Test output for clojurian [ok]
Testing time: 0s
/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null -- testing ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- testing clojurian-syntax ---------------------------------------------- (doto (make-vector 2) (vector-set! 0 1) (vector-set! 1 2)) ....... [ PASS] (doto 'foo) ...................................................... [ PASS] 2 tests completed in 0.001 seconds. 2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing clojurian-syntax ----------------------------------------- -- testing thrush -------------------------------------------------------- (-> 99 (/ 11) (/ 9)) ............................................. [ PASS] (->* (values 1 2) (list 3) (append '(4))) ........................ [ PASS] (-> 10 (- 3)) .................................................... [ PASS] (->> 10 (- 3)) ................................................... [ PASS] (->> 1 (+ 2) (* 3)) .............................................. [ PASS] (->> '(1 2 3) (map add1) (fold + 0)) ............................. [ PASS] (->>* (values '(foo bar) '(100 200)) (map cons)) ................. [ PASS] 7 tests completed in 0.001 seconds. 7 out of 7 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing thrush --------------------------------------------------- -- testing if-let & if-let* ---------------------------------------------- (if-let (x 1) (+ x x) 9) ......................................... [ PASS] (if-let (x #f) (+ x x) 9) ........................................ [ PASS] (if-let* ((foo 3) (bar (* foo 2))) (list foo bar) 'wrong) ........ [ PASS] (if-let* ((foo #f) (bar (* foo 2))) (list foo bar) 'wrong) ....... [ PASS] (if-let (x #t) #f 'wrong) ........................................ [ PASS] (if-let* ((x #t)) #f 'wrong) ..................................... [ PASS] 6 tests completed in 0.002 seconds. 6 out of 6 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing if-let & if-let* ----------------------------------------- -- testing atom ---------------------------------------------------------- (not (atom-compare-and-set! a 1 2)) .............................. [ PASS] (atom-value a) ................................................... [ PASS] (atom-value a) ................................................... [ PASS] (atom-value counter) ............................................. [ PASS] (atom-value foo) ................................................. [ PASS] 5 tests completed in 0.103 seconds. 5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing atom ----------------------------------------------------- 4 subgroups completed in 0.134 seconds. 4 out of 4 (100%) subgroups passed. -- done testing -------------------------------------------------------------