f #f #f #f #t #f #f)"test"
(#f #f #f #f #f #f #t #f #f)""
(#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #t #f)test
(#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #t)#()
(#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #t)#(a b c)
            -- done testing SECTION (3 4)

            -- testing SECTION (4 1 2)
            (quote (quote a)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (quote (quote a)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (4 1 2)

            -- testing SECTION (4 1 3)
            ((if #f + *) 3 4) ........................................ [ PASS]
            1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
            1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (4 1 3)

            -- testing SECTION (4 1 4)
            ((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 4) ................................. [ PASS]
            (reverse-subtract 7 10) .................................. [ PASS]
            (add4 6) ................................................. [ PASS]
            ((lambda x x) 3 4 5 6) ................................... [ PASS]
            ((lambda (x y . z) z) 3 4 5 6) ........................... [ PASS]
            5 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (4 1 4)

            -- testing SECTION (4 1 5)
            (if yes) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (if no) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (if 1) ................................................... [ PASS]
            3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (4 1 5)

            -- testing SECTION (4 1 6)
            (define 3) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (set! 5) ................................................. [ PASS]
            2 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (4 1 6)

            -- testing SECTION (4 2 1)
            (cond greater) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (cond equal) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (cond 2) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (case composite) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (case consonant) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (and #t) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (and #f) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (and (f g)) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (and #t) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (or #t) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (or #t) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (or #f) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (or #f) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (or (b c)) ............................................... [ PASS]
            14 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            14 out of 14 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (4 2 1)

            -- testing SECTION (4 2 2)
            (let 6) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (let 35) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (let* 70) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (letrec #t) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (let 5) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (let 34) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (let 6) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (let 34) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (let* 7) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (let* 34) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (let* 8) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (let* 34) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (letrec 9) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (letrec 34) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (letrec 10) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (letrec 34) .............................................. [ PASS]
            16 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            16 out of 16 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (4 2 2)

            -- testing SECTION (4 2 3)
            (begin 6) ................................................ [ PASS]
            1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
            1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (4 2 3)

            -- testing SECTION (4 2 4)
            (do #(0 1 2 3 4)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (do 25) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (let 1) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (let ((6 1 3) (-5 -2))) .................................. [ PASS]
            (let -1) ................................................. [ PASS]
            5 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (4 2 4)

            -- testing SECTION (4 2 6)
            (quasiquote (list 3 4)) .................................. [ PASS]
            (quasiquote (list a (quote a))) .......................... [ PASS]
            (quasiquote (a 3 4 5 6 b)) ............................... [ PASS]
            (quasiquote ((foo 7) . cons)) ............................ [ PASS]
            (quasiquote #(10 5 2 4 3 8)) ............................. [ PASS]
            (quasiquote 5) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (quasiquote (a (quasiquote (b (unquote (+ 1 2)) (unquote (foo 4 d)) e)) f))  [ PASS]
            (quasiquote (a (quasiquote (b (unquote x) (unquote (quote y)) d)) e))  [ PASS]
            (quasiquote (list 3 4)) .................................. [ PASS]
            (quasiquote (quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4))) ..... [ PASS]
            10 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (4 2 6)

            -- testing SECTION (5 2 1)
            (define 6) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (define 1) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (add3 6) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (add3 6) ................................................. [ PASS]
            4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (5 2 1)

            -- testing SECTION (5 2 2)
            (define 45) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (foo) .................................................... [ PASS]
            (define 34) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (foo) .................................................... [ PASS]
            (define 34) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (foo 88) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (foo 4) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (define 34) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (internal-define 99) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (internal-define 77) ..................................... [ PASS]
            10 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (5 2 2)

            -- testing SECTION (6 1)
            (not #t) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (not 3) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (not (3)) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (not #f) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (not ()) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (not ()) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (not nil) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (boolean? #f) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (boolean? 0) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (boolean? ()) ............................................ [ PASS]
            10 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 1)

