Test output for mw [ok]

Testing time: 2s

/root/salmonella-run-publish/chicken/bin/csi -script run.scm < /dev/null

;;; BEGIN "mw" TESTS

;; 1. Raw XML response from Wikipedia
(let* ((response (raw-api-call (quote ((action . query) (meta . siteinfo) (format . xml))))) (len (string-length response))) (string-append (substring response 0 33) (substring response (- len 14))))
;; ==> "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><api><query></query></api>"
;; Passed.

;; 2. Raw json response from Wikipedia
(let* ((response (raw-api-call (quote ((action . query) (meta . siteinfo) (format . json))))) (len (string-length response))) (substring response 0 32))
;; ==> "{\"query\":{\"general\":{\"mainpage\":"
;; Passed.

;; 3. pipejoin
(pipejoin (quote (a "b" "c d" 12)))
;; ==> "a|b|c d|12"
;; Passed.

;; 4. sx-call sanity check
(let* ((response (sx-call (quote ((action . query) (meta . siteinfo)))))) (map (sxpath "api/query/general/@wikiid") response))
;; ==> (((wikiid "enwiki")))
;; Passed.

;; 5. check a user's edit count
(let* ((response (user-details "TonyBot")) (s ((sxpath "api/query/allusers/u/@editcount") response))) (signum (- (string->number (cadar s)) 2134)))
;; ==> 1
;; Passed.

;; 6. prop-revisions
(let* ((response (sx-call (prop-revisions "Scheme (programming language)" startid: 321830591 endid: 321830591 section: 6 prop: (quote content)))) (content ((sxpath "//text()") response)) (text (and (pair? content) (car content)))) (substring text 99 114))
;; ==> "lambda calculus"
;; Passed.

;; 7. prop-categories
(let* ((response (sx-call (prop-categories "Abraham Lincoln" categories: "Category: Presidents of the United States"))) (content ((sxpath "//categories/cl/@title") response))) (and (pair? content) (cadar content)))
;; ==> "Category:Presidents of the United States"
;; Passed.

;; 8. Fetch just two revisions
(let* ((response (sx-call-once (prop-revisions "Main Page" limit: 2))) (revids ((sxpath "api/query/pages/page/revisions/rev/@revid") response)) (count (length revids))) count)
;; ==> 2
;; Passed.

;;;     (Total: 8  Passed: 8  Failed: 0)