Test output for comparse [ok]
Testing time: 0s
/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null -- testing satisfies --------------------------------------------------------- (parse (satisfies odd?) '(3)) ........................................ [ PASS] (parse (satisfies odd?) '(2)) ........................................ [ PASS] (parse (satisfies memq '(#\a #\b #\c)) "bcd") ........................ [ PASS] 3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing satisfies ---------------------------------------------------- -- testing is ---------------------------------------------------------------- (parse (is #\x) "xyz") ............................................... [ PASS] (parse (is #\x) "ho") ................................................ [ PASS] 2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing is ----------------------------------------------------------- -- testing in ---------------------------------------------------------------- (parse (in (char-set #\a #\b #\c)) "c") .............................. [ PASS] (parse (in '(1 2 3)) '(2)) ........................................... [ PASS] (parse (in #\a #\b #\c) "bcd") ....................................... [ PASS] (parse (in '()) "hey") ............................................... [ PASS] 4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing in ----------------------------------------------------------- -- testing tests one-or-more / zero-or-more ---------------------------------- (parse (as-string (one-or-more (is #\o))) "ooooom") .................. [ PASS] (parse (as-string (one-or-more (is #\o))) "m") ....................... [ PASS] (parse (as-string (zero-or-more (is #\o))) "oommm") .................. [ PASS] (parse (as-string (zero-or-more (is #\o))) "m") ...................... [ PASS] 4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing tests one-or-more / zero-or-more ----------------------------- -- testing char-seq ---------------------------------------------------------- (parse (char-seq "") "hey") .......................................... [ PASS] (parse (char-seq "hey") "heyyy") ..................................... [ PASS] (parse (char-seq "hey") "he") ........................................ [ PASS] 3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing char-seq ----------------------------------------------------- -- testing followed-by ------------------------------------------------------- (parse lol "lol") .................................................... [ PASS] (parse lol "lxl") .................................................... [ PASS] 2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing followed-by -------------------------------------------------- -- testing preceded-by ------------------------------------------------------- (parse (preceded-by (is 1) (is 2) (is 3)) '(1 2 3)) .................. [ PASS] 1 test completed in 0.0 seconds. 1 out of 1 (100%) test passed. -- done testing preceded-by -------------------------------------------------- -- testing sequence ---------------------------------------------------------- (parse (as-string (sequence (is #\a) (is #\b))) "abc") ............... [ PASS] (parse (as-string (sequence (list (is #\a) (is #\b)))) "abc") ........ [ PASS] 2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing sequence ----------------------------------------------------- -- testing maybe ------------------------------------------------------------- (parse (as-string foo) "foo") ........................................ [ PASS] (parse (as-string foo) "xfoo") ....................................... [ PASS] 2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing maybe -------------------------------------------------------- -- testing repeated ---------------------------------------------------------- (parse (as-string (repeated (char-seq "ho"))) "hohoho") .............. [ PASS] (parse (as-string (repeated (sequence (char-seq "ho") (zero-or-... ... [ PASS] (parse (as-string (repeated item until: (is #\.))) "foo.") ........... [ PASS] (parse (as-string ok) "okok") ........................................ [ PASS] (parse (as-string ok) "ooko") ........................................ [ PASS] (parse (as-string ok) "ookay") ....................................... [ PASS] (parse (as-string ok) "ooookay") ..................................... [ PASS] 7 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 7 out of 7 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing repeated ----------------------------------------------------- -- testing all-of ------------------------------------------------------------ (parse (all-of (none-of (is #\a)) (is #\b)) "b") ..................... [ PASS] (parse (all-of (none-of (is #\a)) (is #\b)) "a") ..................... [ PASS] 2 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing all-of ------------------------------------------------------- -- testing enclosed-by ------------------------------------------------------- (parse parenthesized "(x)") .......................................... [ PASS] (parse parenthesized "(x/") .......................................... [ PASS] (parse parenthesized "()") ........................................... [ PASS] 3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing enclosed-by -------------------------------------------------- -- testing none-of ----------------------------------------------------------- (parse not-xy "a") ................................................... [ PASS] (parse not-xy "x") ................................................... [ PASS] (parse not-xy "y") ................................................... [ PASS] 3 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing none-of ------------------------------------------------------ -- testing none-of* ---------------------------------------------------------- (parse not-xy "a") ................................................... [ PASS] (parse not-xy "x") ................................................... [ PASS] (parse not-xy "y") ................................................... [ PASS] 3 tests completed in 0.001 seconds. 3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing none-of* ----------------------------------------------------- -- testing misc -------------------------------------------------------------- (parse (as-string (repeated (in #\a #\b))) "aabac") .................. [ PASS] (parse (as-string (repeated (is #\space) max: 3)) " ") .......... [ PASS] (parse (as-string (repeated (is #\f))) "x") .......................... [ PASS] (parse (as-string (repeated (is #\a) min: 1)) "b") ................... [ PASS] (parse (preceded-by (none-of (is #\b) (is #\c)) item) "a") ........... [ PASS] (parse (as-string (zero-or-more (any-of (in char-set:digit) (is... ... [ PASS] (parse (none-of (is #\b) (is #\a)) "a") .............................. [ PASS] (parse (as-string (sequence* ((a (is #\a)) (b (is #\b))) (resul... ... [ PASS] 8 tests completed in 0.001 seconds. 8 out of 8 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing misc --------------------------------------------------------- -- testing quoted string ----------------------------------------------------- (not (parse (quoted-string) "this ain't a string")) .................. [ PASS] (parse (quoted-string) "\"nice\"") ................................... [ PASS] result ............................................................... [ PASS] result ............................................................... [ PASS] (not result) ......................................................... [ PASS] (list->string (lazy-seq->list rest)) ................................. [ PASS] (parse singly-quoted-bang-string "'this !'is!' a string'") ........... [ PASS] (parse singly-quoted-bang-string "'ok\\'") ........................... [ PASS] (not (parse singly-quoted-bang-string "\"check\"")) .................. [ PASS] 9 tests completed in 0.001 seconds. 9 out of 9 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing quoted string ------------------------------------------------