Test output for intarweb [ok]

Testing time: 0s

/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null

-- testing intarweb ----------------------------------------------------------

    -- testing headers -------------------------------------------------------

        -- testing single headers --------------------------------------------
        Basic test ................................................... [ PASS]
        Extra spaces are ignored ..................................... [ PASS]
        Continuation chars ........................................... [ PASS]
        Multiple headers for singular header types discarded ......... [ PASS]
        4 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing single headers ---------------------------------------

        -- testing multi-headers ---------------------------------------------
        Multiple headers ............................................. [ PASS]
        Multiple headers: case insensitivity ......................... [ PASS]
        Comma-separated headers ...................................... [ PASS]
        Quoted headers ............................................... [ PASS]
        Unknown headers are not parsed and put into lists ............ [ PASS]
        5 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing multi-headers ----------------------------------------

        -- testing miscellaneous header stuff --------------------------------
        Missing header contents ...................................... [ PASS]
        Bad header w/ handler ........................................ [ PASS]
        Bad header w/o handler ....................................... [ PASS]
        Embedded newlines ............................................ [ PASS]
        Too many headers is an error ................................. [ PASS]
        5 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing miscellaneous header stuff ---------------------------

    3 subgroups completed in 0.002 seconds.
    3 out of 3 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing headers --------------------------------------------------

    -- testing specialized header parsers ------------------------------------

        -- testing host/port -------------------------------------------------
        Hostname and port ............................................ [ PASS]
        Hostname, no port ............................................ [ PASS]
        2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing host/port --------------------------------------------

        -- testing quality parameter -----------------------------------------
        quality value (case-insensitive) ............................. [ PASS]
        quality encoding value ....................................... [ PASS]
        quality values have only three digits ........................ [ PASS]
        quality values maximum is 1.0 ................................ [ PASS]
        quality values minimum is 0.0 ................................ [ PASS]
        missing quality value ok ..................................... [ PASS]
        6 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing quality parameter ------------------------------------

        -- testing charset parameter -----------------------------------------
        content-type value is lowercase symbol ....................... [ PASS]
        content-type charset is lowercase symbol ..................... [ PASS]
        2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing charset parameter ------------------------------------

        -- testing symbol-parser-ci ------------------------------------------
        Case-insensitive ............................................. [ PASS]
        1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
        1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
        -- done testing symbol-parser-ci -------------------------------------

        -- testing symbol-parser ---------------------------------------------
        Case-sensitive ............................................... [ PASS]
        1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
        1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
        -- done testing symbol-parser ----------------------------------------

        -- testing natnum-subparser ------------------------------------------
        Simple test .................................................. [ PASS]
        No number defaults to 0 ...................................... [ PASS]
        No negative numbers .......................................... [ PASS]
        Rounding of real numbers ..................................... [ PASS]
        4 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing natnum-subparser -------------------------------------

        -- testing cache-control-parser --------------------------------------
        max-age is a number .......................................... [ PASS]
        private without value ........................................ [ PASS]
        private with values .......................................... [ PASS]
        Acts like a multi-header ..................................... [ PASS]
        4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing cache-control-parser ---------------------------------

        -- testing authorization-parser --------------------------------------

            -- testing basic auth --------------------------------------------
            basic .................................................... [ PASS]
            username ................................................. [ PASS]
            password ................................................. [ PASS]
            3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing basic auth ---------------------------------------

            -- testing digest auth -------------------------------------------
            digest ................................................... [ PASS]
            realm .................................................... [ PASS]
            nonce .................................................... [ PASS]
            username ................................................. [ PASS]
            qop ...................................................... [ PASS]
            digest uri ............................................... [ PASS]
            nonce count .............................................. [ PASS]
            cnonce ................................................... [ PASS]
            response ................................................. [ PASS]
            opaque ................................................... [ PASS]
            algorithm ................................................ [ PASS]
            11 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            11 out of 11 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing digest auth --------------------------------------

            -- testing custom authorization scheme ---------------------------
            Custom ................................................... [ PASS]
            Custom contents .......................................... [ PASS]
            2 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing custom authorization scheme ----------------------

