Test output for html-utils [ok]

Testing time: 0s

/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null

-- testing html-utils --------------------------------------------------------

    -- testing html-utils strings --------------------------------------------
    (combo-box "test" '(1 2 3)) ...................................... [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '((1 1) (2 2) (3 3))) .......................... [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '((1 . 1) (2 . 2) (3 . 3))) .................... [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '(#(1 1) #(2 2) #(3 3))) ....................... [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '(#(1 1) #(2 2) #(3 3)) default: 1) ............ [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '(#(1 1) #(2 2) #(3 3)) first-empty: #t) ....... [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '(#(1 1) #(2 2) #(3 3)) first-empty: #t defau...  [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '(#(1 1) #(2 2) #(3 3)) first-empty: #t defau...  [ PASS]
    (hidden-input "test") ............................................ [ PASS]
    (hidden-input "test" 0) .......................................... [ PASS]
    (hidden-input '((test . 0) (test2 . 1))) ......................... [ PASS]
    (itemize '(a b c)) ............................................... [ PASS]
    (itemize '(a b c) list-id: "test") ............................... [ PASS]
    (enumerate '(a b c)) ............................................. [ PASS]
    (enumerate '(a b c) list-id: "test") ............................. [ PASS]
    (tabularize '((1 2 3) (4 5 6))) .................................. [ PASS]
    (tabularize '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) table-id: "test") ................. [ PASS]
    (tabularize '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) table-id: "test" even-row-class:...  [ PASS]
    (tabularize '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) header: '(a b c)) ................. [ PASS]
    (html-page "") ................................................... [ PASS]
    (html-page "" doctype: "<test-doctype>") ......................... [ PASS]
    (html-page "" title: "title") .................................... [ PASS]
    (html-page "" title: "title" charset: "UTF-8") ................... [ PASS]
    (html-page "" title: "title" headers: (<script> type: "text/jav...  [ PASS]
    (html-page "" title: "title" headers: (<script> type: "text/jav...  [ PASS]
    (html-page "" title: "title" headers: (<script> type: "text/jav...  [ PASS]
    (html-page "" title: "title" headers: (<script> type: "text/jav...  [ PASS]
    ...page .......................................................... [ PASS]
    28 tests completed in 0.016 seconds.
    28 out of 28 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing html-utils strings ---------------------------------------

    -- testing html-utils SXML -----------------------------------------------
    (tabularize '(("a"))) ............................................ [ PASS]
    (tabularize '((1 2 3) (4 5 6))) .................................. [ PASS]
    (tabularize '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) table-id: "test") ................. [ PASS]
    (tabularize '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) table-id: "test" even-row-class:...  [ PASS]
    (tabularize '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) header: '(a b c)) ................. [ PASS]
    (itemize '(1 2)) ................................................. [ PASS]
    (itemize '(1 2) list-id: "foo") .................................. [ PASS]
    (itemize `(1 2 ,(itemize '(3 4)))) ............................... [ PASS]
    (itemize (map (lambda (item) (<button> id: (car item) (cdr item...  [ PASS]
    (html-page '()) .................................................. [ PASS]
    (html-page "foo" title: "title") ................................. [ PASS]
    (html-page '() doctype: "<test-doctype>") ........................ [ PASS]
    (html-page '() title: "title") ................................... [ PASS]
    (html-page '() title: "title" charset: "UTF-8") .................. [ PASS]
    (html-page '() title: "title" headers: (<script> type: "text/ja...  [ PASS]
    (html-page '() title: "title" headers: (<script> type: "text/ja...  [ PASS]
    (html-page '() title: "title" headers: (<script> type: "text/ja...  [ PASS]
    (html-page '() title: "title" headers: (<script> type: "text/ja...  [ PASS]
    ...page .......................................................... [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '(1 2 3)) ...................................... [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '((1 . 1) (2 . 2) (3 . 3))) .................... [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '(#(1 1) #(2 2) #(3 3))) ....................... [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '(#(1 1) #(2 2) #(3 3)) default: "1") .......... [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '(#(1 1) #(2 2) #(3 3)) first-empty: #t) ....... [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '(#(1 1) #(2 2) #(3 3)) first-empty: #t defau...  [ PASS]
    (combo-box "test" '(#(1 1) #(2 2) #(3 3)) first-empty: #t defau...  [ PASS]
    (hidden-input "test") ............................................ [ PASS]
    (hidden-input "test" 0) .......................................... [ PASS]
    (hidden-input '((test . 0) (test2 . 1))) ......................... [ PASS]
    29 tests completed in 0.02 seconds.
    29 out of 29 (100%) tests passed.
    -- done testing html-utils SXML ------------------------------------------

2 subgroups completed in 0.037 seconds.
2 out of 2 (100%) subgroups passed.
-- done testing html-utils ---------------------------------------------------