Test output for mat5-lib [ok]

Testing time: 0s

/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null

-- testing MAT5 library numeric array test from specification document p. 1-20 
Write MAT5 file header ............................................... [ PASS]
Write test array aa .................................................. [ PASS]
Close endian port for writing ........................................ [ PASS]
Read header from file ................................................ [ PASS]
Compare real data from file array with original array ................ [ PASS]
5 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing MAT5 library numeric array test from specification document p. 1-20 

-- testing MAT5 data reading and writing -------------------------------------
Write MAT5 file header ............................................... [ PASS]
Write test array aa .................................................. [ PASS]
Read header from file ................................................ [ PASS]
Compare array from file with original array .......................... [ PASS]
4 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing MAT5 data reading and writing --------------------------------

-- testing MAT5 read+write test for structures -------------------------------
Write MAT5 file header ............................................... [ PASS]
Write test structure aa .............................................. [ PASS]
Read header from file ................................................ [ PASS]
structure from file = #(MAT5:structure name="aa1" dims=(1 1) field-names=(w y z) fields=#(MAT5:cell dims=(1 1)  data=#(#((#(MAT5:num-array name="w" data-type=miDOUBLE dims=(1 1) real=#(array (((1.0)))) imag=#f) #(MAT5:num-array name="y" data-type=miDOUBLE dims=(1 1) real=#(array (((2.0)))) imag=#f) #(MAT5:num-array name="z" data-type=miDOUBLE dims=(1 1) real=#(array (((3.0)))) imag=#f))))))
Compare structure from file with original structure .................. [ PASS]
4 tests completed in 0.004 seconds.
4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing MAT5 read+write test for structures --------------------------