Test output for glpk [ok]
Testing time: 0s
/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null Scaling... A: min|aij| = 1.000e+00 max|aij| = 1.000e+01 ratio = 1.000e+01 Problem data seem to be well scaled EQ: min|aij| = 3.333e-01 max|aij| = 1.000e+00 ratio = 3.000e+00 GLPK Simplex Optimizer, v4.45 3 rows, 3 columns, 9 non-zeros Preprocessing... 3 rows, 3 columns, 9 non-zeros Scaling... A: min|aij| = 1.000e+00 max|aij| = 1.000e+01 ratio = 1.000e+01 Problem data seem to be well scaled Constructing initial basis... Size of triangular part = 3 * 0: obj = 0.000000000e+00 infeas = 0.000e+00 (0) * 2: obj = 7.333333333e+02 infeas = 0.000e+00 (0) OPTIMAL SOLUTION FOUND