        3 subgroups completed in 0.002 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) subgroups passed.
        -- done testing authorization-parser ---------------------------------

        -- testing authenticate parser ---------------------------------------

            -- testing basic auth --------------------------------------------
            basic .................................................... [ PASS]
            realm .................................................... [ PASS]
            2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
            2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing basic auth ---------------------------------------

            -- testing digest auth -------------------------------------------
            digest ................................................... [ PASS]
            realm .................................................... [ PASS]
            qop ...................................................... [ PASS]
            nonce .................................................... [ PASS]
            opaque ................................................... [ PASS]
            missing stale value ...................................... [ PASS]
            domains .................................................. [ PASS]
            stale .................................................... [ PASS]
            non-true stale value ..................................... [ PASS]
            9 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            9 out of 9 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing digest auth --------------------------------------

        2 subgroups completed in 0.001 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) subgroups passed.
        -- done testing authenticate parser ----------------------------------

        -- testing pragma-parser ---------------------------------------------
        value ........................................................ [ PASS]
        no value ..................................................... [ PASS]
        private with values .......................................... [ PASS]
        Acts like a multi-header ..................................... [ PASS]
        4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing pragma-parser ----------------------------------------

        -- testing base64-parser ---------------------------------------------
        md5 is base64-decoded ........................................ [ PASS]
        1 test completed in 0.001 seconds.
        1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
        -- done testing base64-parser ----------------------------------------

        -- testing range-parser ----------------------------------------------
        Simple range ................................................. [ PASS]
        1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
        1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
        -- done testing range-parser -----------------------------------------

        -- testing content-disposition ---------------------------------------
        Attachment with filename parameter containing directory ...... [ PASS]
        Inline with filename and (not quoted) creation-date parameter  [ PASS]
        Inline with size and (quoted) read-date parameter ............ [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing content-disposition ----------------------------------

        -- testing normalized-uri --------------------------------------------
        Uri .......................................................... [ PASS]
        Auto-normalization ........................................... [ PASS]
        2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing normalized-uri ---------------------------------------

        -- testing etag-parser -----------------------------------------------
        Strong tag ................................................... [ PASS]
        Weak tag ..................................................... [ PASS]
        Empty tag .................................................... [ PASS]
        Strong tag, containing W/ prefix ............................. [ PASS]
        4 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing etag-parser ------------------------------------------

        -- testing if-match parser -------------------------------------------
        Strong etag .................................................. [ PASS]
        Weak etag .................................................... [ PASS]
        Multiple etags ............................................... [ PASS]
        Wildcard ..................................................... [ PASS]
        4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing if-match parser --------------------------------------

        -- testing http-date-parser ------------------------------------------
        RFC1123 time ................................................. [ PASS]
        RFC850 time .................................................. [ PASS]
        asctime time ................................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing http-date-parser -------------------------------------

        -- testing If-Range parser -------------------------------------------
        RFC1123 time ................................................. [ PASS]
        RFC850 time .................................................. [ PASS]
        asctime time ................................................. [ PASS]
        Strong Etag .................................................. [ PASS]
        Weak Etag .................................................... [ PASS]
        Empty Etag ................................................... [ PASS]
        Strong Etag, containing W/ prefix ............................ [ PASS]
        7 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        7 out of 7 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing If-Range parser --------------------------------------

        -- testing product parser --------------------------------------------
        Simple product ............................................... [ PASS]
        Product with comment ......................................... [ PASS]
        Realistic product (comments, semicolons) ..................... [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing product parser ---------------------------------------

        -- testing Set-Cookie parser -----------------------------------------
        Simple name/value pair ....................................... [ PASS]
        Multiple cookies with same name (CI) are all kept ............ [ PASS]
        Cookie names preserve case ................................... [ PASS]
        Cookie with = signs .......................................... [ PASS]
        Comment ...................................................... [ PASS]
        Multiple cookies in one header ............................... [ PASS]
        Multiple cookies in multiple headers ......................... [ PASS]
        Missing "secure" value ....................................... [ PASS]
        Missing value ................................................ [ PASS]
        Old-style cookie expires value ............................... [ PASS]
        Secure value ................................................. [ PASS]
        Path ......................................................... [ PASS]
        Port numbers ................................................. [ PASS]
        Noncompliant syntax cookie expiry value (rfc1123) ............ [ PASS]
        Noncompliant syntax cookie expiry value (rfc850-like, abbrev day)  [ PASS]
        15 tests completed in 0.006 seconds.
        15 out of 15 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing Set-Cookie parser ------------------------------------