            -- testing SECTION (6 2)
            (eqv? a a) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (eqv? a b) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (eqv? 2 2) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (eqv? () ()) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (eqv? 10000 10000) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (eqv? (1 . 2) (1 . 2)) ................................... [ PASS]
            (eqv? #<procedure (f_64557)> #<procedure (f_64560)>) ..... [ PASS]
            (eqv? #f nil) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (eqv? #<procedure (f_49670 x27930)> #<procedure (f_49670 x27930)>)  [ PASS]
            (eqv? #<procedure (f_49681)> #<procedure (f_49681)>) ..... [ PASS]
            (eqv? #<procedure (f_49681)> #<procedure (f_49681)>) ..... [ PASS]
            (eqv? #<procedure (f)> #<procedure (g)>) ................. [ PASS]
            (eq? a a) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (eq? (a) (a)) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (eq? () ()) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (eq? #<procedure (car p)> #<procedure (car p)>) .......... [ PASS]
            (eq? (a) (a)) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (eq? #() #()) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (eq? #<procedure (f_49753 x28132)> #<procedure (f_49753 x28132)>)  [ PASS]
            (equal? a a) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (equal? (a) (a)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (equal? (a (b) c) (a (b) c)) ............................. [ PASS]
            (equal? "abc" "abc") ..................................... [ PASS]
            (equal? 2 2) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (equal? #(a a a a a) #(a a a a a)) ....................... [ PASS]
            25 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            25 out of 25 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 2)

            -- testing SECTION (6 3)
            (dot (a b c d e)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (list? (a b c)) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (set-cdr! (a . 4)) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (eqv? (a . 4) (a . 4)) ................................... [ PASS]
            (dot (a b c . d)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (list? (a . 4)) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (pair? (a . b)) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (pair? (a . 1)) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (pair? (a b c)) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (pair? ()) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (pair? #(a b)) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (cons a ()) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (cons (a) (b c d)) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (cons "a" (b c)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (cons a 3) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (cons (a b) c) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (car (a b c)) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (car ((a) b c d)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (car (1 . 2)) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (cdr ((a) b c d)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (cdr (1 . 2)) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (list a 7 c) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (list) ................................................... [ PASS]
            (length (a b c)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (length (a (b) (c d e))) ................................. [ PASS]
            (length ()) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (append (x) (y)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (append (a) (b c d)) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (append (a (b)) ((c))) ................................... [ PASS]
            (append) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (append (a b) (c . d)) ................................... [ PASS]
            (append () a) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (reverse (a b c)) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (reverse (a (b c) d (e (f)))) ............................ [ PASS]
            (list-ref (a b c d) 2) ................................... [ PASS]
            (memq a (a b c)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (memq b (a b c)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (memq a (b c d)) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (memq (a) (b (a) c)) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (member (a) (b (a) c)) ................................... [ PASS]
            (memv 101 (100 101 102)) ................................. [ PASS]
            (assq a ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))) ............................. [ PASS]
            (assq b ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))) ............................. [ PASS]
            (assq d ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))) ............................. [ PASS]
            (assq (a) (((a)) ((b)) ((c)))) ........................... [ PASS]
            (assoc (a) (((a)) ((b)) ((c)))) .......................... [ PASS]
            (assv 5 ((2 3) (5 7) (11 13))) ........................... [ PASS]
            47 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
            47 out of 47 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 3)

            -- testing SECTION (6 4)
            (symbol? foo) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (symbol? a) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (symbol? "bar") .......................................... [ PASS]
            (symbol? nil) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (symbol? ()) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (symbol? #f) ............................................. [ PASS]
            6 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 4)

