Test output for missbehave [ok]

Testing time: 1s

/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null

-- testing Testing missbehave ------------------------------------------------

    -- testing Examples ------------------------------------------------------
    stores description ............................................... [ PASS]
    run a failing example ............................................ [ PASS]
    errors in examples ............................................... [ PASS]
    run succeeding example ........................................... [ PASS]
    run pending example .............................................. [ PASS]
    run pending by call to pending ................................... [ PASS]
    create and run pending using macros .............................. [ PASS]
    create and run failing using macros .............................. [ PASS]
    create and run succeeding using macros ........................... [ PASS]
    9 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
    9 out of 9 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Examples -------------------------------------------------

    -- testing Context -------------------------------------------------------
    Stores description ............................................... [ PASS]
    Running context signals success .................................. [ PASS]
    Running context signals failure .................................. [ PASS]
    Running context runs all examples ................................ [ PASS]
    Before(each) hooks ............................................... [ PASS]
    After(each) hooks ................................................ [ PASS]
    Before(tag-description) hooks .................................... [ PASS]
    Context using macro .............................................. [ PASS]
    Context and Describe can be used interchangably .................. [ PASS]
    Context with before(each) using macro ............................ [ PASS]
    10 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
    10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Context --------------------------------------------------

    -- testing Nested contexts -----------------------------------------------
    Runs hooks from outer contexts ................................... [ PASS]
    Runs hooks in order from grand-parents to parents to children .... [ PASS]
    2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
    2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Nested contexts ------------------------------------------

    -- testing Filtering -----------------------------------------------------
    Include context .................................................. [ PASS]
    Exclude context .................................................. [ PASS]
    Include Example .................................................. [ PASS]
    Exclude Example .................................................. [ PASS]
    Include Context but exclude specific example ..................... [ PASS]
    Exclude Context but include specific example ..................... [ PASS]
    6 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
    6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Filtering ------------------------------------------------

    -- testing Expectations --------------------------------------------------
    Minimal expecations .............................................. [ PASS]
    Syntactic sugar to be more expressive ............................ [ PASS]
    Negative expectation ............................................. [ PASS]
    Negaive expectation message ...................................... [ PASS]
    4 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
    4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Expectations ---------------------------------------------

    -- testing Subject -------------------------------------------------------
    Set subject ...................................................... [ PASS]
    Use Implicit subject ............................................. [ PASS]
    2 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
    2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Subject --------------------------------------------------

    -- testing Be matchers ---------------------------------------------------

        -- testing (be true) -------------------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.006 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (be true) --------------------------------------------

        -- testing (be false) ------------------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (be false) -------------------------------------------

        -- testing (be pred?) ------------------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (be pred?) -------------------------------------------

        -- testing (be value) ------------------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (be value) -------------------------------------------

        -- testing (be operator other) ---------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (be operator other) ----------------------------------

        -- testing (be a type) -----------------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (be a type) ------------------------------------------

    6 subgroups completed in 0.008 seconds.
    6 out of 6 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing Be matchers ----------------------------------------------

    -- testing Is matchers ---------------------------------------------------

        -- testing (is true) -------------------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (is true) --------------------------------------------

        -- testing (is false) ------------------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (is false) -------------------------------------------

        -- testing (is pred?) ------------------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (is pred?) -------------------------------------------

        -- testing (is value) ------------------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (is value) -------------------------------------------

        -- testing (is operator other) ---------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (is operator other) ----------------------------------

        -- testing (is a type) -----------------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (is a type) ------------------------------------------

    6 subgroups completed in 0.002 seconds.
    6 out of 6 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing Is matchers ----------------------------------------------

    -- testing Be matcher helpers --------------------------------------------

        -- testing (be (close 1)) --------------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (be (close 1)) ---------------------------------------

        -- testing (be (close 1 delta: 0.1)) ---------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (be (close 1 delta: 0.1)) ----------------------------

        -- testing (be (any-of 1 2)) -----------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (be (any-of 1 2)) ------------------------------------

        -- testing (be (none-of 1 2)) ----------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (be (none-of 1 2)) -----------------------------------

        -- testing (be (list-including 1 2) ----------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (be (list-including 1 2) -----------------------------

    5 subgroups completed in 0.002 seconds.
    5 out of 5 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing Be matcher helpers ---------------------------------------

    -- testing Match-string --------------------------------------------------

        -- testing (match-string) --------------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (match-string) ---------------------------------------

    1 subgroup completed in 0.001 seconds.
    1 out of 1 (100%) subgroup passed.
    -- done testing Match-string ---------------------------------------------

    -- testing Have-matcher --------------------------------------------------

        -- testing list (have 3 items) ---------------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing list (have 3 items) ----------------------------------

        -- testing list (has 1 procedure-call) -------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing list (has 1 procedure-call) --------------------------

        -- testing string (has 5 characters) ---------------------------------
        positive result .............................................. [ PASS]
        negative result .............................................. [ PASS]
        failure-message .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing string (has 5 characters) ----------------------------

    3 subgroups completed in 0.001 seconds.
    3 out of 3 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing Have-matcher ---------------------------------------------

    -- testing Error matchers ------------------------------------------------
    (error) .......................................................... [ PASS]
    (error) negative ................................................. [ PASS]
    (error (exn)) .................................................... [ PASS]
    (error (exn)) negative ........................................... [ PASS]
    4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
    4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Error matchers -------------------------------------------

    -- testing Procedure expectations ----------------------------------------
    (call proc once) ................................................. [ PASS]
    (call proc twice) ................................................ [ PASS]
    (call (1 time)) .................................................. [ PASS]
    (call (2 times)) ................................................. [ PASS]
    (call proc never) ................................................ [ PASS]
    (call proc (with 1 2)) ........................................... [ PASS]
    failing (call proc (with 1 2)) ................................... [ PASS]
    (call proc (with 1 2) twice) ..................................... [ PASS]
    failing (call proc (with 1 2) once) because of application count . [ PASS]
    failing (call proc (with 1 2) once) because of argument missmatch  [ PASS]
    10 tests completed in 0.083 seconds.
    10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Procedure expectations -----------------------------------

    -- testing State ---------------------------------------------------------
    Retrieve state of unset variable ................................. [ PASS]
    Default value .................................................... [ PASS]
    Set state ........................................................ [ PASS]
    reset all states ................................................. [ PASS]
    4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
    4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing State ----------------------------------------------------

    -- testing Stubs ---------------------------------------------------------
    stub return value ................................................ [ PASS]
    temporary stubs .................................................. [ PASS]
    stub with custom code ............................................ [ PASS]
    mix stubs and expectations ....................................... [ PASS]
    4 tests completed in 0.025 seconds.
    4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Stubs ----------------------------------------------------

15 subgroups completed in 0.356 seconds.
15 out of 15 (100%) subgroups passed.
-- done testing Testing missbehave -------------------------------------------