Test output for digraph [ok]
Testing time: 0s
/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null ((14 killerapp) (13 libzigzag_a) (12 zag_o) (11 zag_cpp) (10 zig_o) (9 zig_cpp) (8 libfoobar_a) (7 bar_o) (6 bar_cpp) (5 foo_o) (4 foo_cpp) (3 zow_h) (2 boz_h) (1 yow_h) (0 dax_h)) -- testing digraph test ------------------------------------------------------ add nodes to the graph ............................................... [ PASS] add edges to the graph ............................................... [ PASS] roots ................................................................ [ PASS] terminals ............................................................ [ PASS] remove node 0 ........................................................ [ PASS] make sure node 0 edges got removed ................................... [ PASS] remove node 2 ........................................................ [ PASS] make sure node 2 edges got removed ................................... [ PASS] 8 tests completed in 0.001 seconds. 8 out of 8 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing digraph test -------------------------------------------------