            -- testing SECTION (6 5 5)
            (number? 3) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (complex? 3) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (real? 3) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (rational? 3) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (integer? 3) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (exact? 3) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (inexact? 3) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (= 22 22 22) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (= 22 22) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (= 34 34 35) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (= 34 35) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (> 3 -6246) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (> 9 9 -2424) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (>= 3 -4 -6246) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (>= 9 9) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (>= 8 9) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (< -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (< -1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (<= -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) .................................... [ PASS]
            (<= -1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7) .................................... [ PASS]
            (< 1 3 2) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (>= 1 3 2) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (zero? 0) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (zero? 1) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (zero? -1) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (zero? -100) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (positive? 4) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (positive? -4) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (positive? 0) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (negative? 4) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (negative? -4) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (negative? 0) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (odd? 3) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (odd? 2) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (odd? -4) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (odd? -1) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (even? 3) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (even? 2) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (even? -4) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (even? -1) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (max 34 5 7 38 6) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (min 3 5 5 330 4 -24) .................................... [ PASS]
            (+ 3 4) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (+ 3) .................................................... [ PASS]
            (+) ...................................................... [ PASS]
            (* 4) .................................................... [ PASS]
            (*) ...................................................... [ PASS]
            (- 3 4) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (- 3) .................................................... [ PASS]
            (abs -7) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (abs 7) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (abs 0) .................................................. [ PASS]
            (quotient 35 7) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (quotient -35 7) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (quotient 35 -7) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (quotient -35 -7) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (modulo 13 4) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (remainder 13 4) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (modulo -13 4) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (remainder -13 4) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (modulo 13 -4) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (remainder 13 -4) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (modulo -13 -4) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (remainder -13 -4) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (modulo 0 86400) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (modulo 0 -86400) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (divtest 238 9) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (divtest -238 9) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (divtest 238 -9) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (divtest -238 -9) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (gcd 0 4) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (gcd -4 0) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (gcd 32 -36) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (gcd) .................................................... [ PASS]
            (lcm 32 -36) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (lcm) .................................................... [ PASS]
            76 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
            76 out of 76 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 5 5)

            -- testing SECTION (6 5 5)
            (test-string->number "+#.#") ............................. [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "-#.#") ............................. [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "1/0") .............................. [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "-1/0") ............................. [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "0/0") .............................. [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "+1/0i") ............................ [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "-1/0i") ............................ [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "0/0i") ............................. [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "0/0-0/0i") ......................... [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "1/0-1/0i") ......................... [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "-1/0+1/0i") ........................ [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "#i") ............................... [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "#e") ............................... [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "#") ................................ [ PASS]
            (test-string->number "#i0/0") ............................ [ PASS]
            (number? 0.0-1.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (number? 0.0+1.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (number? 2.0+1.0i) ....................................... [ PASS]
            18 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            18 out of 18 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 5 5)

            -- testing SECTION (6 5 9)
            (number->string 0) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (number->string 100) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (number->string 256 16) .................................. [ PASS]
            (string->number "100") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number "100" 16) ................................ [ PASS]
            (string->number "") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number ".") ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number "d") ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number "D") ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number "i") ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number "I") ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number "3i") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number "3I") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number "33i") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number "33I") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number "3.3i") .................................. [ PASS]
            (string->number "3.3I") .................................. [ PASS]
            (string->number "-") ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number "+") ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number #t) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string->number #t) ...................................... [ PASS]
            21 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            21 out of 21 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 5 9)