        -- testing cookie-parser ---------------------------------------------
        Multiple cookies in the same header .......................... [ PASS]
        Parameters of cookies (spaces stripped) ...................... [ PASS]
        Parameters of cookies ........................................ [ PASS]
        Version string is used for all cookies ....................... [ PASS]
        4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing cookie-parser ----------------------------------------

        -- testing strict-transport-security-parser --------------------------
        max-age is a number .......................................... [ PASS]
        includeSubDomains without value .............................. [ PASS]
        2 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing strict-transport-security-parser ---------------------

        -- testing headers ---------------------------------------------------
        Simple test .................................................. [ PASS]
        Multi headers are folded ..................................... [ PASS]
        Single headers are unique .................................... [ PASS]
        Extra single headers are ignored ............................. [ PASS]
        Parameters ................................................... [ PASS]
        Multi headers are folded into old headers .................... [ PASS]
        6 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing headers ----------------------------------------------

    23 subgroups completed in 0.016 seconds.
    23 out of 23 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing specialized header parsers -------------------------------

    -- testing unparsers -----------------------------------------------------

        -- testing default unparser ------------------------------------------
        String ....................................................... [ PASS]
        Multiple strings ............................................. [ PASS]
        Auto-quoting on commas and whitespace ........................ [ PASS]
        Escaping quotes .............................................. [ PASS]
        Escaping control characters .................................. [ PASS]
        Embedded newlines throw an error ............................. [ PASS]
        Alist ........................................................ [ PASS]
        Alist with escapes ........................................... [ PASS]
        URI .......................................................... [ PASS]
        Parameters ................................................... [ PASS]
        10 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
        10 out of 10 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing default unparser -------------------------------------

        -- testing etag unparser ---------------------------------------------
        Weak tag ..................................................... [ PASS]
        Strong tag ................................................... [ PASS]
        Strong tag starting with W/ .................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing etag unparser ----------------------------------------

        -- testing if-match unparser -----------------------------------------
        List of etags ................................................ [ PASS]
        Wildcard ..................................................... [ PASS]
        2 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing if-match unparser ------------------------------------

        -- testing date/time unparser ----------------------------------------
        RFC1123 time ................................................. [ PASS]
        1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
        1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
        -- done testing date/time unparser -----------------------------------

        -- testing host/port unparser ----------------------------------------
        No port specified ............................................ [ PASS]
        Different port ............................................... [ PASS]
        2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing host/port unparser -----------------------------------

        -- testing product unparser ------------------------------------------
        Product with comments ........................................ [ PASS]
        Realistic product ............................................ [ PASS]
        2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing product unparser -------------------------------------

        -- testing cookie unparser -------------------------------------------
        Basic cookie ................................................. [ PASS]
        Port list .................................................... [ PASS]
        #t or #f values .............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.004 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing cookie unparser --------------------------------------

        -- testing Set-Cookie unparser ---------------------------------------
        Simple name/value pair ....................................... [ PASS]
        Multiple cookies with same name (CI) are all written ......... [ PASS]
        Cookie names preserve case ................................... [ PASS]
        Cookie with = signs .......................................... [ PASS]
        Comment ...................................................... [ PASS]
        Old-style cookie expires value ............................... [ PASS]
        Secure (true) ................................................ [ PASS]
        Secure (false) ............................................... [ PASS]
        Path ......................................................... [ PASS]
        9 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
        9 out of 9 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing Set-Cookie unparser ----------------------------------

        -- testing authorization unparser ------------------------------------
        Basic auth ................................................... [ PASS]
        Basic auth with colon in username ............................ [ PASS]
        Digest auth .................................................. [ PASS]
        Custom auth .................................................. [ PASS]
        4 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing authorization unparser -------------------------------

