Test output for base64 [ok]

Testing time: 1s

/home/mario/local/chicken- -script run.scm < /dev/null

-- testing encoding ----------------------------------------------------------
encode string of length 0 ............................................ [ PASS]
encode string of length 1 ............................................ [ PASS]
encode string of length 2 ............................................ [ PASS]
encode string of length 3 ............................................ [ PASS]
encode string of length 5*3 .......................................... [ PASS]
encode string of length 5*3+1 ........................................ [ PASS]
encode string of length 5*3+2 ........................................ [ PASS]
encode string of length 6*3 .......................................... [ PASS]
encode binary string ................................................. [ PASS]
lorem ipsum .......................................................... [ PASS]
port > 1 buffer length -> port ....................................... [ PASS]
port > 1 buffer length -> string ..................................... [ PASS]
12 tests completed in 0.002 seconds.
12 out of 12 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing encoding -----------------------------------------------------

-- testing encoding linebreaks -----------------------------------------------
encode empty string .................................................. [ PASS]
encode 9 chars ....................................................... [ PASS]
encode 55 chars ...................................................... [ PASS]
encode 56 chars ...................................................... [ PASS]
encode 57 chars ...................................................... [ PASS]
encode 58 chars ...................................................... [ PASS]
encode 57*2 chars .................................................... [ PASS]
encode 57*2+1 chars .................................................. [ PASS]
lorem ipsum .......................................................... [ PASS]
lorem ipsum string -> port ........................................... [ PASS]
lorem ipsum port -> string ........................................... [ PASS]
lorem ipsum port -> port ............................................. [ PASS]
12 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
12 out of 12 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing encoding linebreaks ------------------------------------------

-- testing decoding ----------------------------------------------------------
decode empty string -> empty ......................................... [ PASS]
decode string Y -> empty ............................................. [ PASS]
decode string YW -> a ................................................ [ PASS]
decode string YW= -> a ............................................... [ PASS]
decode string YW== -> a .............................................. [ PASS]
decode string YWJ => ab .............................................. [ PASS]
decode string YWJ= -> ab ............................................. [ PASS]
decode string YWJj -> abc ............................................ [ PASS]
decode string YW%J^jZ -> abc ......................................... [ PASS]
decode skips invalid chars ........................................... [ PASS]
decode binary string ................................................. [ PASS]
decode large string .................................................. [ PASS]
decode large string of invalid chars ................................. [ PASS]
decode lorem ipsum with linebreaks ................................... [ PASS]
14 tests completed in 1.049 seconds.
14 out of 14 (100%) tests passed.
-- done testing decoding -----------------------------------------------------