            -- testing SECTION (6 6)
            (eqv? #\space #\space) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char? #\a) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (char? #\() .............................................. [ PASS]
            (char? #\space) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (char? #\newline) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (char=? #\A #\B) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (char=? #\a #\b) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (char=? #\9 #\0) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (char=? #\A #\A) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (char<? #\A #\B) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (char<? #\a #\b) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (char<? #\9 #\0) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (char<? #\A #\A) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (char>? #\A #\B) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (char>? #\a #\b) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (char>? #\9 #\0) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (char>? #\A #\A) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (char<=? #\A #\B) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (char<=? #\a #\b) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (char<=? #\9 #\0) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (char<=? #\A #\A) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (char>=? #\A #\B) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (char>=? #\a #\b) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (char>=? #\9 #\0) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (char>=? #\A #\A) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (char-ci=? #\A #\B) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci=? #\a #\B) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci=? #\A #\b) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci=? #\a #\b) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci=? #\9 #\0) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci=? #\A #\A) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci=? #\A #\a) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<? #\A #\B) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<? #\a #\B) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<? #\A #\b) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<? #\a #\b) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<? #\9 #\0) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<? #\A #\A) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<? #\A #\a) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>? #\A #\B) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>? #\a #\B) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>? #\A #\b) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>? #\a #\b) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>? #\9 #\0) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>? #\A #\A) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>? #\A #\a) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<=? #\A #\B) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<=? #\a #\B) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<=? #\A #\b) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<=? #\a #\b) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<=? #\9 #\0) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<=? #\A #\A) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci<=? #\A #\a) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>=? #\A #\B) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>=? #\a #\B) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>=? #\A #\b) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>=? #\a #\b) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>=? #\9 #\0) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>=? #\A #\A) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-ci>=? #\A #\a) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (char-alphabetic? #\a) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-alphabetic? #\A) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-alphabetic? #\z) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-alphabetic? #\Z) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-alphabetic? #\0) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-alphabetic? #\9) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-alphabetic? #\space) ............................... [ PASS]
            (char-alphabetic? #\;) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-numeric? #\a) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-numeric? #\A) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-numeric? #\z) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-numeric? #\Z) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-numeric? #\0) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-numeric? #\9) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-numeric? #\space) .................................. [ PASS]
            (char-numeric? #\;) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-whitespace? #\a) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-whitespace? #\A) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-whitespace? #\z) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-whitespace? #\Z) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-whitespace? #\0) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-whitespace? #\9) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-whitespace? #\space) ............................... [ PASS]
            (char-whitespace? #\;) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-upper-case? #\0) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-upper-case? #\9) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-upper-case? #\space) ............................... [ PASS]
            (char-upper-case? #\;) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-lower-case? #\0) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-lower-case? #\9) ................................... [ PASS]
            (char-lower-case? #\space) ............................... [ PASS]
            (char-lower-case? #\;) ................................... [ PASS]
            (integer->char 46) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (integer->char 65) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (integer->char 97) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (char-upcase #\A) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (char-upcase #\a) ........................................ [ PASS]
            (char-downcase #\A) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (char-downcase #\a) ...................................... [ PASS]
            99 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
            99 out of 99 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 6)

            -- testing SECTION (6 7)
            (string? "The word \"recursion\\\" has many meanings.") .. [ PASS]
            (string? "") ............................................. [ PASS]
            (string-set! "?**") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string #\a #\b #\c) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (string-length "abc") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ref "abc" 0) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ref "abc" 2) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string-length "") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (substring "ab" 0 0) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (substring "ab" 1 1) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (substring "ab" 2 2) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (substring "ab" 0 1) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (substring "ab" 1 2) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (substring "ab" 0 2) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string-append "foo" "bar") .............................. [ PASS]
            (string-append "foo") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-append "foo" "") ................................. [ PASS]
            (string-append "" "foo") ................................. [ PASS]
            (string-append) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (make-string 0) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (string=? "" "") ......................................... [ PASS]
            (string<? "" "") ......................................... [ PASS]
            (string>? "" "") ......................................... [ PASS]
            (string<=? "" "") ........................................ [ PASS]
            (string>=? "" "") ........................................ [ PASS]
            (string-ci=? "" "") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<? "" "") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>? "" "") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<=? "" "") ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>=? "" "") ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string=? "A" "B") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (string=? "a" "b") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (string=? "9" "0") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (string=? "A" "A") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (string<? "A" "B") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (string<? "a" "b") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (string<? "9" "0") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (string<? "A" "A") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (string>? "A" "B") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (string>? "a" "b") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (string>? "9" "0") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (string>? "A" "A") ....................................... [ PASS]
            (string<=? "A" "B") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string<=? "a" "b") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string<=? "9" "0") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string<=? "A" "A") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string>=? "A" "B") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string>=? "a" "b") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string>=? "9" "0") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string>=? "A" "A") ...................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci=? "A" "B") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci=? "a" "B") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci=? "A" "b") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci=? "a" "b") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci=? "9" "0") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci=? "A" "A") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci=? "A" "a") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<? "A" "B") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<? "a" "B") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<? "A" "b") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<? "a" "b") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<? "9" "0") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<? "A" "A") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<? "A" "a") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>? "A" "B") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>? "a" "B") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>? "A" "b") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>? "a" "b") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>? "9" "0") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>? "A" "A") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>? "A" "a") .................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<=? "A" "B") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<=? "a" "B") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<=? "A" "b") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<=? "a" "b") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<=? "9" "0") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<=? "A" "A") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci<=? "A" "a") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>=? "A" "B") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>=? "a" "B") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>=? "A" "b") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>=? "a" "b") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>=? "9" "0") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>=? "A" "A") ................................... [ PASS]
            (string-ci>=? "A" "a") ................................... [ PASS]
            86 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
            86 out of 86 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 7)

