Installation output for stalin

Installation time: 13m43s

/root/salmonella-run-publish/chicken/bin/chicken-install  -prefix /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo
retrieving ...
checking platform for `stalin' ...
checking dependencies for `stalin' ...
install order:
installing stalin: ...
changing current directory to .
  /root/salmonella-run-publish/chicken/bin/csi -bnq -setup-mode -e "(require-library setup-api)" -e "(import setup-api)" -e "(setup-error-handling)" -e "(extension-name-and-version '(\"stalin\" \"\"))" -e "(destination-prefix \"/root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo\")" -e "(runtime-prefix \"/root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo\")" stalin.setup

compiling stalin - this will take a while ...

  /root/salmonella-run-publish/chicken/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    -O2 -d0 -ib -X macros.scm -K none -disable-interrupts -stack-size 500k -local stalin.scm -o chicken-stalin

Warning: assigned global variable `time' is syntax (QobiScheme.scm:227)

Warning: at toplevel:
  assignment of value of type `(procedure merge (* * * *) *)' to toplevel variable `merge' does not match declared type `(forall (e45231) (procedure merge ((list-of e45231) (list-of e45231) (procedure (e45231 e45231) *)) (list-of e45231)))'

Warning: at toplevel:
  assignment of value of type `(procedure sort (* * *) . *)' to toplevel variable `sort' does not match declared type `(forall (e45233 (s45234 (or (vector-of e45233) (list-of e45233)))) (procedure sort (s45234 (procedure (e45233 e45233) *)) s45234))'

Warning: in toplevel procedure `string-backward-char':
  (QobiScheme.scm:1290) in procedure call to `abort', expected 1 argument, but was given 0 arguments

Warning: in toplevel procedure `string-delete-char':
  (QobiScheme.scm:1294) in procedure call to `abort', expected 1 argument, but was given 0 arguments

Warning: in toplevel procedure `string-forward-char':
  (QobiScheme.scm:1304) in procedure call to `abort', expected 1 argument, but was given 0 arguments

Warning: in toplevel procedure `string-backward-delete-char':
  (QobiScheme.scm:1311) in procedure call to `abort', expected 1 argument, but was given 0 arguments

Warning: in toplevel procedure `string-backward-word':
  (QobiScheme.scm:1332) in procedure call to `abort', expected 1 argument, but was given 0 arguments

Warning: in toplevel procedure `string-kill-word':
  (QobiScheme.scm:1339) in procedure call to `abort', expected 1 argument, but was given 0 arguments

Warning: in toplevel procedure `string-forward-word':
  (QobiScheme.scm:1347) in procedure call to `abort', expected 1 argument, but was given 0 arguments

Warning: in toplevel procedure `string-backward-kill-word':
  (QobiScheme.scm:1354) in procedure call to `abort', expected 1 argument, but was given 0 arguments

Warning: at toplevel:
  assignment of value of type `(procedure directory (string) string)' to toplevel variable `directory' does not match declared type `(procedure directory (#!optional string *) (list-of string))'

Warning: at toplevel:
  assignment of value of type `(procedure compress (string) fixnum)' to toplevel variable `compress' does not match declared type `(forall (a45228) (procedure compress (list (list-of a45228)) (list-of a45228)))'

Warning: redefinition of extended binding: format

Warning: redefinition of extended binding: first

Warning: redefinition of extended binding: second

Warning: redefinition of extended binding: third

Warning: redefinition of extended binding: fourth

Warning: redefinition of extended binding: identity
(don't worry - still compiling...)
  cp -r chicken-stalin /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/bin/chicken-stalin
  chmod a+r /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/bin/chicken-stalin
  chmod a+r /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/stalin.setup-info