        -- testing authenticate unparser -------------------------------------

            -- testing basic auth --------------------------------------------
            basic .................................................... [ PASS]
            1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
            1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
            -- done testing basic auth ---------------------------------------

            -- testing digest auth -------------------------------------------
            digest ................................................... [ PASS]
            domains .................................................. [ PASS]
            stale .................................................... [ PASS]
            stale present but false .................................. [ PASS]
            4 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
            4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
            -- done testing digest auth --------------------------------------

        2 subgroups completed in 0.001 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) subgroups passed.
        -- done testing authenticate unparser --------------------------------

        -- testing content-disposition unparser ------------------------------
        Attributes are always fully quoted and filenames stripped .... [ PASS]
        Size and dates are recognised correctly ...................... [ PASS]
        2 tests completed in 0.003 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing content-disposition unparser -------------------------

        -- testing strict-transport-security unparser ------------------------
        Silly capitalization is honored, even if unneccessary ........ [ PASS]
        1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
        1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
        -- done testing strict-transport-security unparser -------------------

    12 subgroups completed in 0.014 seconds.
    12 out of 12 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing unparsers ------------------------------------------------

    -- testing reading of requests -------------------------------------------
    (test-read-request "qux") ........................................ [ PASS]
    (test-read-request "") ........................................... [ PASS]
    (test-read-request "foo") ........................................ [ PASS]
    (test-read-request "bar") ........................................ [ PASS]

        -- testing HTTP/0.9 --------------------------------------------------
        By default, HTTP/0.9 is disabled ............................. [ PASS]
        (request-major req) .......................................... [ PASS]
        (request-minor req) .......................................... [ PASS]
        (request-method req) ......................................... [ PASS]
        (request-uri req) ............................................ [ PASS]
        (request-headers req) ........................................ [ PASS]
        Method is case-insensitive ................................... [ PASS]
        0.9 only knows GET ........................................... [ PASS]
        8 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        8 out of 8 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HTTP/0.9 ---------------------------------------------

        -- testing HTTP/1.0 --------------------------------------------------
        (request-major req) .......................................... [ PASS]
        (request-minor req) .......................................... [ PASS]
        (request-method req) ......................................... [ PASS]
        (request-uri req) ............................................ [ PASS]
        (request-headers req) ........................................ [ PASS]
        (request-method (test-read-request "PUT /path HTTP/1.0\r\n"))  [ PASS]
        6 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HTTP/1.0 ---------------------------------------------

        -- testing HTTP/1.1 --------------------------------------------------
        (request-major req) .......................................... [ PASS]
        (request-minor req) .......................................... [ PASS]
        (request-method (test-read-request "PUT /path HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"))  [ PASS]
        Method is case-sensitive ..................................... [ PASS]
        Protocol is case-insensitive ................................. [ PASS]
        Request line limit exceeded gives error ...................... [ PASS]
        Reading request body ......................................... [ PASS]
        Reading request body with bigger limit ....................... [ PASS]
        Request body limit exceeded gives error ...................... [ PASS]
        9 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
        9 out of 9 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HTTP/1.1 ---------------------------------------------

    4 tests and 3 subgroups completed in 0.004 seconds.
    4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
    3 out of 3 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing reading of requests --------------------------------------

    -- testing writing of requests -------------------------------------------

        -- testing HTTP/0.9 --------------------------------------------------
        By default, HTTP/0.9 is disabled ............................. [ PASS]
        Always empty headers ......................................... [ PASS]
        Always GET ................................................... [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HTTP/0.9 ---------------------------------------------

        -- testing HTTP/1.0 --------------------------------------------------
        Headers ...................................................... [ PASS]
        Chunking ignored ............................................. [ PASS]
        2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HTTP/1.0 ---------------------------------------------

        -- testing HTTP/1.1 --------------------------------------------------
        Headers ...................................................... [ PASS]
        Chunking ..................................................... [ PASS]
        2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HTTP/1.1 ---------------------------------------------

    3 subgroups completed in 0.001 seconds.
    3 out of 3 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing writing of requests --------------------------------------