            -- testing SECTION (6 8)
            (vector? #(0 (2 2 2 2) "Anna")) .......................... [ PASS]
            (vector? #()) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (vector a b c) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (vector) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (vector-length #(0 (2 2 2 2) "Anna")) .................... [ PASS]
            (vector-length #()) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (vector-ref #(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21) 5) ...................... [ PASS]
            (vector-set #(0 ("Sue" "Sue") "Anna")) ................... [ PASS]
            (make-vector 2 hi) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (make-vector 0) .......................................... [ PASS]
            (make-vector 0 a) ........................................ [ PASS]
            11 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            11 out of 11 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 8)

            -- testing SECTION (6 9)
            (procedure? #<procedure (car p)>) ........................ [ PASS]
            (procedure? car) ......................................... [ PASS]
            (procedure? #<procedure (f_56165 x36306)>) ............... [ PASS]
            (procedure? (lambda (x) (* x x))) ........................ [ PASS]
            (call-with-current-continuation #<procedure (procedure? x1697)>)  [ PASS]
            (apply #<procedure (numbers#+ . args184)> (3 4)) ......... [ PASS]
            (apply #<procedure (f_56058 a36384 b36385)> (3 4)) ....... [ PASS]
            (apply #<procedure (numbers#+ . args184)> 10 (3 4)) ...... [ PASS]
            (apply #<procedure (list . lst353)> ()) .................. [ PASS]
            ((compose sqt *) 12 75) .................................. [ PASS]
            (map #<procedure (cadr p)> ((a b) (d e) (g h))) .......... [ PASS]
            (map #<procedure (numbers#+ . args184)> (1 2 3) (4 5 6)) . [ PASS]
            (map #<procedure (numbers#+ . args184)> (1 2 3)) ......... [ PASS]
            (map #<procedure (numbers#* . args826)> (1 2 3)) ......... [ PASS]
            (map #<procedure (numbers#- arg1482 . args483)> (1 2 3)) . [ PASS]
            (for-each #(0 1 4 9 16)) ................................. [ PASS]
            (call-with-current-continuation #<procedure (f_55719 exit36622)>)  [ PASS]
            (list-length (1 2 3 4)) .................................. [ PASS]
            (list-length (a b . c)) .................................. [ PASS]
            (map #<procedure (cadr p)> ()) ........................... [ PASS]
            20 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            20 out of 20 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 9)

            -- testing SECTION (6 10 1)
            (input-port? #<input port "(stdin)">) .................... [ PASS]
            (output-port? #<output port "(string)">) ................. [ PASS]
            (call-with-input-file "r4rstest.scm" #<procedure (input-port? x1879)>)  [ PASS]
            (input-port? #<input port "r4rstest.scm">) ............... [ PASS]
            4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 10 1)

            -- testing SECTION (6 10 2)
            (peek-char #<input port "r4rstest.scm">) ................. [ PASS]
            (read-char #<input port "r4rstest.scm">) ................. [ PASS]
            (read #<input port "r4rstest.scm">) ...................... [ PASS]
            (peek-char #<input port "r4rstest.scm">) ................. [ PASS]
            (read #<input port "r4rstest.scm">) ...................... [ PASS]
            5 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 10 2)

