Test output for dict [ok]
Testing time: 0s
/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null -- testing dict-unit --------------------------------------------------------- -- testing status -------------------------------------------------------- can decide if an object is a status-response ..................... [ PASS] a status-response is a pair ...................................... [ PASS] the car of a status-response must be a number .................... [ PASS] the cdr of a status-response must be a string .................... [ PASS] status-code extracts the status-code ............................. [ PASS] status-message extracts the message .............................. [ PASS] it can be asked if a status response represents an error ......... [ PASS] status->string retrieves the textual representation of a status-code [ PASS] define-status expands correctly .................................. [ PASS] 9 tests completed in 0.003 seconds. 9 out of 9 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing status --------------------------------------------------- -- testing commands ------------------------------------------------------ match success .................................................... [ PASS] match failure .................................................... [ PASS] define success ................................................... [ PASS] define failure ................................................... [ PASS] databases success ................................................ [ PASS] databases failure ................................................ [ PASS] strategies success ............................................... [ PASS] strategies failure ............................................... [ PASS] server-info success .............................................. [ PASS] server-info failure .............................................. [ PASS] db-info success .................................................. [ PASS] db-info failure .................................................. [ PASS] help success ..................................................... [ PASS] help failure ..................................................... [ PASS] status success ................................................... [ PASS] status failure ................................................... [ PASS] authenticate success ............................................. [ PASS] authenticate failure ............................................. [ PASS] 18 tests completed in 0.017 seconds. 18 out of 18 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing commands ------------------------------------------------- 2 subgroups completed in 0.02 seconds. 2 out of 2 (100%) subgroups passed. -- done testing dict-unit ----------------------------------------------------