Installation output for fps

Installation time: 1m18s

/root/salmonella-run-publish/chicken/bin/chicken-install  -prefix /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo
retrieving ...
checking platform for `fps' ...
checking dependencies for `fps' ...
install order:
installing fps: ...
changing current directory to .
  /root/salmonella-run-publish/chicken/bin/csi -bnq -setup-mode -e "(require-library setup-api)" -e "(import setup-api)" -e "(setup-error-handling)" -e "(extension-name-and-version '(\"fps\" \"\"))" -e "(destination-prefix \"/root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo\")" -e "(runtime-prefix \"/root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo\")" fps.setup
compiling fps - this takes a while...
  /root/salmonella-run-publish/chicken/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    -s -O2 -d1 fps.scm -j fps

Warning: (line 119) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "1/6"

Warning: (line 17) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "1/4"

Warning: (line 18) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "1/2"

Warning: (line 19) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "2/3"

Warning: (line 20) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "5/4"

Warning: (line 21) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "3/2"

Warning: (line 22) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "7/4"

Warning: (line 151) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "1/2"

Warning: (line 152) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "1/3"

Warning: in local unknown procedure,
  in toplevel procedure `fps#parse-hex':
  branches in conditional expression differ in the number of results:

(if (eq? tmp43424346 12)
  (values fps#convert-12 3 0.333333333333333)

Warning: in local unknown procedure,
  in toplevel procedure `fps#output-hex-string':
  branches in conditional expression differ in the number of results:

(if (eq? tmp48104814 12) (values fps#output-12 1) (##core#undefined))
  /root/salmonella-run-publish/chicken/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    -s -O2 -d0 fps.import.scm
  /root/salmonella-run-publish/chicken/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    -c -O2 -d1 fps.scm

Warning: (line 119) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "1/6"

Warning: (line 17) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "1/4"

Warning: (line 18) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "1/2"

Warning: (line 19) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "2/3"

Warning: (line 20) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "5/4"

Warning: (line 21) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "3/2"

Warning: (line 22) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "7/4"

Warning: (line 151) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "1/2"

Warning: (line 152) cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "1/3"

Warning: in local unknown procedure,
  in toplevel procedure `fps#parse-hex':
  branches in conditional expression differ in the number of results:

(if (eq? tmp43424346 12)
  (values fps#convert-12 3 0.333333333333333)

Warning: in local unknown procedure,
  in toplevel procedure `fps#output-hex-string':
  branches in conditional expression differ in the number of results:

(if (eq? tmp48104814 12) (values fps#output-12 1) (##core#undefined))
  cp -r /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/
  chmod a+r /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/
  cp -r /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/
  chmod a+r /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/
  cp -r AFM /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/AFM
  chmod a+r /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/AFM
  cp -r fps-ref.txt /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/fps-ref.txt
  chmod a+r /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/fps-ref.txt
  cp -r fps-tutorial.txt /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/fps-tutorial.txt
  chmod a+r /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/fps-tutorial.txt
  cp -r fps.o /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/fps.o
  chmod a+r /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/fps.o
  chmod a+r /root/salmonella-run-publish/salmonella-repo/repo/lib/chicken/6/fps.setup-info