            -- testing SECTION (6 10 3)
            (call-with-output-file "tmp1" #<procedure (f_55379 test-file37425)>)  [ PASS]
                        (read #<input port "tmp1">) .............................. [ PASS]
            (eof-object? #!eof) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (eof-object? #!eof) ...................................... [ PASS]
(input-port? #t)              (read #<input port "tmp1">) .............................. [ PASS]
            (eof-object? #!eof) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (eof-object? #!eof) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (read-char #<input port "tmp1">) ......................... [ PASS]
            (read-char #<input port "tmp1">) ......................... [ PASS]
            (read-char #<input port "tmp1">) ......................... [ PASS]
            (read #<input port "tmp1">) .............................. [ PASS]
            (read #<input port "tmp1">) .............................. [ PASS]
            (output-port? #<output port "tmp2">) ..................... [ PASS]
                        (read #<input port "tmp2">) .............................. [ PASS]
            (eof-object? #!eof) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (eof-object? #!eof) ...................................... [ PASS]
(input-port? #t)              (read #<input port "tmp2">) .............................. [ PASS]
            (eof-object? #!eof) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (eof-object? #!eof) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (read-char #<input port "tmp2">) ......................... [ PASS]
            (read-char #<input port "tmp2">) ......................... [ PASS]
            (read-char #<input port "tmp2">) ......................... [ PASS]
            (read #<input port "tmp2">) .............................. [ PASS]
            (read #<input port "tmp2">) .............................. [ PASS]

Passed all tests

;testing inexact numbers; 
            26 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
            26 out of 26 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 10 3)

            -- testing SECTION (6 2)
            (eqv? 1 1.0) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (eqv? 0 0.0) ............................................. [ PASS]
            2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 2)

            -- testing SECTION (6 5 5)
            (inexact? 3.9) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (max #t) ................................................. [ PASS]
            (max 3.9 4) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (exact->inexact 4) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (exact->inexact 4.0) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (inexact->exact 4) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (inexact->exact 4.0) ..................................... [ PASS]
            (round -4.5) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (round -3.5) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (round -3.9) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (round 0.0) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (round 0.25) ............................................. [ PASS]
            (round 0.8) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (round 3.5) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (round 4.5) .............................................. [ PASS]
            (expt 0 0) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (expt 0 1) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (atan 1 1) ............................................... [ PASS]
            (call-with-output-file "tmp3" #<procedure (f_50848 test-file31247)>)  [ PASS]
                        (read #<input port "tmp3">) .............................. [ PASS]
            (eof-object? #!eof) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (eof-object? #!eof) ...................................... [ PASS]
(input-port? #t)              (read #<input port "tmp3">) .............................. [ PASS]
            (eof-object? #!eof) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (eof-object? #!eof) ...................................... [ PASS]
            (read-char #<input port "tmp3">) ......................... [ PASS]
            (read-char #<input port "tmp3">) ......................... [ PASS]
            (read-char #<input port "tmp3">) ......................... [ PASS]
            (read #<input port "tmp3">) .............................. [ PASS]
            (read #<input port "tmp3">) .............................. [ PASS]
            (pentium-fdiv-bug #t) .................................... [ PASS]

Passed all tests

;testing bignums; 
            32 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
            32 out of 32 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 5 5)

