Test output for csv-xml [ok]

Testing time: 3s

/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null

;;; BEGIN "csv" TESTS

;; DEFINE: define an ascii CR char
(define cr (string (integer->char 13)))

;; DEFINE: define an ascii LF char
(define lf (string (integer->char 10)))

;; 1. simple
(csv->list (string-append "a" lf "b" lf "c" lf "d" lf ""))
;; ==> (("a") ("b") ("c") ("d"))
;; Passed.

;; 2. simple
(csv->list (string-append "  a  " lf "  b  " lf "  c  " lf "  d  " lf ""))
;; ==> (("  a  ") ("  b  ") ("  c  ") ("  d  "))
;; Passed.

;; 3. simple
(csv->list (string-append "aaa,bbb,ccc" cr lf "1,2,3" cr lf))
;; ==> (("aaa" "bbb" "ccc") ("1" "2" "3"))
;; Passed.

;; 4. quoted field
(csv->list "aaa,\"bbb\",ccc")
;; ==> (("aaa" "bbb" "ccc"))
;; Passed.

;; 5. quoted field with comma
(csv->list "aaa,\"bbb,bbb\",ccc")
;; ==> (("aaa" "bbb,bbb" "ccc"))
;; Passed.

;; 6. quoted field followed by whitespace
(csv->list "aaa,\"bbb\"   ,ccc")
;; ==> (("aaa" "bbb" "ccc"))
;; Passed.

;; 7. quoted field with newline in it
(csv->list (string-append "aaa,\"b" lf "b\",ccc" lf "ddd,eee,fff" lf))
;; ==> (("aaa" "b\nb" "ccc") ("ddd" "eee" "fff"))
;; Passed.

;; 8. quoted field with doubling escape in middle
(csv->list "aaa,\"b\"\"b\",ccc")
;; ==> (("aaa" "b\"b" "ccc"))
;; Passed.

;; 9. quoted field with doubling escape at beginning
(csv->list "aaa,\"\"\"bbb\",ccc")
;; ==> (("aaa" "\"bbb" "ccc"))
;; Passed.

;; 10. quoted field with doubling escape at end
(csv->list "aaa,\"bbb\"\"\",ccc")
;; ==> (("aaa" "bbb\"" "ccc"))
;; Passed.

;; 11. quoted field with unterminated quote
(csv->list "aaa,\"bbb,ccc")
;; ==> (("aaa" "bbb,ccc"))
;; Passed.

;; 12. quoted field followed by eof
(csv->list "aaa,\"bbb\"")
;; ==> (("aaa" "bbb"))
;; Passed.

;; DEFINE: define a reader-maker that strips whitespace
(define make-ws-stripping-reader (make-csv-reader-maker (quote ((strip-leading-whitespace? . #t) (strip-trailing-whitespace? . #t)))))

;; 13. whitespace strip on simple row terminated by eof
(csv->list (make-ws-stripping-reader "  a  ,  b  ,  c  "))
;; ==> (("a" "b" "c"))
;; Passed.

;; DEFINE: define a newline-adapting reader-maker
(define make-nl-adapt-reader (make-csv-reader-maker (quote ((newline-type . adapt)))))

;; 14. try newline-adapting reader-maker first time
(csv->list (make-nl-adapt-reader (string-append "aaa,bbb" lf "ccc" cr ",ddd" cr lf "eee,fff")))
;; ==> (("aaa" "bbb") ("ccc\r" "ddd\r") ("eee" "fff"))
;; Passed.

;; 15. try newline-adapting reader-maker second time
(csv->list (make-nl-adapt-reader (string-append "aaa,bbb" cr lf "ccc" cr ",ddd" lf cr lf "eee,fff" cr lf)))
;; ==> (("aaa" "bbb") ("ccc\r" "ddd\n") ("eee" "fff"))
;; Passed.

;; DEFINE: define an input string with pound char
(define str (string-append "a,b,c" lf "#d,e,f" lf "g,h,i" lf))

;; DEFINE: define reader-maker with pound as comment char
(define make-reader-with-pound-quote (make-csv-reader-maker (quote ((comment-chars #\#)))))

;; 16. read str without pound as comment char
(csv->list str)
;; ==> (("a" "b" "c") ("#d" "e" "f") ("g" "h" "i"))
;; Passed.

;; 17. read str with pound as comment char
(csv->list (make-reader-with-pound-quote str))
;; ==> (("a" "b" "c") ("g" "h" "i"))
;; Passed.

;; 18. csv->sxml without row and column names
(csv->sxml (string-append "aaa,bbb,ccc" cr lf "1,2,3" cr lf))
;; ==> (*TOP* (row (col-0 "aaa") (col-1 "bbb") (col-2 "ccc")) (row (col-0 "1") (col-1 "2") (col-2 "3")))
;; Passed.

;; 19. csv->sxml with row and column names
(csv->sxml (string-append "aaa,bbb,ccc" cr lf "1,2,3" cr lf) (quote foo) (quote (first second third)))
;; ==> (*TOP* (foo (first "aaa") (second "bbb") (third "ccc")) (foo (first "1") (second "2") (third "3")))
;; Passed.

;;;     (Total: 19  Passed: 19  Failed: 0)