    -- testing reading of responses ------------------------------------------

        -- testing HTTP/1.1 --------------------------------------------------
        Version detection ............................................ [ PASS]
        Status ....................................................... [ PASS]
        Headers ...................................................... [ PASS]
        Contents ..................................................... [ PASS]
        Response line limit exceeded gives error ..................... [ PASS]
        Chunking ..................................................... [ PASS]
        First read of chunked port returns first line ................ [ PASS]
        Peek-char returns EOF ........................................ [ PASS]
        Read-char also returns EOF ................................... [ PASS]
        9 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        9 out of 9 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HTTP/1.1 ---------------------------------------------

        -- testing HTTP/1.0 --------------------------------------------------
        Version detection ............................................ [ PASS]
        Status ....................................................... [ PASS]
        Headers ...................................................... [ PASS]
        Contents ..................................................... [ PASS]
        Chunking ignored ............................................. [ PASS]
        5 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HTTP/1.0 ---------------------------------------------

        -- testing HTTP/0.9 --------------------------------------------------
        By default, HTTP/0.9 is disabled ............................. [ PASS]
        Always OK status ............................................. [ PASS]
        Version detection; fallback to 0.9 ........................... [ PASS]
        No headers ................................................... [ PASS]
        Contents ..................................................... [ PASS]
        5 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HTTP/0.9 ---------------------------------------------

    3 subgroups completed in 0.002 seconds.
    3 out of 3 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing reading of responses -------------------------------------

    -- testing writing of responses ------------------------------------------

        -- testing HTTP/0.9 --------------------------------------------------
        By default, HTTP/0.9 is disabled ............................. [ PASS]
        Headers ignored .............................................. [ PASS]
        2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HTTP/0.9 ---------------------------------------------

        -- testing HTTP/1.0 --------------------------------------------------
        Headers used ................................................. [ PASS]
        Status code .................................................. [ PASS]
        Chunking ignored ............................................. [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HTTP/1.0 ---------------------------------------------

        -- testing HTTP/1.1 --------------------------------------------------
        Headers used ................................................. [ PASS]
        Status code .................................................. [ PASS]
        Chunking ..................................................... [ PASS]
        3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing HTTP/1.1 ---------------------------------------------

        -- testing status ----------------------------------------------------
        reason and code are looked up by symbol properly ............. [ PASS]
        an error is raised for unknown status codes .................. [ PASS]
        any status can be used when code and reason are given directly  [ PASS]
        defaults can be parameterized ................................ [ PASS]
        4 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing status -----------------------------------------------

    4 subgroups completed in 0.002 seconds.
    4 out of 4 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing writing of responses -------------------------------------

    -- testing etag comparison procedures ------------------------------------

        -- testing weak comparison -------------------------------------------
        Strong etag does not match list not containing it ............ [ PASS]
        Weak etag does not match list not containing it .............. [ PASS]
        Weak etag matches list containing it ......................... [ PASS]
        Strong etag matches list containing it ....................... [ PASS]
        Weak etag does not match list containing same tag but strong . [ PASS]
        Strong etag does not match list containing same tag but weak . [ PASS]
        Weak etag matches list containing wildcard ................... [ PASS]
        Strong etag matches list containing wildcard ................. [ PASS]
        8 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        8 out of 8 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing weak comparison --------------------------------------

        -- testing strong comparison -----------------------------------------
        Strong etag does not match list not containing it ............ [ PASS]
        Weak etag does not match list not containing it .............. [ PASS]
        Weak etag does *not* match list containing it ................ [ PASS]
        Strong etag matches list containing it ....................... [ PASS]
        Weak etag does not match list containing same tag but strong . [ PASS]
        Strong etag does not match list containing same tag but weak . [ PASS]
        Weak etag matches list containing wildcard ................... [ PASS]
        Strong etag matches list containing wildcard ................. [ PASS]
        8 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        8 out of 8 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing strong comparison ------------------------------------

    2 subgroups completed in 0.001 seconds.
    2 out of 2 (100%) subgroups passed.
    -- done testing etag comparison procedures -------------------------------

8 subgroups completed in 0.348 seconds.
8 out of 8 (100%) subgroups passed.
-- done testing intarweb -----------------------------------------------------