            -- testing SECTION (6 5 7)
            (modulo 33333333333333333333 3) .......................... [ PASS]
            (modulo 33333333333333333333 -3) ......................... [ PASS]
            (remainder 33333333333333333333 3) ....................... [ PASS]
            (remainder 33333333333333333333 -3) ...................... [ PASS]
            (modulo 33333333333333333332 3) .......................... [ PASS]
            (modulo 33333333333333333332 -3) ......................... [ PASS]
            (remainder 33333333333333333332 3) ....................... [ PASS]
            (remainder 33333333333333333332 -3) ...................... [ PASS]
            (modulo -33333333333333333332 3) ......................... [ PASS]
            (modulo -33333333333333333332 -3) ........................ [ PASS]
            (remainder -33333333333333333332 3) ...................... [ PASS]
            (remainder -33333333333333333332 -3) ..................... [ PASS]
            (modulo 3 33333333333333333333) .......................... [ PASS]
            (modulo -3 33333333333333333333) ......................... [ PASS]
            (remainder 3 33333333333333333333) ....................... [ PASS]
            (remainder -3 33333333333333333333) ...................... [ PASS]
            (modulo 3 -33333333333333333333) ......................... [ PASS]
            (modulo -3 -33333333333333333333) ........................ [ PASS]
            (remainder 3 -33333333333333333333) ...................... [ PASS]
            (remainder -3 -33333333333333333333) ..................... [ PASS]
            (modulo -2177452800 86400) ............................... [ PASS]
            (modulo 2177452800 -86400) ............................... [ PASS]
            (modulo 2177452800 86400) ................................ [ PASS]
            (modulo -2177452800 -86400) .............................. [ PASS]
            (modulo 0 -2177452800) ................................... [ PASS]
            (remainder #t) ........................................... [ PASS]
            (remainder #t) ........................................... [ PASS]
            27 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            27 out of 27 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 5 7)

            -- testing SECTION (6 5 8)
            (string->number "281474976710655325431") ................. [ PASS]
            (number->string 281474976710655325431) ................... [ PASS]

Passed all tests

;testing bignum-inexact comparisons;
            2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 5 8)

            -- testing SECTION (6 5 5)
            (= 1237940039285380274899124225 70367185867220.0 1237940039285380274899124223)  [ PASS]
            (= 70367185867220.0 1237940039285380274899124225 1237940039285380274899124223)  [ PASS]
            (< 70367185867219 70367185867220.0 70367185867221) ....... [ PASS]

To fully test continuations, Scheme 4, and DELAY/FORCE do:
(test-cont) (test-sc4) (test-delay)

;testing continuations; 
            3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 5 5)

            -- testing SECTION (6 9)
            (leaf-eq? (a (b (c))) ((a) b c)) ......................... [ PASS]
            (leaf-eq? (a (b (c))) ((a) b c d)) ....................... [ PASS]

Passed all tests

;testing scheme 4 functions; 
            2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 9)

            -- testing SECTION (6 7)
            (string->list "P l") ..................................... [ PASS]
            (string->list "") ........................................ [ PASS]
            (list->string (#\1 #\\ #\")) ............................. [ PASS]
            (list->string ()) ........................................ [ PASS]
            4 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 7)

            -- testing SECTION (6 8)
            (vector->list #(dah dah didah)) .......................... [ PASS]
            (vector->list #()) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (list->vector (dididit dah)) ............................. [ PASS]
            (list->vector ()) ........................................ [ PASS]
            4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 8)

            -- testing SECTION (6 10 4)
            (load (#t #f a () 9739 -3 . #((test) "te \" \" st" "" test #() b c)))  [ PASS]

Passed all tests

;testing DELAY and FORCE; 
            1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
            1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 10 4)

            -- testing SECTION (6 9)
            (delay 3) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (delay (3 3)) ............................................ [ PASS]
            (delay 2) ................................................ [ PASS]
            (force #<promise>) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (force #<promise>) ....................................... [ PASS]
            (force 3) ................................................ [ PASS]

Passed all tests
            6 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing SECTION (6 9)

        38 subgroups completed in 0.029 seconds.
        38 out of 38 (100%) subgroups passed.
        -- done testing r4rs tests -------------------------------------------

    R4RS tests were successful ....................................... [ PASS]
    1 test and 1 subgroup completed in 0.029 seconds.
    1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
    1 out of 1 (100%) subgroup passed.
    -- done testing R4RS tests -----------------------------------------------

6 subgroups completed in 0.377 seconds.
5 out of 6 (83.3%) subgroups passed.
-- done testing numbers ------------------------------------------------------

-- testing compiled ----------------------------------------------------------
compiled test succeeded .............................................. [ FAIL]
    expected 0 but got 256
1 test completed in 309.807 seconds.
1 failure (100%).
0 out of 1 (0%) tests passed.
-- done testing compiled -----------------------------------------------------