Test output for channel [fail]
Testing time: 0s
/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null -- testing ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- testing channel-receive ----------------------------------------------- (channel-receive c results) ...................................... [ PASS] '(1) ............................................................. [ PASS] (not (channel-receive c results)) ................................ [ PASS] '(1 2) ........................................................... [ PASS] '(1 1 2 2) ....................................................... [ PASS] 5 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing channel-receive ------------------------------------------ -- testing channel receivers --------------------------------------------- '(1 2 3 4 5) ..................................................... [ PASS] '(4 4) ........................................................... [ PASS] '(5) ............................................................. [ PASS] '(1 2 3 4 5) ..................................................... [ PASS] '(5 6) ........................................................... [ PASS] 5 tests completed in 0.0 seconds. 5 out of 5 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing channel receivers ---------------------------------------- > (foo) << thread418 receive-1 < thread418 thread418 receive-1 foo >> enqueuing (bar) > (bar) << thread418 receiver-t < thread418 thread418 receiver-t bar << primordial receiver-p << thread418 receive-2 << thread418 receive-2 >> enqueuing (baz qux quux) < thread418 primordial receive-2 baz < thread418 primordial receive-2 baz < primordial primordial receiver-p baz < thread418 primordial receiver-t baz < primordial primordial receiver-p qux < thread418 primordial receiver-t qux < primordial primordial receiver-p quux < thread418 primordial receiver-t quux > () >> enqueuing (frob) < primordial thread418 receiver-p frob < thread418 thread418 receiver-t frob > () -- testing parallel channel receivers ------------------------------------ (queue->list results-receive-1) .................................. [ PASS] (queue->list results-receiver-t) ................................. [ PASS] (queue->list results-receive-2) .................................. [ PASS] (queue->list results-receiver-p) ................................. [ PASS] 4 tests completed in 0.001 seconds. 4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing parallel channel receivers ------------------------------- -- testing closing, emptying and draining channels ----------------------- (not (channel-closed? c)) ........................................ [ PASS] (not (channel-drained? c)) ....................................... [ PASS] (channel-empty? c) ............................................... [ PASS] (channel-enqueue c 1) ............................................ [ PASS] (not (channel-empty? c)) ......................................... [ PASS] (not (channel-closed? c)) ........................................ [ PASS] (not (channel-drained? c)) ....................................... [ PASS] (channel-empty? c) ............................................... [ PASS] (not (channel-closed? c)) ........................................ [ PASS] (not (channel-drained? c)) ....................................... [ PASS] (channel-enqueue c 1) ............................................ [ PASS] (channel-closed? c) .............................................. [ PASS] (not (channel-enqueue c 1)) ...................................... [ PASS] (not (channel-empty? c)) ......................................... [ PASS] (channel-closed? c) .............................................. [ PASS] (channel-empty? c) ............................................... [ PASS] (channel-drained? c) ............................................. [ PASS] 17 tests completed in 0.001 seconds. 17 out of 17 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing closing, emptying and draining channels ------------------ -- testing synchronous channel-receive ----------------------------------- (channel-receive c) .............................................. [ PASS] 'foo ............................................................. [ PASS] -- testing with timeout ---------------------------------------------- (channel-receive c 3) ........................................ [ PASS] (not (channel-receive c 0.2)) ................................ [ PASS] (channel-receive c 0.2 (lambda () 'none)) .................... [ PASS] 3 tests completed in 0.401 seconds. 3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing with timeout ----------------------------------------- 2 tests and 1 subgroup completed in 0.401 seconds. 2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed. 1 out of 1 (100%) subgroup passed. -- done testing synchronous channel-receive ------------------------------ -- testing fork-channel -------------------------------------------------- '(1 2) ........................................................... [ PASS] '(1 2) ........................................................... [ PASS] '(1 2 3) ......................................................... [ PASS] '(1 2 3 4) ....................................................... [ PASS] (not (channel-closed? c2)) ....................................... [ PASS] (channel-closed? c2) ............................................. [ PASS] -- testing gc -------------------------------------------------------- (length (channel-forks c)) ................................... [ PASS] [panic] out of memory - heap full while resizing - execution terminated ...more... <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <eval> <--